
1.Confronting Challenges实行兼收并蓄不怕冲击
2.This book synthesised the strong points of different schools and incorporated things of diverse nature.这部著作综合各家所长, 兼收并蓄
3.On Dialectical Thinking of Translation Studies;兼收并蓄 和而不同——翻译的辩证思考
4.Liang Shuming: An Arduous Polymath without Success in Realization of His Ideal;梁漱溟:一生兼收并蓄,志事终难两偿
5.All Embracing,Least but Best--A Review of The Theory of Modern Distance Teaching;兼收并蓄惟精惟一——《现代远程教学论稿》评介
6.Adopting and Developing --Thoughts on the development of the Designing Education;兼收并蓄 继承发扬——关于设计学教育发展的思索
7.The Religious Policies of the Chieftains Mu in Lijiang and Its Influence;论丽江木氏土司对宗教的兼收并蓄及其影响
8.Incorporation of Diversity,Endeavor in Mutual Encouragement --Intermittent Ideas of the Current Contendment on the Construction of Translatology;兼收并蓄 共生共长——当前译学建设争鸣之断想
9.On the Influence of the Enlightened Cultural Policy of the Tang Dynasty on Painting唐代文化兼收并蓄的开明政策对绘画的影响
10.China needs to assimilate a good deal of foreign progressive culture, but she must not swallow anything and everything uncritically.中国需要大量吸收外国的进步文化, 但决不能无批判地兼收并蓄
11.I wholeheartedly hope that people of Beijing have an even bigger aspiration, to take in everything, and to get along even better with the outsiders.我衷心希望北京人有更博大的胸怀﹐兼收并蓄﹐和外地人相处得更好。
12.Carry on the ancient classics,blaze a new trail and take in various painting styles--The inheritance and development of china’s realistic portrait painting化古求新、兼收并蓄——中国写实人物绘画的延承发展
13.Eclecticism is good, that they keeped the style and avoided the defects.兼收并蓄是好,避免了很多中国传统样式的问题,却依然古色古香。
14.On the Ethnic Community in the Nanzhao-Dali Period and the Assimilative Bai Culture南诏大理时期的民族共同体与兼收并蓄的白族文化
15.Features of Uygur Painter Zuoranm Yasen s Oil Paintings.;扎根本土 兼收并蓄———维吾尔女油画家卓然木·雅森的创作特色
16.An Outline of the Way of Tongji Architecture;兼收并蓄,博采众长;锐意创新,开拓进取——简论同济建筑之路
17.A Combination of Western Techniques and Chinese Features in Wu Yanze s Singing;兼收并蓄出新韵 洋腔土调总相宜——浅析吴雁泽的演唱技法
18.A Style of Borrowing, a Style of Uniqueness --A Discussion on the Characteristics of Distilling and Absorbing of Others Strong Points in Liu Zongyuan s Allegories;博采众长 自成一家——谈柳宗元寓言文兼收并蓄的特点

coexistence of diversity兼容并蓄
1.After drawing lessons from the classical thoughts of traditional aesthetics;we developed a kind of teaching concept of "the coexistence of diversity".借鉴传统美学的经典思想,在我们"兼容并蓄"的教育理念中,"和"有不同课程,各自独立又相互联系的意指,有"兼容多端"的综合性培养方式的呈现。
3)merger and acquisition兼并收购
1.Enterprises M&A (Merger and Acquisition) , means the activity of transactions of property right which enterprises cany on in order to obtain control power of other enterprises under market mechanism function.论文首先概括介绍了企业兼并收购的相关概念、并购的种类划分、企业文化的含义和特点以及并购过程中企业文化的双重特性等基本知识,说明兼并收购过程中企业文化整合的主要内容、必要性、重要性及现实意义。
4)Mergers and Acquisitions兼并收购
1.The field of mergers and acquisitions continues to experience dramatic growth.第一、公司兼并收购,依被并购对象所在行业部门来划分,被分为横向并购、纵 向并购,混合并购。
2.The Mergers and acquisitions or strategic alliances of the firms are not just firm-specific.兼并收购和战略联盟作为企业外部成长战略受到了广泛的关注。
5)Merge and Acquisition兼并收购
1.In this paper, we tested the correlation between prices and merging information publication.本文通过检验上市公司兼并收购消息和股价之间的关系,发现投资者能对上市公司兼并收购消息作出迅速反应,但是这种反应并没有完全反映了公告中包含的所有信息。
