内生变量,endogenous variable
1)endogenous variable内生变量
1.Three types demand including emission line,transaction and investment of carbon emission right are expounded,and three endogenous variables including use value,use quantity and production technology and their influence on the firm demand of carbon emission right are analyzed.提出并分别阐述二氧化碳排放权的排放额度需求、交易需求和投资需求3种概念,分析了使用价值、使用数量、生产技术水平等3个内生变量对企业碳排放权需求的影响;并论述了利益集团影响力、替代能源、交易价格和碳税等4个外生变量对企业碳排放权需求的作用机制,以及政府进行宏观碳排放权配置时应考虑这些变量的影响。
2.In this paper,a production function with the endogenous variable as progress of science and technology is introduced,based on which an optimal control of inventory of science and technology is also obtained.本文介绍了一个以科技进步作为内生变量的生产函数,并以此得到了科技投资的最优控制。
3.Based on the analysis of the factors of endogenous variable that affect the western industrialization of China, this paper attaches great importance to knowledge, technological progress and human resources so as to ensure long-term economic growth in western part of China.西部新型工业化有赖于经济系统中内生变量的作用。

1.Exogenous variables can include lagged values of endogenous variables.外生变量可以包括内生变量的后滞值。
2.jointly dependent endogenous variable连带有关的内生变量
3.Trade Development:the Boost Change Form Exogenous to Endogenous Variable;外贸增长:从外生变量推动转变到内生变量推动
4.The incidence of positive symptom was produced by the combination of the independent variables (endogenous variable).经过自变量组合(内生变量)产生阳性症状发生率。
5.Five,the knowledge transfers the actual inside fresh variable by the idea exogenous variable;五、知识由观念的外生变量转为实际的内生变量;
6.Every model includes exogenous and also endogenous variables which must be estimated.每一个模型都包括需要估计的外生变量和内生变量
7.Endogenous Variable of Western Economy and the Western Industrialization of China;西部经济中的内生变量与西部新型工业化
8.Knowledge is not only an endogenous variable, but also an exogenous variable, which is the base to understand the characteristic of the increasing or decreasing return of hi-tochnology in knowlodgc-bascd cconomy.知识既是内生变量,又是外生变量,这是理解高科技知识报酬递增与递减特点的基础。
9.Dynamic Changes of Soil Microbial Biomass in Desert Steppe of Inner Mongolia内蒙古荒漠草原土壤微生物生物量的动态变化
10.Strain gauge: Device for measuring the changes in distances Between points in solid Bodies that occur when the Body is deformed.应变规: 物体发生形变时,测量固体内不同点之间距离变化的装置。
11.The internal energy is related to other variables through the equations of state.借助状态方程,内能和其它变量发生关系。
12.Changes of Endogenous Hormones in Grapevine during Its Development;葡萄生长过程中内源激素含量变化的研究
13.The Differentiation of Endogenous IAA and ABA in Adventitious Root in Vitro Ornamental Lupins观赏羽扇豆生根过程中内源IAA和ABA含量变化
14.Position and quantity of endogensis rhizobia in alfalfa plant苜蓿内生根瘤菌分布部位与数量变化动态
15.Exogenous vs. induced variables外生变量和引致变量
16.Disturbances in the recirculating flow regime can produce related variations in the heat release rate in the primary mixing region.回流区域内的扰动可使主要混合区内热量释放发生相应的变化。
17.Dynamic Changes in Endogenous Polyphenol Content during Phase Transition in Apple(Malus domestica Borhk.)苹果实生树阶段转变过程中内源多酚含量的动态变化
18."Assumed Inherent Sensor" Inversion Based Soft-Sensing in Bioleaching Process基于“内含传感器”逆的生物浸出过程关键变量的软测量

Internal variable内生变量
1.Due to this reason, population, environment and natura resources are changing into important internal variables from original external variables in economics analysis model.自然资源、人力资源和人造资源是支撑经济系统的三大资源,随着世界人口的增加和人类经济活动范围的不断扩大,三类资源的相对稀缺程度逐渐发生了变化,从自然资源丰富、人造资源稀缺转变为人造资源相对丰富而自然资源相对甚至绝对稀缺的状态,这种转变对经济学研究的影响就是曾经作为经济系统外生变量的人口、自然资源逐步纳入经济分析框架成为经济系统的内生变量,经济学的边界随之拓展。
2.The explanation is made through two variables: both the internal variable (pension system, family structure, and community structure) and the external variable (c.通过分析“成本-效用”的经济因素及文化因素解释说,对于农民非要生育男孩这一生育行为的解释在理论与方法论方面存在的局限性,提出了使用社会结构的分析视角来理清各影响因素彼此间的关系,即从内生变量因素(农村家庭养老、家庭结构和社区结构)以及外生变量因素(户籍制度、计划生育政策)2个方面对农民偏好男孩这一生育行为作出分析和解释。
3)endogenous variables内生变量
1.The econometric model can be used to estimate and forecast the economic losses in meteorological disasters if they are regarded as endogenous variables and various meteorological influenential factors as exogenous variables.若将灾害经济损失作为内生变量,将各种气象影响因子作为外生变量,则可用经济计量模式估算与预测气象灾害经济损失,可识别经济计量模式的参数可用两段最小二乘(2SLS)估计法进行;为估计灾害经济损失,我们给出了一个数值例子。
4)endogenetic variable内生变量(内因)
5)joint endogenous variables联合内生变量
6)current endogenous variable本期内生变量

生变【生变】 (术语)二变之一。亦曰转。如种子生现行,现行生种子,生熟自果也。