1.The Semantic and Pragmatic Account of the Chinese word HAO;汉字“”的语义和语用功能分析
2.From the study of these words "Mi Wu","hao" and "shu" of this poem,we can confirm the purport of the poem,thus properly understanding the social life written in the poem.从对诗中的“蘼芜”、“”、“姝”的考释中,可以重新确定本诗的主旨,进而对诗歌所述说的社会生活进行正本清源的理解。

1.Hello.... Hello, Alexandra. How are you? ... Fine.……Alexandra。你吗 ……很
2.OK. Sleep well, my dear.的。宝贝,睡。
3.Good, even application. That's what I like to see.很,刚够用。很
4.Yes. Please take good care of yourself.的。请你保重身体。
5.Morning / Afternoon / Evening!早上/下午/晚上
6.Yummy! Yummy! It tastes delicious.吃,吃!味道极了。
7.If they say you is good, ask yourself if it is true.别人说你,自问
8.East or west, home is best.〔谚语〕东西不如家
9.Keep fit, study hard and work well.身体,学习,工作
10.Hi! great show, eh ?你节目,是吗?
11.Fine, Grandpa. Fine!很 ,爷爷, 很
12.Oh, well, that would be very nice.噢, 吧, 那倒很
13.That will be charming-charming.那极了――极了。
14."Ah, very well, very well," said the major, clutching the buttons of his coat at each exclamation.“啊!极了!极了
15.That's great! I wish you good luck!极了!祝你运!
16.Now, you listen to me good!喂, 你听我说!
17."Let's talk things over, shall we?"“商量商量?”
18.How about it, Mr. Kao?"高先生,?”

1.The Word "good" Used in Lao Qida and Pu Tongshi《老乞大》《朴通事》中的“
2.As early as in Shuo Wen Jie Zi, the character "beautiful" was interpreted as the basic meaning of good (hao).自《说文解字》始 ,便将“美也”作为“”字的本义 ,这实际是根据“”字后起义所作的误释。
3)OK, OK.好好。
4)"Good" or "Not good""好"与"不好"
1.Rsearch Proceeding of the Potential Medicine Value of a Special Resource Plant Called Jojoba;特种资源植物芭潜在药用价值研究进展
2.Study on Climatology and Agrology of Jojoba,A New Desert Oil Crop;沙漠油料作物芭的物候学研究
3.Study on methods for determining the physical state of Jojoba shoots treated by abio-stresses;干旱及冻害胁迫下芭抗旱和耐寒性的测定方法
6)jojoba (Simmondsia chinensis)好好吧

好好 好   ㈠(hǎo,音郝)   ①美好。《灵枢·本脏》:“膺腹好相得者肝端正。”   ②舒适。《千金要方·养性》:“小有不好,即按摩挼捺。”   ㈡(hào,音耗)喜爱。《素问·刺热》:“热病先身重骨痛,耳聋好瞑。”