1.Tanglan is one of the earliest scientists who study the ancient Chinese character from the angle of its establishment.唐兰(1901-1979)是较早从建立古文字学角度来研究古文字的古文字学家,是现代科学古文字学的奠基人。

1.Wang Guowei s GUSHI XINZHENG and Tang Lan s Preface to it;关于王国维的《古史新证》和唐兰先生的《序》
2.MacDONALD-BLANCO, Ramiro拉米罗·麦克唐纳-布兰科
3.Islamism in Guangzhou at the time of Tang and Song唐、两宋时期伊斯兰教在广州史考
4.Jiang is planning a trip to Chinatown with Lance.蒋和兰斯计划去唐人街观光。
5.Islamism came to China in early mid-Tang from Arabian Peninsula.唐朝中前期,伊斯兰教传入中国。
6.On Donnellan s "Reference and Definite Description";解析唐奈兰的《指称与限定摹状词》
7.The Silk-Road and Islam Spread to The Northwest In Tang Dynasty;“丝绸之路”与唐代伊斯兰教传入西北
8.A Study of "The Song of Mulan":Oppugn to "The Song of Mulan" Signed by Wei Yuanfu,Which One Has Been Incorporated in Quan Tangshi北朝本色乐府诗《木兰歌》发覆——兼质疑《全唐诗》误收署名韦元甫《木兰歌》
9.Donald Duck comics were banned in Finland because he doesn't wear any pants.唐老鸭在芬兰是被禁止的,因为他什么也没穿。
10.Islamism of Tang and Song Dynasty and its relation to Northwest Economic Exploitation唐宋时期的伊斯兰教及其与西北经济开发
11.Effective Components of Extracts from Dracocephalum Tanguticum Maxim and Their Anti-bacterial, Anti-virus Activity;唐古特青兰抗菌、抗病毒活性以及有效部位研究
12.The Islamic Civilization in the View of New-Confucianism -From Tang Junyi to Du Weimin;新儒家视界下的伊斯兰文明——从唐君毅到杜维明
13.The Spread and Development of Islam in China during Tang and Song Dynasties论唐宋时期伊斯兰教在中国的传播与发展
14.The Buddhist Cultral Exchange Between Sri Lanka and China from the Jin Dynasty to the Tang Dynasty晋代至唐代中国与斯里兰卡的佛教文化交流
15.Colonel Brandon's delicate unobtrusive inquiries were never unwelcome to Miss Dashwood.布兰登上校的亲切而不唐突的问询一直受到达什伍德小姐的欢迎。
16.It is said that Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty (618-907) treasured the work and had it buried in his tomb.传说唐太宗李世民对《兰亭序》十分珍爱,死时将其殉葬。
17.I have no present intention of publishing your correspondence with Mr. Brandon.我现在并没有意思要发表你同布兰唐夫人的通信。
18.Also starring in the dramedy are Donald Sutherland, William Baldwin, and Natalie Zea.这部剧的演员还包括唐纳德·萨瑟兰,威廉·鲍德温和娜塔莉·基。

Tɑng Lɑn唐兰(1901~1979)
3)Tang Lan唐兰(1902~1979)
5)KALILANGWE, Donald Y.J.唐纳德·卡利兰韦
6)A Treatise on Tang Lan's Study of Bronze Inscriptions唐兰的金文研究
