清洁空气,clean air
1)clean air清洁空气
1.In order to protect and improve the air quality, the EPA of USA has developed 2003 strategic plan for clean air for the next five years.为维护和改善空气质量,2003年美国EPA制定了未来5年的清洁空气战略规划,包括室外空气、室内空气、大气改善、辐射防护以及科学研究5个组成部分。
2.There are three parts in the main body: the first part mainly introduces three federal air pollution acts in 1960s and concludes the policy characteristics in this period; the second part analyzes the features of air pollution policy by studying the amendments of clean air act in 1970 and 1977; the third part, by reviewing the development of air正文共三部分:第一部分主要探讨了60年代经济繁荣、公众环保意识增强的背景下联邦政府颁布的三项空气污染治理立法,并通过提炼其内容分析60年代空气污染治理政策的特点;第二部分通过研究70年代颁布的两项《清洁空气法》修正案的内容与实施状况,分析这一时期空气污染治理政策的特点;第三部分通过全面审视空气污染治理政策的发展历程,探讨美国三权与三级政府的作用以及影响空气污染治理政策走向的根本性因素。

1.It is said that growing flowers can lift the spirit and nourish the soul, and can also cleanse the air.说是养花能怡情养性,还能清洁空气
2.Clause of Phasing out Methyl Bromide in Clean Air Act of USA美国《清洁空气法》中有关淘汰甲基溴的条款
3.US Environmental Management System:an Example about the Clean Air Act以《清洁空气法》为例简析美国环境管理体系
4.The federal government promulgated the Clean Water Act and the Clean Air Act.联邦政府颁布了《水清洁法》和《空气清洁法》。
5.Magic function of indoor plants活空气清洁器:室内植物的神奇功能
6.People and animals need clean air to breathe.人和动物都需要清洁的空气来呼吸。
7.Indoor air-cleaning spray is good for your Brain and invigorating your vitality.室内喷洒空气清洁剂,有助于健脑益神。
8.Replace engine air cleaner element.更换引擎空气清洁器组件。
9.Pry back three clips retaining air cleaner cover to air cleaner housing.撬起三个紧固空气清洁器盖至清洁器壳体的夹环。
10.The four major goals of Earth Day 2000 are clean cars, clean power, clean air, and clean investments.地球日2000的4个主要目标是清洁的汽车、能源、空气和清洁的投资。
11.Compressed air must be strictly controlled and must be a clean and dry air supply.压缩空气必须严格控制为清洁干燥气源。
12.Air-conditioning: The control of air humidity, temperature, movement and cleanliness of an ambient environment.空气调节:控制一个环境空间内的空气湿度、温度、流动和清洁情况。
13.She asked them to work out how much it would cost to keep the air really clean.让他们计算出保持空气的清洁需要花费多少钱。
14.This fragrant air freshener makes you sense a distinctive aroma all day long.这种芳香型空气清洁剂使您整天感到芳香扑鼻。
15.The clean-air lobby are/is against the plans for the new factory.空气清洁运动团体反对设立新工厂的计划。
16.Study on Characteristics of Reverse-Blowing and Self-Cleaning Filtration of Air Filter on Inlet of Air Compressor空压机入口气体滤清器反吹自洁过滤特性研究
17.Study on Preparation of Chinese Herb Air Cleanser and Its Application in Cleaning Indoor Air;中草药空气清洁剂的制备及其净化室内空气的研究
18.The plum tree, therefore, in particular, symbolizes purity of character, the purity that we find in the crisp, cold winter air.所以,梅树特别象征着清洁的性格,那种清爽的、寒冷的冬天空气所具有的清洁。

1.The aero-anion concentration as well as CI value at above-mentioned zones was about 1 ~ 3 times in comparison with non-gr.绿地中空气负离子浓度和空气清洁度值大部分为对照空旷地的1~3倍,广场绿地和城郊雪松林中空气清洁度达到对照区的3~4倍,且林内比林缘空气负离子浓度有显著提高。
2.The tree age,canopy density and tree height were the dominant factors affecting the aero-anion concentration and CI value.对扬州市不同绿地类型中空气负离子水平研究表明:城郊林和公园片林中空气负离子浓度比城区其它类型绿地高出1倍左右,树龄、郁闭度和树高均是影响空气负离子浓度的重要因子,城区绿地比城郊绿地中空气清洁度低。
4)Clean Air Act清洁空气法
5)air cleanness degree空气清洁度
1.Assessment of air cleanness degree in Beijing using negative air ion concentration as an index;用空气负离子浓度对北京地区空气清洁度进行初步评价
6)air cleanser空气清洁剂
1.Aim to now trait of indoor air pollution, we choose traditional Chinese herb as the material of air cleanser to eliminate formaldehyde pollution.我国现有的空气清洁剂普遍效率不高,且绝大部分为化学试剂空气清洁剂,容易造成二次污染。

空气清洁指数分子式:CAS号:性质:将一个地区的生物群落中每一个种的耐污能力系数与其表示生长量的数值(如频度、盖度)的乘积相加所得的指数。由勒布朗(Le Blane)等人提出的公式如下:。式中:n为地衣(或其他植物)种的总数;Q为每一个种的生态(耐污)指数,即一个种所在地区生态环境中的平均数量;厂表示每个种的生长数量,可用频度、盖度代表。∑(Qf)除以10是为了减少计算后数值,便于作图。最后可绘出该地区的IAP等值图,以表示污染程度。植物种类数量越多,表示其耐污能力越小,种类数目越少,表示其耐污能力越强。可用此法来评价该地区的大气环境质量。