1.However,the variations in history,nationality,custom and geographic locations cause the regional characteristics of culture and the obstacles in the exchange among different languages,which reflected in the field of translation activity,it is cultural untranslatability.反映在翻译过程中,就产生了文化的不可译现象

1.On Untranslatability from the Perspective of Language and Culture;从语言文化的不同看翻译中的不可译现象
2.Analysis on the Untranslatability Caused by the Linguistic Structure in Translation;英汉对译中语言结构导致的不可译现象分析
3.A Memetic Perspective on Untranslatability;语言模因论视角下的不可译现象研究
4.In Defence of Translatability;为可译一辩——例说“不可译”现象
5.Translatability and Untranslatability between Chinese and English;求同存异:英汉互译中可译性与不可译性现象探析
6.On the Conversion of "Translation Difficulty" into "Translationability" from the Perspective of Culture论文化层面上由“难译”现象向“可译”现象的转换
7.Unfaithfully translated works are everywhere, and even the so-called faithful versions cannot avoid treasonous phenomena( Treason and Translation18).不忠实的译作随处可见,即使在那些所谓的“忠实”译文中,叛逆现象也比比皆是。
8.Perspectives on the Problems of Non-equivalence at Word Level and Relevant Strategies for Translation;论英汉互译中的词汇不对等现象及翻译策略
9.Translatable or Untranslatable;不可译·可译·可译好——例谈“不可译”问题
10.A Descriptive Study of “Unfaithful” Translation in Advertising Translation;广告翻译中“不信”现象的描述性研究
11.an unpredictable phenomenon.一种不可预知的现象。
12.On Fuzziness in Poetry Translation;浅议诗歌翻译中的模糊现象——兼谈诗歌译者的可视性
13.On Literal Translation and Free Translation;论英汉翻译中的“直译”与“意译”现象
14.Investigating Unfaithful Translations via the Appraisal Theory--A Case Study on Perfume Ads Translation;运用评价理论解释“不忠实”的翻译现象——香水广告翻译个案研究
15.On the unequivalence of English-Chinese translation due to the language differences;从中英文的差别看英汉互译中的不等值现象
16.Cultural Differences and Non-equivalence of Vocabulary Translating between English and Chinese;英汉文化差异与词语翻译的不等值现象
17.On Non-equivalence of Color Words in Mutual Translation Between Chinese and English;浅谈颜色词在汉英互译中的不对应现象
18.The Absence of Exact Equivalents and Legal Terminology Translation;试论英汉法律术语的不完全对等现象与翻译

translate the untranslatable译"不可译"
3)surface translation现象翻译
1.The thesis deals with the alienation of surface translation and actual translation.本文提出现象翻译与实在翻译的分离问题。
4)translation phenomena翻译现象
1.An analysis of untranslatability in Chinese and English humor translating;中英文幽默不可译性的原因分析
2.On Translatability and untranslatability of Pun;论双关语的可译性及不可译性
3.On Linguistic and Cultural Untranslatability and Their Translation Strategies and Approaches;论语言文化的不可译性及其转化策略
1.Impossible is Something——a beginner s thoughts on untranslatability;一切皆有可能?——浅探“可译性与不可译性”
2.Translatability and Untranslatability of Classical Chinese Poetry;中国古典诗歌的可译性与不可译性
3.The paper focuses on the collision and points out that untranslatability really exits in poem translation.本文针对这种冲撞现象,指出诗歌翻译中不可译成分的存在。

不可说不可说【不可说不可说】  谓从不可说、不可说为一不可说转,不可说转、不可说转为一不可说不可说也。