
1.The woodcutter's axe begged for its handle from the tree.樵夫的头,问树要柄。
2.An ax with a wide, flat head and a short handle; a battle-ax.宽刃,战有宽的扁平头部和短手柄的;战
3.The ax handle broke one day.有一天,把断了。
4.chop sth off(sth);remove sth(from sth)by cutting with an axe,etc(用等)砍掉某物
5.Please correct any errors that you find.若有差错, 请正。
6.Never offer to teach fish to swim.〔谚语〕别班门弄
7.an axe that has cutting edges on both sides of the head.头的两边都有切边的子。
8.The axe goes to the wood where it borrows its helve .头伐木不畏缩,尽管柄木头做。
9.A small, short-handled ax for use in one hand.短柄小一只手用的短把小
10.To strike with or as if with a tomahawk.用劈(或斩)用或似乎用这种头砍、劈
11.A Hatchetfish with protruding lips swims along effortlessly.鱼的名字源于它那酷似头的嘴唇。
12.An ice ax used in mountain climbing.冰镐,双叉破冰一种登山时用的小
13.A man who wields an ax.用人,伐木者使用子的人
14.[KJV] Shall the axe boast itself against him that heweth therewith?头怎可以向用头砍木的人自夸呢?
15.The tree falls not at the first stroke.树不是一子能砍倒的。
16.He fell the tree with one stroke of the axe他一头就将树砍倒
17.He couldn't get it out.他没法把子捞上来,
18.an axe for wax will not cut rock.砍蜡的子砍不了石。

3)stone axes石斧
1.This article employs the method of archaeological typology to analyze the prehistoric stone axes recovered from the Wei River valley,searches for the change of axe shapes,and discusses the issues about axe functions and social meanings.本文拟就现有的考古资料对渭河流域的史前石进行考古类型学分析,梳理其形制的演变,并就石的用途和社会意义等问题进行讨论。
4)broad axe板斧
5)tiling hammer bricklayer's hammer刀斧
6)peen hammer斧锤

斧斧  古代兵器。斧的起源很早,原始人类即用利石作为劈器。新石器时代人类所用的石斧,手工平整,磨琢已比较细致。商代铜斧,雕刻嵌镂已十分精美,刃作凸形,略外出。周代铜斧,多数用管形銎(斧上装柄的孔)容柄(现代斧的銎多作长方形),形式、铸造和雕刻嵌镂,都较商斧更加精致华美,但由于双锋剑的出现,而且与刀同时并用,用斧之风逐渐衰退,因而周代斧钺,多用作工具,或作为仪仗及杀犯人的刑具。汉代长兵器,以戟、矛为主,铜斧仍然可见,但斧制已与三代有所不同。到了东汉,已进入铁器时代,改用铁斧。元代的短兵器中,仍然以剑与斧最为普遍。