生态省,ecological province
1)ecological province生态省
1.Theories for construction of ecological province.;关于生态省建设的理论探讨
2.The role of museums in the construction of Hainan as an ecological province;博物馆在海南生态省建设中的作用
3.Construction of ecological province and development of ecological industry;生态省建设与生态产业的发展

1.Thoughts on the Construction of Ecological Provinces and Local Ecological Legislation;吉林省生态立法与生态省建设的几点思考
2.On Environmental Protection of Agriculture Ecology and Construction of Ecological Province in Shandong;农业生态环境保护与山东省的生态省建设研究
3.Study on Construction of Civilized Eco-village-Targeting at Eco-province;生态省目标下的文明生态村建设研究
4.Organism Resource Exploitation of Investigate Yunnan Ecosystem Developments;探索云南生态省建设与生物资源开发
5.A Ecological Assessment Study on Eco-environment in Heilongjiang Province Region;黑龙江生态省建设生态评价指标体系的研究
6.Integrated evaluation on eco-agriculture during the construction of Jilin ecological province;吉林生态省建设中的生态农业综合评价
7.Relations between ecological province construction in Zhejiang and developing ecotourism;浙江生态省建设与发展生态旅游的关系
8.Protection of ecosystem, the basis and key for building an eco-province;生态系统保护是生态省建设的基础与关键
9.On Yunnan s Construction of an Ecological Province Vs Ecological Economy Development;试论云南生态省的建设与生态经济发展
10.Research on Heilongjiang Province Ecology Province Construction Gradualness Appraisal Target System;黑龙江省生态省建设阶段性评估指标体系研究
11.Dynamics of Ecological Security Based on Ecological Footprint in Zhejiang Province;基于生态足迹的浙江省生态安全动态研究
12.Study on Ecological Footprint Dynamic Change and Forecast of Sichuan Province;四川省生态足迹动态变化与预测研究
13.Dynamic Monitoring of Eco-environment Based on Remote Sensing Technology in Leshan;四川省乐山市生态环境遥感动态监测
14.Dynamics of Ecological Footprint of Hainan Province from 1988 to 2004;海南省1988~2004年生态足迹动态分析
15.The Diagnosis of Ecological Footprint and Analysis of Dynamic Prediction in Shanxi Province山西省生态足迹诊断及动态预测分析
16.Analysis on Ecological Footprint of Residents Living Consumption in Shaanxi Province;陕西省居民生活消费的生态足迹分析
17.Study on the Ecological Security of Jilin Province Based on the Emergy and Ecological Footprint Model;基于“能值—生态足迹”模型的吉林省生态安全研究
18.The Using of Niche Theories in the Strategy of Developing Hainan by Eco-economy;海南生态经济强省战略中生态位理论应用

1.Discusions on the problems of eco-province construction in Anhui Province;关于安徽生态省建设若干问题探讨
2.An Analysis of Restrictive Factors Concerning Construction of Hainan Eco-Province;海南特区生态省建设的制约因素分析
3.Assessment of eco-province construction level based on grey associative theroy;基于灰关联理论的生态省建设水平评价
3)ecology province生态省
1.Practice and Study on Management of International Forest Cooperative Item for the Goal of Building Ecology Province;以建设生态省为目标的林业国际合作项目实践与管理研究
2.At present,there was nearly half number of provinces in China to do the ecology province construction.目前,全国已有近半数的省份开展了生态省创建工作。
3.It's an important task to construct ecology province in Fujian.建设生态省是福建的重要任务之一,其中环境教育问题是极为重要的,目前环境教育尚存在一些问题,应努力提高全民环境意识并在环境教育上采取相应对策。
4)Establishing Province by Ecological Way生态立省
1.Discussion on the Strategy of "Establishing Province by Ecological Way";实施生态立省战略的思考
2.Ecological Restoration of the Karst Areas and the Strategy of "Establishing Province by Ecological Way";贵州喀斯特生态恢复与生态立省
3.The Strategy of "Establishing Province by Ecological Way" and the Construction of Ecological Civilization;生态立省与生态文明建设
5)strong eco-tourism province生态强省
6)eco-province construction生态省建设
1.The analytical hierarchy process(AHP) was adopted to study the index system of eco-province and the index system was set up for eco-province construction.将层次分析法应用于生态省建设指标体系的研究,构建了黑龙江省生态省建设指标体系。
2.Based on the Anhui eco-province construction practice,the paper discusses the eco-province standards implementing system with some suggestions under the existing system given there.本文以安徽生态省建设标准体系为基础,探讨了生态省建设标准体系的实施模式,并提出了在现行制度下完善生态标准实施体系的政策建议。
3.And, the eco-province construction was regarded as a beneficial exploration of the sustainable development.我国开展生态省建设的时间还不长,生态省建设作为区域协调发展、可持续发展的有益探索,没有现成的经验和模式,相关的理论研究还处于探索阶段,对生态省建设水平进行定量分析的研究还比较少。

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