克林顿政府,Clinton Administration
1)Clinton Administration克林顿政府
1.The Security Policy of Clinton Administration Toward Northeast Asia;克林顿政府的东北亚安全政策
2.Explore the Policies on Higher Education of Clinton Administration;克林顿政府的高等教育政策探析
3.Decoding the Asia-Pacific Security Strategy of the Clinton Administration克林顿政府时期美国对亚太安全战略的调整

1.The Fiscal Policies between the Clinton and the Bush Administration: A Comparative Study;克林顿政府与布什政府美国财政政策比较研究
2.Success or Failure-Clinton Administration's Policy in Handling the DPRK's Nuclear and Missile Programs克林顿政府对朝政策:核与导弹问题
3.The Clinton Administration in Its Second Term: Readjusting US Policy toward China克林顿政府第二任期对华政策的调整
4.The Clinton Administration: The Adjustment and Prospects of Its Domestic and Foreign Policies克林顿政府的内外政策调整及其前景
5.The Soft-power Theory in the Clinton Administration Diplomacy克林顿政府外交政策中的软实力因素
6.The Comparative Analysis about Clinton and Bush s Policy towards The North Korea;克林顿政府与布什政府对朝政策比较分析
7.American s Health Insurance Reform by Clinton s Government;美国克林顿政府的医疗保险制度改革
8.On the Twin Deficits Paradox in Clinton s Governing Period in USA;美国克林顿政府时期的“双赤字”悖论
9.Research on Clinton Administration s China Policies and American Internal Politics;克林顿政府的对华政策与美国国内政治研究
10.American New Economic Growth and Clinton Administration's Fiscal Policy Research美国新经济增长与克林顿政府的财政政策研究
11.The analysis of Clinton administration s foreign economic policy adjustment procedure;克林顿政府的对外经济政策调整过程分析
12.A Trial Analysis of Realistic factors of Clinton Administration s Policy towards India;试析克林顿政府对印度政策中的现实主义因素
13.“Engagement Containment” and “Hawk Containment”: A Comparative Study of Clinton s and Bush s Administration s Policy towards North Korea Nuclear Issue;接触遏制与对抗遏制——克林顿政府与布什政府对朝核政策之比较
14.Comparative Study on Science and Technology Policy between George Walker Bush and Clinton Administration乔治·W·布什政府与克林顿政府科技政策比较研究
15.Even under the Clinton administration little of this actually happened.即便是在克林顿政府时期也鲜有此事发生。
16.Clinton Administration s Trade Diplomacy and West Hemisphere Regionalism;克林顿政府的贸易外交与西半球地区主义
17.Decoding the Asia-Pacific Security Strategy of the Clinton Administration克林顿政府时期美国对亚太安全战略的调整
18.The states structural finance policies and the inspiration for our country positive finance policies;克林顿政府的结构性财政政策及对我国积极财政政策的启示

Clinton Government克林顿政府
1.Contiguity with China:Preliminary Reaction of the U.S.towards China s Rise——A Case Study of Clinton Government;接触中国:美国对中国崛起的初步反应——以克林顿政府为例
2.On the evolution of Clinton government s policy to China;试析克林顿政府对华政策的演变
3)the Clinton administration克林顿政府
1.The dissertation is divided into four parts to conduct an analysis of the reform in the Clinton administration, the first part concerns the background analysis of the Clinton administrative reform, respectively discuss international factors, domestic factors and the guiding theory.克林顿政府在上个世纪末进行了长达8年的行政改革,克林顿一上台就提出“重塑政府”,这次改革优化了政府职能,引进了许多私营部门的经营理念,竞争机制被引入了政府部门,反映了改革的市场化取向;改革中实现政治任命官员的广泛性和授权社区的举措,反映了改革的民主化取向;改革中确立的顾客服务理念,反映了政府行政文化的改变。
4)the Clinton administration's diplomatic policy克林顿政府外交政策
5)administrative order of the Clinton Administration克林顿行政命令
1.The analysis of Clinton administration s foreign economic policy adjustment procedure;克林顿政府的对外经济政策调整过程分析
2.The Clinton government and changes in China U.S.A.relations;克林顿政府与中美关系的演变
3.Make Effortes to Open up Oriental Channels to Increase U.S. Wealth ——Clinton s Review of Asia-Pacific Strategy;努力拓展增长美国财富的东方渠道——克林顿的亚太经济战略回顾
