1.Research contents and methods of Shanxi traditional temples construction;山西观祠庙传统建筑研究的内容与方法

1.Drepung Monastry哲蚌(拉萨三大之一)
2.Ganden Monastry甘丹(拉萨三大之一)
3.Evolution of the meaning of the word"寺(si)"from"官寺(Official Bureau)"to"佛寺(Buddhist Temple)";试论“”自“官”义到“佛”义的演化
4.One day, a monk was just worried about the shortage of meat in the temple.玄奘住的这座院附近有一座小乘
5.That's Paochueh Temple, the most famous one in Taichung.那是宝觉,在台中是一座有名的庙。
6.I need transportation from Temple of Enlightenment( TOE) to Chuang Yen Monastery( CYM).我需要?大迂到擎?的交通工具。
7.The Longshan Buddhist Temple is one of the oldest temples in Taipei.龙山是台北历史最悠久的古之一。
8.The First Footprint of Bodhidharma in China华林——达摩祖师来华第一禅
9.Diamond Throne in the Zhenjue Temple(Pagodas of the Five-pagoda Temple)真觉金刚宝座(五塔塔)
10.So Master Sugehara named his temple "The Date Monastery".长老遂把自己住持的院更名为枣
11.After the completion of the Great Brightness Temple, Prince Wencheng set about building the Little Brightness Temple.大昭建成后,文成公主又建了小昭
12.This is part of the old Beytulla Mosque.韩佳:这是拜都拉清真的一部分。
13.Evolution of the Longxing Temple龙兴沿革——青州城与龙兴之二
14."Xiangji Temple" Wang Wei Visited Should be "Fengxue Temple in Ruzhou";王维所访“香积”为“汝州风穴”考辨
15.Textual Research of Li Bai s Poems and Distinguishing Poem on Going Upstairs from Poem on the Peak Temple and Night Lodging in the Mountain Temple;李白《上楼诗》与《题峰顶》、《夜宿山》考辨
16.Apart form three major monasteries, there are over twenty Buddhist temples and convents.目前开放游览的除普济、法雨、慧济三大院外,尚有20余所主要的院庵堂。
17.The Expression & Comparison for Regional Charactors of Mosque Architecture:Analysis of Mosques in Xinjiang & Other Provinces in China清真建筑的地域特色解读与比较——分析新疆清真与内地清真
18.He lived over against the temple.他住在那庙的正对面。

Depend on itself以寺养寺
1.Geological Characteristics of Sizhuang Gold Deposit in Laizhou City of Shandong Province;山东省莱州市庄金矿床地质特征
2.Geological Characteristics in the Deep of Sizhuang Gold Deposit in Laizhou City;莱州庄金矿床深部地质特征
1.Research in ancient temples protection of Chengde;承德市庙古建筑保护研究
2.A comment on administration policy of temples by the Beiyang Government;北洋政府的庙管理政策评析
3.Studies on Conservation and Development of the Temples Environment in Shichahai Area;什刹海地区庙周边环境保护与发展研究
1.Fangwai Friendship and the Custom of Drinking Wine at Temples in the Yuan Dynasty;方外交与元代观饮酒风习
2.It introduces the scenic design of Tianning temple in Changzhou,faced with the scenic designing actuality of temple garden and based on modern scenic design result theoretically,it discusses the theory and methods of designing temple garden s scenery,so as to embody its philosophical meaning of its vast cultural details as well as elaborates the scenic meaning of temple garden.面对观园林的景观设计现状,以现代景观设计理论成果,结合具体客观实际,从对常州天宁禅景观设计的实践出发,探讨观园林景观设计的理论和方法,力求表达其博大文化底蕴的哲学意境,阐释观园林的景观内涵。
6)Buddhist temples佛寺
1.The Research on Buddhist Temples and Cultural Heritage of Wutai Mountain in Tang and Song Dynasties;唐宋时期五台山佛与文化遗产研究
2.The Buddhist temples of Dai are always located in the most important and beautiful places of the villages in Xishuangbanna.在这种文化影响下,傣族佛园林与汉传佛教的佛园林迥然。

寺【寺】 (术语)梵语尾贺罗Vihara,毗诃罗,鼻诃罗。寺原为官司之名。释名曰:“寺嗣也,治事者相嗣续于其内也。”罗璧志余曰:“汉设鸿胪寺待四方宾客。永平中佛法入中国,馆摩腾法兰于鸿胪寺。次年敕洛阳城西雍门外立白马寺,以鸿胪非久居之馆,故别建处之。其仍以寺名者,以僧为西方之客,若待以宾礼也。此中国有僧寺之始。”西土称为僧伽蓝,僧伽蓝译言众园。谓众人所居所,在园圃生殖之处,佛弟子则生殖道芽圣果也,经曰伽兰陀竹园祇树给孤独园。是西域之寺舍也。后魏太武帝始光元年创立伽蓝而名以招提之号,隋炀帝大业中改天下之寺为道场,至唐复为寺。