价值尺度,measure of value
1)measure of value价值尺度
1.On the substance of value and measure of value under the new economic condition;论新经济条件下的价值实体与价值尺度
2.Marx investigated carefully the origin and trend of the world history,its motivity and approach,measure of value,way of development and its dualistic features,and from the two levels of macroscopic law and microscopic mechanism,constructed the basic frame of his theory of world history.马克思对世界历史的起源与趋势、动力与向度、价值尺度、发展道路以及世界历史的二重性等方面分别进行了考察,从宏观规律和微观机制两个层次建构了他的"世界历史"理论体系的基本框架。
3.It has thoroughly analyzed the three-level nature of editing labor phenomenon or editing labor process and on the basis of which,it suggests that the editing plans labor force average(EPNA) be regarded as the base of the measure of value,and measure editing labor value by comparing the labor quantity of the editing and planning labor.本文试图从劳动价值论这一全新的角度分析编辑劳动价值,阐述了编辑劳动现象或编辑劳动过程的三级本质,在此基础上提出编辑策划劳动力浓度(EPNA),把EPNA作为其权衡的价值尺度的前提,进而通过编辑策划劳动量比较编辑劳动价值的大小。

1.On the substance of value and measure of value under the new economic condition论新经济条件下的价值实体与价值尺度
2.New Explanation of Marx s Historicism: Mutual Conversion between Historical Dimension and the Dimension of Values;马克思历史决定论新释:历史尺度与价值尺度的相互转换
3.Rational Thoughts on Educational Value Subject and Value Standard in a Well-off Society;全面建设小康社会时期教育价值主体及其价值尺度的理性思考
4.Equity and Efficiency: The Value Criterions of the Reform of Higher Education;公平与效率:高等教育改革与发展的价值尺度
5.Mood,Archetype,and Discourse Power:Basic Value Measures of Literature Study;意境、典型和话语权力——论文学研究的基本价值尺度
6.The Evolution between Labor Time & Value Criterion--Reflections on Marx s Economy Manuscripts Published in Recent Years;劳动时间与价值尺度的关系演变——读近年出版的马克思经济学手稿
7.A Study into the Scale of the 20th Chinese Literature Classics through Researching on the Example of The Golden Cangue以《金锁记》为例谈20世纪汉语文学经典的价值尺度
8."A Critical Dissertation on the Nature, Measures, and Causes of Value"价值的性质、尺度与起因
9.Economic Value Added: A Value-based Performance Measure;经济增加值:一种基于价值的衡量尺度
11.Science and value: the double yardstick in constructing harmonious society;科学与价值:构建和谐社会的双重尺度
12.The Historical Materialism Terms of An Agreement for Technical Value Appraisal Principle and Criterion;技术价值评价原则及尺度的历史唯物主义规约
13.Exploration And Analysis Of Several Principles About The Yardsticks Of Human Value Evaluation;关于人的价值评价尺度的若干原则探析
14.Emergy synthesis method for multi-scale evaluation of industrial ecosystem;产业生态系统多尺度能值整合评价方法
15.The Measure to Estimate all the Worth refreshly--On the Humanitarianism of the May-forth and its Modern Meaning;价值重估的尺度──论五四人学思想及其现代意义
16.The Study of Medium-scale Ecosystem Restoration Based on Contingent Valuation Method微观尺度湿地生态恢复的条件价值评估
17."Faithfulness" Is Not the Only Standard to Evaluate the Value of Translation--Enlightenment from Lin Shu s Successful Translation;“忠实”不是评价译作价值的唯一尺度——林纾成功翻译的启示
18.On the Establishment of Education s Value-measure Under the Condition of the Socialist Market Economy;试论社会主义市场经济条件下教育价值评价尺度的确立

value standard价值尺度
1.It means the pluralistic value subje ct and its value standard have gained a new mean ing in the new era.这意味着新时期教育价值主体的多元化、价值尺度具有了新的内涵,但在当前条件下要满足不同价值主体的多样化需求,还需要采取一些策略以解决教育体制中现有的矛盾。
3)criteria of value价值尺度
1.It has been an agreement that the criteria of value is based on subject requirement.以主体需要为价值尺度 ,在我国已成为共识。
4)On the Criteria of Value论价值尺度
5)measure of value定值;价值尺度
6)objective measure of value客观价值尺度
1.It also discussed the objective measure of value in literary comment.本文主要谈文学评论写作的方法,其中包括对小说和诗歌进行评论的不同切入方式, 对采用特殊艺术手法与佯谬语言的作品、评论有必要加以解释的方式以及关于文学评论客观价值尺度的探讨。

价值尺度  货币的一种职能。见货币的职能。