环境NGO,environmental NGO
1)environmental NGO环境NGO
1.On the world-wide environmental problems and the rising of the environmental NGO;论全球环境问题与环境NGO的兴起——国际政治的视角
2.It is the ultimate approach to realize the sustainable development strategy that combining and exerting the function of environmental NGO to promote the public' potential and impel the public's full participation.环境NGO为促进公众参与开展了多种形式的活动,尽管总体看来促进公众参与的行为层次比较低,然而以发展的眼光来看,其带来的变革将是深远的。
3.Environmental protection is a public system of many participants,of which the regulatory system of the market,the intervention of government and the participation of environmental NGO are three integral parts.市场机制调节、政府干预以及环境NGO参与,三者缺一不可,环境NGO参与是环境保护中不可忽略的“第三级”。

1.On the Status of Environmental NGO in International Environmental Law;论环境NGO在国际环境法中的地位
2.On Environmental NGO,the Third Stage of the Environmental Protection in the Yangtze River Delta;环境NGO:长三角环境保护中的“第三级”
3.Environmental NGOs: a new source of strength of China s environmental protection enterprise;环境NGO——中国环保领域的崛起力量
4.Analysis of Problems and Outlet of Environmental NGO in the Environmental Public Interest Litigation System论环境NGO在环境公益诉讼中的困境及其出路
5.On the Influence of Environmental NGO on the Contemprary International Relationships;论环境NGO对当代国际关系的影响
6.On Development Course of Environmental NGO and Potentialities of Environmental Improvement in China中国环境NGO发展历程和环境治理潜能研究
7.On the world-wide environmental problems and the rising of the environmental NGO;论全球环境问题与环境NGO的兴起——国际政治的视角
8.Media Representation,Discourse Strategies and Democratic Implications of the Environmental NGOs Risk Communication:--A Case Study About the Disputes of Nujiang Dam;风险沟通中环境NGO的媒介呈现及其民主意涵——以怒江建坝之争的报道为例
9.Environment Non-governmental Organization and News Supervision of Public Opinion;环境非政府组织(NGO)与新闻舆论监督
10.On the function of ecological NGO in environmental public welfare activities;论生态NGO在环境公益活动中的作用
11.On the Issues of the Environmental Protection NGO s Participation of Environmental Public Interest Litigation in China;我国环保NGO参与环境公益诉讼问题研究
12.Needle Therapy: An Institutional Setting for Environmental NGO to Participate in Environmental Policy of Governments;“针灸法”:环保NGO参与环境政策的制度安排
13.Study on the Legal Issues of NGO's Participation of Environmental Public Interest Litigation in China我国环保NGO参与环境公益诉讼之法律探究
14.On the Environmental Protection NGO's Participation of Environment Administrative Public Interest Litigation环保NGO参与环境行政公益诉讼法律问题研究
15.NGO's Existing Space Analysis in Environmental Public Goods Supply;NGO在环境公共物品供给中的生存空间分析
16.NGO's Plaintiff Status in Environment Administrative Public Welfare Lawsuit;论NGO在环境行政公益诉讼中的法律地位
17.Empirical Analysis of NGO's Legal Personality in the International Environment Improvement全球环境治理体制下NGO的特征及法律地位
18.Study on Role Orientation and Existent Environment of Environmental Protective NGO Under Current Environmental Management System当前环境管理体系下环保NGO角色定位及生存环境探讨

environmental NGOs环境NGO
1.Media representation of the environmental NGOs enhances the social visibility of the NGOs and environmental risk.媒介对环境NGO的呈现,提高了NGO与潜在风险的社会能见度。
2.With the advantage of unique characteristics and flexibility, these environmental NGOs establish a global net structure which has a profound and lasting influence on the contemprary international relationships.环境问题全球化的一个重要结果便是环境NGO(非政府组织)的大量涌现。
3)environmental protection NGO环保NGO
1.The Function of the Folk Environmental Protection NGO in Ecological Construction of Karst Mountainous Area;民间环保NGO在喀斯特山区生态建设中的作用——来自黔西县古胜村农民生态产业协会发展的实例分析
2.On the Issues of the Environmental Protection NGO s Participation of Environmental Public Interest Litigation in China;我国环保NGO参与环境公益诉讼问题研究
3.As a rising environmental protection body in recent years,environmental protection NGO plays an important role in practical environmental protection public participation system.环保NGO作为近年来兴起的环保主体,在实践公众参与制度方面具有举足轻重的地位。
4)environmental NGO环保NGO
1.“Protecting antelope”,“protecting the Mother River”,“the Old Summer Palace affair” and “the Nu River project ”……The importance of the Environmental NGO has been exhibiting increasingly in the sustainable development.“保护藏羚羊”、“保护母亲河行动”、“圆明园事件”、“怒江工程”……环保NGO在可持续发展中的作用越来越多的展现出来。
5)collegiate environmental NGO高校环保NGO
1.In recent years,the collegiate environmental NGO has developed rapidly,which has become a force that cannot be ignored in the field of environmental protection.近年来,高校环保NGO发展迅速,已经成为环境保护领域中一支不可忽视的力量。
1.NGOs and Education for the Social Work in China——A study of the case in Yunnan Province;NGO与中国社会工作教育——以云南为例
2.Community Administration and NGOs from the Perspective of Constructing Harmonious Society;构建和谐社会视角下的社区治理与NGO
3.The Role of NGOs in the Poverty Eradication;NGO及其在扶贫开发中的作用

海洋自然地理环境(见自然地理环境)海洋自然地理环境(见自然地理环境)marine physical geographic environment  haiyang ziran dili huaniing海洋自然地理环境(marin。phys、calgeograPhic environment)见自然地理环境。