1.A peak holding circuit for fast narrow pulse;一种适用于高窄脉冲的峰值保持电路

1.Supersonic or ultrasonic meter超音(波)测
2.The acceleration is positive if the speed is increased, negative if speed is decreased.度增加的加度为正加度,度减少的加度为负加度。
3.footward acceleration足向加度足向加
4.The process of being accelerated.被加被加的过程
5.velocity modulated electron beam调电子束,调电子注
7.rapid travelling speed of table工作台快移动
8.continuous access high speed camera连续选摄影机
9.base speed of an adjustable-speed motor调电动机额定转
10.To increase the speed of.加,促进加快…的
11.Angle tracking velocity and acceleration跟踪角度和角加
12.medium speed geared diesel engine齿轮减式中柴油机
13.ice free stall airspeed无结冰现象时失
14.double-mode cyclotro双重加法回旋加
15.high speed detector快探测器高检测器
16.Rate Bridge(tachometer Bridge)率电桥(测电桥)
17.crash-astern maneuver全前进转为全后退
18.final driving transmission带主减器的变

quick-freezing speed速冻速度
3)idle speed怠速转速
1.By taking account of nonlinearity,time variation and unsteadiness of idle process in engines,this paper studies the application of fuzzy control theory for idle speed control.设计了一种汽油机怠模糊比例积分微分(PID)控制系统,并利用矩阵实验室(MATLAB)所提供的Simulink仿真工具进行了仿真。
2.In order to improve the steady and dynamic characteristic of the idle speed control and study the performance of the fuzzy control method for the idle speed control, a fuzzy control system is developed to control the idle speed of gasoline engine.为了提高怠控制的稳态和动态特性 ,研究模糊控制方法在怠控制中的性能 ,设计了一种汽油机怠模糊控制系统 。
4)Idling speed怠速转速
1.A Simulation of Fuzzy Control Idling Speed Stability Controlling for Gasoline Engines;设计了一种汽油机怠模糊控制系统 ,并利用MATLAB所提供的Simulink仿真工具确定了控制系统的参数。
5)over speed of rotation转速超速
6)measuring and adjusting speed测速调速

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