2)transition between different surfaces壁面跨越
3)large span section大跨断面
4)centre spread跨页版面

1.A magazine center spread, especially a foldout of an oversize photograph or feature.杂志中页的折页杂志中的中心页跨页版面,尤指特大型照片或特写折叠插页
2.Double spread: Print going across two facing pages as a single unit.Also called Double-page spread;Double truck.跨页:横跨两相对版面的单一图像。
3.Page proof: A proof of type after assembly into page form.书页稿样:拼版后,书页版面的稿样。
4.The type set for printing one side of a leaf.一页版面为在一面印刷的版面设置
5.page proof单页校样,版面校样
6.Each output page has a element defining the output.每个输出的页面都涉及到定义页面排版的页面模版。
7.Pages to view: The number of pages on a printing plate, and therefore on one side of a printed sheet.版上页数:在印版上的页数,即是印刷纸张一面上的页数。
8.title verso扉页反面(印出版商名称、出版商地址、印刷记录、国际书号等),版权页
9.In printing, making up in pages ornumbering pages.在印刷技术中,按页面拼版或给页面编号的过程。
10.The publication page size has changed. Page order options are not available for this page size.出版物页面大小已更改。页面顺序选项不适用于此页面尺寸。
11.Page: One side of a sheet or leaf of book, periodical, etc.A sheet or leaf consists of two pages.页(版):一张纸(或书本、杂志内的一张纸)的一面。一张纸有两面页(版)。
12.page % - Too many different fonts on page; unable to print page.第%页-版面有太多不同的字体;无法打印这一页。
13.This master page is applied to one or more of your publication pages. Are you sure you want to continue?此母版页应用于一个或多个出版物页面。是否确实要继续?
14.This article is long enough to fill in two pages.这篇文章长得足够排满两页版面。
15.Leaf: Single sheet, comprising two pages.一页:包含底面两版的一张纸。
16.Announce reference books and modification of lecture slides page.公告参考书目与投影片页面改版。
17.a note placed below the text on a printed page.位于出版物每一页正文下面的注释。
18.The designed comparison in newspaper domain and the homepage of the news website;报纸版面与新闻网站首页设计之比较

transition between different surfaces壁面跨越
3)large span section大跨断面
4)centre spread跨页版面
5)floor span桥面跨径
6)long-span roof大跨度屋面
1.Interpolation method for the calculation of wind pressure distributions on long-span roofs;大跨度屋面风压分布的插值计算方法
2.Due to the airflow separation and re-attachment,wind pressure distribution on long-span roofs is complicated.风流经大跨度屋面结构时会产生复杂的气流分离及再附着 ,因而大跨度屋盖表面的风压分布较为复杂 ,从迎风前缘区域到尾部的风压变化梯度很大 ,这使得仅仅采用一个体型系数很难反映屋面的风荷载 。
