1.A Study of "Yisheng"in Shuo Wen;《说文解字》中的“亦声”研究
2.In the explanation, XuShen introduced YiSheng, afterwards, which has received consistent enrichment and development.在说解过程中,许慎又引入了亦声

1.Textual Research on Xu Kai s Demonstration of Interpreting Xing Sheng Character and Yi Sheng Character in Shuo Wen as Hui YI Character and Interpreting Xing Sheng Character in Shuo Wen as Yi Sheng Character;徐锴论《说文》形声字亦声字为会意字及形声字为亦声字考辨
2.A Study on the Division of Meaning of Original Character of Yi Sheng Zi that Expresses the Meaning of Phonetic Sign;表达声符字本义的亦声字及声符字意义的分化
3."The Bible Code, a Best-selling Book, predicts that World War Three would erupt before the year 2000."喧嚣尘世的《圣经密码》一书亦声称第三次世界大战将在公元2000元来临以前爆发。
4.Normal incidence垂直入射(亦见直射声束)
5.Poe and Edgarpo, word and echo, are in truth indistinguishable.坡和艾德加坡,一如声和回声,实际上亦此亦彼。
6.xquisite Artistry Is Now Yet Another Hard Nut --A Few Brief Remarks on the Tonal Patterns of Huaiju s Remaining Poems;律细而今亦大难——《槐聚诗存》声律摭谈
7.Change: Enabled hourly chime and sound reminders in flip open mode.变更:在开盖模式下亦可整点报时及声音提示。
8.I further declare that I am not an incumbent Member of any District Council.本人亦进一步声明,本人并非现任区议员。
9."Sound card: or audio card, Integrated circuit that generates an audio signal and sends it to a computer's speakers."声卡:亦作audio card,产生音讯并送往计算机扬声器的集成电路。
10.FORTUNATELY, the discovery of silent earthquakes is revealing more good news than bad.值得庆幸的是,无声地震的发现亦未尝不是件好事儿。
11.The jungle animals certainly exploit it to proclai their territorial rights and to summon their mates森林里的动物亦是用声音来 宣示它们的领土和呼唤同伴
12.The people in the enemy-occupied territories are also delighted, and the fame of the guerrillas resounds everywhere.敌占地区内的民众亦十分高兴,到处都传播游击队的声威。
13.The louder the party is,the more happening it is,and the more fun people are having.聚会的声音越大,发生的事情越多,人们得到的乐趣亦多。
14.Everything Philosophically Divides Two:the Positive and the Negative,;水可载舟 亦可覆舟——谈声乐演唱与钢琴伴奏的关系
15.Advertisements about workplace safety were put up on major transport carriers and broadcast on radio and television.此外,各主要交通工具上亦有张贴广告,电台和电视台也播放声带和短片,宣传工作场地的安全。
16.Disclaimer: Webmaster do not guarantee or responsible for the safety or clear vibrations of the following links, nor imply agreeing in the standpoints and views of the following sites.免责声明:板主不保证亦不负责以下连结安全或能量清纯,也一定完全同意其立埸与观点。
17.A noiseless, cordless pocket calculator which may be programmable but which may not have a printout or graphic/ word display facility in any language can be used in the examinations.只有无声、线、有列印功能及没有显示文字或图像的计算机(程式计算机亦可)才可在考试中使用。
18.As a change from reading English books, you can listen to book audio tapes either at home or in your car. They will help your pronunciation and phrasing.除了阅读英文书外,你亦可以在家中或车上聆听「有声书」,这可改善你的发音及措词用字。

Yi Sheng Characters亦声字
1.Research on Yi Sheng Characters in Shuo Wen Jie Zi;《说文解字》亦声字研究
3)skillful use of serious and funny argot亦庄亦谐
1.They are colorful,unique and have the characteristic of skillful use of serious and funny argot and pithy words.它们在多姿多彩、风格各异的同时,具有亦庄亦谐、精粹自然的共同特点,值得专家学者去作更深入的研究与发掘;与此同时,由于众所周知的一些原因,它们也亟需我们大家的抢救和保护。
4)either beauty or ugliness亦美亦丑
5)Both being an official and living in seclusion亦官亦隐
6)both A and B亦此亦彼
1.Emancipation in Mind from "Either A or B" to "Both A and B"——On the Anniversary of the 30 Years of Reform and Opening up从“非此即彼”到“亦此亦彼”的思想解放——纪念改革开放30周年
2.Namely tolerance,and the rational "both A and B" will take the place of the two-pole "either A or B" mode to obtain the dominant position.在以和平与发展为主题的21世纪,人类主导的思维方式势必会发生变化,即宽容、理性的“亦此亦彼”思维将会取代两极对立的“非此即彼”思维而取得主导地位。
