初始排污权,initial emission permits
1)initial emission permits初始排污权
1.The Bargaining and Arbitration Mechanisms of the Allocation of the Initial Emission Permits;初始排污权分配的协商仲裁机制
2.The problems of initial emission permits have been studied extensively.初始排污权分配问题是关系到排污权交易市场正常运转的前提,是关系到总量控制的关键,是确保实现污染控制区的总体经济效益最大化的重要因素。
3.In this paper,we base on economy optimization and fair principles,give an allocation model of initial emission permits, and discusse the character of this allocation model.初始排污权的公开拍卖和标价出售这种有偿分配方式在实践中遇到阻力的情况下,学术界和实践中均认为免费分配更具有可操作性,但免费分配需要有一个参照基础或依据。

1.Study on the Auction of Initial Emission Tradable Permits Based on the Endogenous Information Structure;基于内生信息的初始排污权拍卖机制研究
2.Application of dynamic planning in river primary bolowdown right allocation;动态规划在河流初始排污权分配中的应用
3.A Multi-Objectives Decision Model of Initial Emission Permits Allocation;初始排污权分配的一个多目标决策模型
4.Research the Influences of Transaction Cost on the Equilibrium of Emission Permits Market,Allocation Efficiency of Initial Permits and Firm Behavior;交易成本条件下排污权市场的均衡、初始排污权分配的效率与厂商行为分析
5.Free Allocation Mechanism of Initial Emissions Permits in the Condition of Transaction Cost交易成本条件下初始排污权免费分配的决策机制
6.The Optimal Model of Initial Emission Permits Allocation in Different Market Conditions;不同市场条件下的初始排污权免费分配方法的选择
7.Initial Permit Right of Pollutant Discharge:Impact to Market Structure Under Different Allocation;初始排污权不同分配下的交易对市场结构的影响研究
8.The Envisage on Securitizing the Initial Allocation of Emission Rights and Trading in China;我国排污权初始分配和交易的证券化设想
9.Analysis of the Way and Efficiency of Atmospheric Initial Allocation of Emission Rights;浅析大气排污权初始分配的方法及其效率
10.Initial Allocation of Emission Permits in the Condition of Administration Cell--A Case Study of Shaying River Basin沙颍河流域行政单元的排污权初始分配研究
11.The Initial Allocation of Emission Rights for Free and Paid Distribution of the Comparative Study排污权初始免费分配与有偿分配的比较研究
12.Initial allocation of emission permits based on the water function planning: A case study of Shaying River Basin水功能区划在流域排污权初始分配中的应用——以沙颖河流域为例
13.The Initial Allocation of Water Basin Emission Research流域性水排污指标初始分配问题研究
14.The Marketing Mechanism Design for the Trade of Emission Allowances Based in China初探我国排污权市场交易机制的构建
15.Study on Emissions Trading System and Preliminary Design of Computer Management System;排污权交易制度探讨与信息管理系统初步设计
16.On Marketization of Environmental Resource Management and It’s Property Order;排污权的初次配置方式及其价格问题研究
17.A Tentative Juridical Studies on Relationship Between the Trading of Emission Right and Distribution of the Environment Capacious Resources;环境容量资源配置和排污权交易法理初探
18.Analysis of Emission Trading System of Poyang Lake Water Pollutant鄱阳湖水污染物排污权交易制度探析

initial emission permits allocation初始排污权分配
3)initial allocation of emission permits排污权初始分配
1.Initial allocation of emission permits based on the water function planning: A case study of Shaying River Basin水功能区划在流域排污权初始分配中的应用——以沙颖河流域为例
4)initial arrangement of rights初始产权安排
1.It shows that the input of human capital is relevant to transaction cost and initial arrangement of rights.运用科斯定理建立了数理模型,分析了不同的初始产权安排由于交易费用的作用对人力资本与财务资本在企业内部配置的影响。
5)initial ejection初始排放
6)initial queue初始排队
1.Estalish the statistical model for delay of intersection according to the randomness of delay of intersection and the initial queue influence is considered to model intersection delay.根据交叉口延误具有随机性的特征,建立了交叉口延误的概率统计模型,同时考虑有初始排队存在情况下对模型进行修正,给出了通用性算式。
