1.Mingwu in Shijing and the Achievement of Shijing;《诗经》名物与《诗经》成就
1.Microscopic identification of homonym drugs of "Baitouweng" by digital imaging technique;白头翁同名异物类药材的数码显微鉴别
3)medicines vocabularies药物名称

1.Li Shizhen had cleared up those confusions which arose from different medicines that had the same name and from various names that had been given to the same substance.李时珍使那些不同药物名称相同,同一药物名称又不相同所引起的混乱得以澄清。
2.Brief Review of Medicinal Herbs Named after Sanqi以“三七”名称命名的药用植物概述
3.Dolibid is a trade name for this nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory.Dolibid是抗炎药物的商标名称。
4.Lodine is the trade name of this nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug.Lodine是一种抗炎药物的商标名称。
5.Ansaid is the trademark of a brand of this nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug that is administered only orally.Ansaid是口服抗炎药物的商标名称。
6.cyanocobalamin (INN), not put up as medicaments维生素b12(国际非专得药品名称)未配制成药物
7.chloramphenicol palmitate (INNM), not put up as medicaments氯霉素棕榈酸酯(修改的国际非专利药品名称)未配制成药物
8.A Philological Study of the Medicinal Herbs and Vegetables Represented by Characters under the Radical "艸" in Shuo Wen Jie Zi;《说文解字》艸部药食类植物词语名称考释(之二下)——草药类
9.An Investigation on the Chinese Characters Connected with Medicinal Food《说文解字》艸部药食类植物词语名称考释(之三)——蔬菜、草药类
10.Common name for pesticidesGB4839-1998农药通用名称
11.Indocin is the trade name of this nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug.氯苯基甲氧基甲基吲哚乙酸是一种非固醇抗炎药物的商标名称。
12.the technical and vulgar names for an animal species.动物种类的科学名称和通俗名称
13.The names, chemical structures, dosage forms, and usual clinical doses of these and other drugs of the same class are given in Table 7-3.这些药物以及同类的另外一些药物的名称、化学结构、剂型和临床常用剂量见表7-3。
14.Counterfeit drugs are sold under the names of real medicines. They often contain no active substance or not enough to work.假冒药品用真药品名称出售。他们往往不包含活跃的物质或不能充分工作。
15.dihydrostreptomycin (INN) and its alts, used primarily as antibiotics, not put up as medicaments双氢链霉素(国际非专利药品名称)及其盐类,主要用作抗生素,未配制成药物
16.high style fabric高级整理织物(美国名称)
17.Those names that have become the generic names of pharmaceuticals shall not be used as trademarks of pharmaceuticals.已经作为药品通用名称的,该名称不得作为药品商标使用。
18.cortisone (INN)可的松(国际非专利药品名称)

1.Microscopic identification of homonym drugs of "Baitouweng" by digital imaging technique;白头翁同名异物类药材的数码显微鉴别
3)medicines vocabularies药物名称
4)animal name动物名称
1.The paper is to explore the relationship between metaphor definition and animal name verbalization as well as the classification of animal name verbalization based on metaphor theory.通过对隐喻理论及与英语动物名称动词化关系的分析解读,探讨动物名称动词化的分类。
2.The paper is to explore verbalized animal names used to describe human beings based on the interpretation of Noun-Verb conversion and theory of cognitive metaphor in order to recognize and illustrate the human essence and the speaker’s emotional tendency by means of natural instincts and looks of animals.通过对英语名词转动概念的解读,从隐喻理论角度探讨动物名称动词化的喻人用法。
3.The figurative speech used with animal names is an important component part of English rhetoric.本文从动物比喻的词汇功能出发 ,通过实例对动物名称在明喻和暗喻中的修辞功能作一浅显分析 ,指明它与英语文化和思维方式密不可分。
5)Nomination of species物种命名
6)plant list植物名录

中草药同名异物辨中草药同名异物辨 张国栋编。此书载述同名异物中草药约350种,附图259幅。所收诸药分42组,每组收载别名相同或相似的同名异物中草药若干种。对各种常用药依次介绍其名称、别名、来源(科、属、种及拉丁名)、形态特征(简述分布及生长环境)化学成分、功用(包括药理作用及临床应用)。对于若干类似品种只介绍科、属、种及植物拉丁名。书末附中草药中文名及拉丁文名索引。1983年由吉林人民出版社出版。