伦理关怀,ethical care
1)ethical care伦理关怀
1.With the guidance of the ethical care,college education assistance will increasingly draw attention widespread and will also be constantly enriched and develop.在伦理关怀的指引下,高校教育援助将受到越来越广泛的关注,教育援助的内容也将得到不断的丰富和发展。
2.The goal for community culture construction is to realize"three significant improvements",so the author proposes the opinion that community culture construction should take ethical care in the community culture construction and attach an importance to the major object of ethical care.∶社区文化建设的最终目标是实现“三个显著提高”,由此提出了社区文化建设呼唤伦理关怀的观点,并指出了社区中需加强伦理关怀的重点对象。
3.The research on the ethical ecology of and ethical care for the weaker-group people not only supplies a scient.对弱势群体伦理生态和伦理关怀的研究,不仅为解决弱势群体问题提供科学的理论依据,而且有助于在全社会形成一种全面关注弱势群体的氛围。

1.Gene Technology and Moral Care: Keep Essential Tension;基因技术与伦理关怀:保持必要的张力
2.The Effect of Ethical Concern on Poverty-stricken Undergraduates;伦理关怀在高校特困生工作中的作用
3.Ethic Concern:Modern Perspective of the disadvantaged groups;伦理关怀:弱势群体问题的现代视角
4.On the Major Object of Ethical Care in the Community Culture Construction试论社区文化建设中伦理关怀的主要对象
5.The Study on Constructing Harmonious Society and the Ethics Concern of Social Vulnerable Groups;建构和谐社会与弱势群体伦理关怀研究
6.Noddings Caring Ethics and Caring Theory;诺丁斯的关怀伦理学与关怀教育思想
7.To build up a harmonious relationship between students and teachers with the help of Ethic of Care;“关怀伦理”视阈下和谐师生关系的构建
8.Care Political Ethic: Confrontment of Feminism against Justice Political Ethic;关怀政治伦理:女性主义对公正政治伦理的抗争
9.An Analysis of Lawrence s Three Novels from the Perspective of Gilligan s Theory of the Ethics of Care;关怀伦理学视角下对劳伦斯三部小说的分析
10.Ethical Reflections on the Combination of Hospice and Euthanasia;临终关怀与安乐死相结合的伦理思考
11.Ethic Inquires from GDP Worship to GNH Concern;从GDP崇拜到GNH关怀的伦理分析
12.What is the Different Voice ?--A Brief Introduction to Care Ethics;“另一种声音”是什么?——关怀伦理述评
13.The Solicitude Ethics of China s Confucianism on Orphans and Waifs;中国儒家对孤儿和流浪儿的关怀伦理
14.The Humanism inclination of Confucian Political Ethics and Concerns about Universalism;儒家政治伦理的人本倾向与普世关怀
15.Aloof Concern" and "Universal Ethics" Future Without Future;“超然关怀”与“普世伦理”:没有未来的未来
16.Ethical dilemma of the localization on hospice care and its construction临终关怀本土化的伦理困境及其建构
17.Equal Dignity and Care:Feminist Perspective of Bioethics尊严平等与关怀:女性主义生命伦理学
18.Ethies and Humanistic Care in Empyrosis of Perineal Region in Female女性会阴部烧伤的护理伦理学和人文关怀护理

ethical concern伦理关怀
1.Interpretating humanistic spirit of urban architecture and examinating the history of urban planning, the paper tries to reveal the ethical concern is the driving force of modern urban construction and development of a permanent nature and urban planning.本文通过对城市建筑的人文精神解读与城市规划的历史审视,试图揭示伦理关怀是现代城市建筑发展的动力和城市规划的永恒本质。
3)ethics concern伦理关怀
1.It is just the key to solve the problem of vulnerable groups that give ethics concern to vulnerable groups.对弱势群体的伦理关怀是解决弱势群体问题的关键所在,也是建设社会主义和谐社会的重要途径之一。
4)Caring ethics关怀伦理
1.The founder of caring ethics was professor Karol Gilhengen in America who discovered that relations, connections,care and responsibility were more em.关怀伦理学是以关怀、情感为核心,注重人们之间的相互依赖,相互联系和相互关怀的理论。
5)ethics of care关怀伦理
1.The sustainable development under the threshold of ecology women emphasizes that human is a part of nature, advocating the ethics of care and establishing systematic ecological theory to solve ecological problems.生态女性视阈下的可持续发展强调人是自然的一部分,倡导关怀伦理,建立系统生态观解决生态问题。
2.So we explore the concepts of kindergarten teachers\' educational justice based on the feminism and ethics of care.为此,本研究尝试从女性主义和关怀伦理学的角度来揭示以女性为主的幼儿教师群体对教育公正问题的理解,探索如何从内部和外部为幼儿教师提供各种支持,以帮助他们形成以教育公正观为核心的、科学合理的教育教学观,用以有效指导他们的专业实践,促进其专业发展。
6)Ethic of Care关怀伦理
1.To build up a harmonious relationship between students and teachers with the help of Ethic of Care;“关怀伦理”视阈下和谐师生关系的构建
