1.The Social Philosophy of"Heaven→Emperor→Officials→People"in the Ming Dynasty;明代“天→君→→民”之社会哲学思想

1.The rank or position of a chancellor.大官职,大身份
2.The office or department of a chancellor.大官署,大部门
3.One who swore allegiance to a lord in the Middle Ages; a vassal.封,家中世纪时宣誓效忠某个主人的人;家
4.the Secretary of State for Home Affairs, Defence, etc内政、 国防等大
5.the Home, Defence, etc Secretary内政、 国防等大.
6.Bound to give such allegiance and services to a lord or monarch.服的民被限制向领主或君主服和服役的
7.the Lord S - of the Household[英]皇室内务大
8.Duke Ting asked how a ruler should employ his ministers and how a minister should serve his ruler. Confucius replied, saying: "The prince employs his ministers with propriety; the ministers serve their prince with good faith."9定公问:「君使,事君,如之何」孔子对曰:「君使以礼,事君以忠。」
9.the Chancellor of the Exchequer(英国的)财政大
10.a minister without portfolio不管部部长[大]
11.The obligations of a vassal to a lord.服义务子对君主应尽的义务
12.The portraits of the founders of the state in Lingyan Attic and their fortune;论凌烟阁功画像与功个人的命运
13.An Analysis of the Reasons of the Retainers Revotion in the Spring and Autumn Times;春秋家屡叛与“陪执国命”成因析论
14.A person holding land by feudal fee;a vassal.封,藩由封建的封地所有权而占有土地的人;
15.On the Change of the Monarch-Officials Ideas during Tang-Song Period;从“君之义”到“君道合”——论唐宋时期君观念的发展
16.Secretary of State for Trade and Industry [United Kingdom]贸易及工业大〔英国〕
17.[England] Prime Minister and First Lord of the Treasury首相兼财政大[英
18.privy seal[英]御玺=LordPrivySeal)掌玺大

monarch / minister君君臣臣
3)upright minister争臣
1.The retainer mainly refered to the private feudatories who were responsible for the household duties of the senior ministers in the Zhou Dynasty.家在周代主要指管理卿大夫家政的私家属。
2.During the political evolution of the PreQin times,it was a spectacle that the retainers betrayed their masters,and even governed the power of the country.先秦社会政治演变过程中,本为周代贵族最低阶层的家在春秋后期屡叛其主,甚至执掌一国之政,构成了先秦政治史上的奇观。
5)cabinet ministers阁臣
1.The relation between supervisors and cabinet ministers came through the process from harmonious to exasperate in the Ming Dynasty.明代言官与阁的关系经历了一个由和谐到恶化的过程。
2.The endless fight between the supervisors and Yan Song in Jia-jing s time is a turning point of the relationship between supervisors and Cabinet ministers i.嘉靖时言官与严嵩的颃颉抗争是明代言官与阁关系的转折点,此后言官蜕变加剧,与阁閧斗不已,对明亡产生了恶劣影响。
6)founders of the state功臣
1.The portraits of the founders of the state in Lingyan Attic and their fortune;论凌烟阁功画像与功个人的命运

“忠武公李舜臣”级驱逐舰主尺寸:舰长150米、舰宽17米、吃水4.3米排水量:5000吨(满载)动 力:codog方式 2台lm2500燃气轮机+2台柴油机 65000马力航 速:30节续航力:7000海里舰 员:185名武器装备:一座32单元sm-2和essm导弹垂直发射装置(mk41型);一座21单元“拉姆”导弹发射装置;二座四联装“鱼叉”反舰导弹发射装置;一座单管127毫米mk45 mod4主炮;一座7管30毫米“守门员”密集阵近防系统;二座20毫米防空炮;二座三联324毫米mk32鱼雷发射管;搭载1-2架英国“山猫”反潜直升机(有机库);预留了巡航导弹装置的空间电子设备:1部an/sps-49(v)5 c/d波段对空搜索雷达;1部sps-95k导航雷达;1部mw 08 g波段水面搜索雷达;2部stir240武器控制雷达;dsqs-23bz舰壳声纳;apec ⅱ电子战系统;slq-25“女水精”鱼雷诱饵“忠武公李舜臣”级驱逐舰(kdx-ii)是韩国第二阶段开发研制的新型驱逐舰。由大宇重工玉浦船厂建造,2002年5月22日首舰下水,估计2003年11月服役。首舰舷号975。