1.The Comparison Study of Phonetics on YunJing and QieYunZhiZhangTu;《韵镜》与《切韵指掌图》语音比较研究
2.The Summarization of QieYunZhiZhangTu《切韵指掌图》研究综述

1.The Comparison Study of Phonetics on YunJing and QieYunZhiZhangTu;《韵镜》与《切韵指掌图》语音比较研究
2.Atlas of the Past Dynasties《历代地理指掌图》
3.The Comparison of Two Sound Systems in Wu Yin Ji Yun and Qie Yun Zhi Nan;《五音集韵》与《切韵指南》音系之比较研究
4.You're right on top of this thing.这一切你都了如指掌。
5.to make sure that he had all the data at his fingertips;让他必须对一切资料了如指掌;
6.On the Dispute of the Author of Chronological Geographical Zhi Zhang Tu;《历代地理指掌图》作者之争及我见
7.Textual research to the syllables which were cut from <Guang-yun>By Chen Li <Qie-yun-kao>;陈澧《切韵考》所删《广韵》小韵考
8.On the Disparment and Combinableness of The Ge in the Series Books of Qieyun --The Comparison of the Fanqie about The Ge;《切韵》系韵书歌戈韵分合性质研究——歌戈韵在韵书中的反切比较
9.The Survey of Some Different Fanqie(反切) from the Series of Qieyun(切韵);《切韵》系韵书中四种异常音切之考察
10.(of words or lines of verse)form a rhyme(指词或诗句)押韵
11.(of verse)have a proper metrical pattern(指诗句)符合韵律
12.The Comparison about the Phonetic System between the Ge Rhymes and the Phonology of the Sino-Sanskrit and the Sino-Tibetan in the Serial Books of the Qieyun;《切韵》系韵书中歌戈韵与梵汉、汉藏对音比较
13.Study of Amendments to Qie Yun Existtent;王仁昫《刊谬补缺切韵》韵目小注研究
14.Lü Kun s Phonetic Thoughts and Feature of Fanqie in Jiao Tai Yun;吕坤的韵学思想与《交泰韵》的反切特征
15.The Principle of Same Niu about the Choice of Yunmu of Qieyun;论《切韵》韵目用字的“同纽原则”
16.The Division Ⅱ Medial and the Amount of Vowels in Middle Chinese;中古二等韵介音和《切韵》元音数量
17.The Principle of Rhyme Classification in Q ieyun(切韵) and Phonemicized Reconstruction;《切韵》元音分韵的假设和音位化构拟
18.Comparison of the Vowels in Wangsan and Guangyun《王三》《广韵》小韵切语异同比较

Qie Yun Zhi Nan《切韵指南》
1.The Comparison of Two Sound Systems in Wu Yin Ji Yun and Qie Yun Zhi Nan;《五音集韵》与《切韵指南》音系之比较研究
3)Qieyun Diagram切韵图
1.The Qieyun Diagram in Chinese Historical Phonology and the Minimal Pair in West Phonology;中国音韵学的切韵图与西洋音系学(Phonology)的“最小析异对”(minimal pair)
4)A Standard Phonological Table切韵正音经纬图
1.An Analysis of the Phonological Changes in A Standard Phonological Table;《切韵正音经纬图》语音演变分析
5)Chronological Geographical Zhi Zhang Tu历代地理指掌图
1.On the Dispute of the Author of Chronological Geographical Zhi Zhang Tu;《历代地理指掌图》作者之争及我见
1.An Analysis on the Diversities of Rhyming Categories of Qieyun——A Case Study of Zhi She(止摄);《切韵》韵类考辨异同分析——对“止”摄分合的个案研究
2.Recomment on the Pronunciation for Reading & the Nature of Its System Reflected from Qieyun再论《切韵》所反映的读书音及其音系性质
3.Related to this is that the different understanding of chongyun phenomenon often leads to different perceptions to Qieyun(《切韵》) phonology.与此相关的是,对重韵现象的不同认识往往会导致对《切韵》音系看法的不同。

《切韵指掌图》  宋代的一部等韵书。 旧题司马光 (1019~1086)作,并载光自序一篇。《四库全书总目提要》认为"第光传家集中,下至《投壶新格》之类,无不具载,惟不载此书",反映人们怀疑它是伪作。20世纪30年代,发现一个南宋刻本,大家开始肯定它是宋代作品。后附明代邵光祖(?~1385?)检例一卷。    全书共分20图,自创次序,例如第1图收[ɑu]、[iɑu] 字和它们的入声。第2图收[u嬜]、[iu嬜]字和入声。完全打乱了《韵镜》、《七音略》遵守《广韵》韵目次序的陈规。这是第1个特点。《韵镜》、《七音略》入声(收-k、-t、-p)韵配阳声(收-嬜、-n、-m)韵,此书则用入声韵兼配阳、阴声(收元音)韵。例如"穀、哭"既在第2图配"公、空",又在第3图配"孤、枯"。据戴震《答段若膺论韵》说,"上年于永乐大典内得宋淳熙初杨倓韵谱......于旧有入者不改,旧无入者悉以入隶之"云云,这一点虽不是独创,也足以反映宋人音系大大化简。这是第2个特点。为现代人用,本书比《韵镜》更方便。          南宋时的读书人用《指掌图》查出唐以前反切的准确读音,后来的音韵学者通过《指掌图》研究当时的语音系统。该书使用方法很简单。如要想知道"其九切"是什么音,先查上字"其",在第18图牙音平声栏中查到"其","其"在"群"下,属群纽。然后再查下字"久","久"在第4图牙音上声栏里,然后沿着"久"向左(或向右)查,查到"群" 纽所对的字,图里是"舅"字。这样就知道"其久切"的读音与"舅"的读音相同。    见等韵。