生态威胁,Ecological threat
1)Ecological threat生态威胁
1.On the basis of sustainable development, the authors analyzed the main ecological threat such as the reduction of wetland resources, the declining of wetland functions, the loss of wetland biodiversity, the intensification of environmental pollution and so on, which wetlands are faced with in China, and put forward the countermeasures of protection finally.从可持续发展的角度入手,深入剖析了中国湿地所面临的湿地资源日益减少,功能下降,生物多样性丧失,环境污染加剧等主要生态威胁,并在此基础上提出了湿地保护和整治对策。

1.The Ecological Threat in Main Wetland of Huaihe River Basin in Anhui淮河流域安徽段重要湿地面临的生态威胁
2.Diesel Spill in the Sea Threatens Ecosystem in Galapagos Islands柴油翻漏海中威胁加拉巴戈斯群岛生态
3.But there is a real danger facing this important ecosystem.但是这个重要的生态系统正面临着严重威胁。
4.The Menace of the Invaded Red Fire Ants and the Measurement to Dealing with入侵红火蚁对我国生态环境的威胁及防制措施
5.Your attitude constitutes a direct challenge to his authority.你的态度成了对他的权威的直接威胁。
6.non-life threatening exposure limit无生命威胁暴露极限
7.Ground collapse will seriously threaten the mine production security and destroy the surface ecological environment.地表塌陷严重威胁着矿山安全生产,破坏地表生三态环境。
8.Exotic forest pest invasion:A threat to forest ecosystems in China外来入侵种及其对森林生态系统的威胁:概念和对策
9.aggressiveness that involves the threat of using military force.以军事力量为威胁的强硬态度。
10.Dynamic Targeting and the Mobile Missile Threat ^Final rept动态瞄准与移动式导弹威胁/最终报告
11.To treat in an overbearing or intimidating manner.威胁,恐吓用专横或恫吓的态度待人
12.He advanced on me in a threatening manner.他以威胁的姿态向我走来。
13.His words slowly relaxed her threatening attitude.他的言语慢慢地缓和了她的威胁态度。
14.Threat of Biological War and Medical Education in Biological Defense;浅谈生物战的威胁与医学防生学教育
15.To threaten by proximity, especially by pursuing closely.威胁威胁,尤指逼近、紧追不放地威胁
16.To coerce or inhibit by or as if by threats.威胁通过威胁或近乎威胁强制或禁止
17.These weapons still seriously threaten the lives of the local people and have caused serious damage to the ecological environment.这些化学武器严重威胁着当地人民的生命安全,也对当地的生态环境造成了严重破坏。
18.With the advent of global ecological crisis, human centrality becomes the focus of discussion .随着全球性的生态危机威胁到人类的生存和发展,对人类中心主义的讨论成为热点。

static threat静态威胁
1.According to the feature of modern air defense operation and by analyzing the factors of threat assessment, a new method of threat assessment is given, which is aimed at synthetic threat combining static threat and dynamic threat, and the factors of static threat and dynamic threat are analyzed, and the corresponding criteria are quantified.结合现代防空作战的特点,在分析了威胁评估有关因素的基础上,给出了一种新的威胁评估方法———静态威胁和动态威胁相结合的综合威胁,并对静态威胁和动态威胁中的因素进行了分析,对相关的指标进行了量化。
2.According to the character of modern air defense combat,a new method of threat assessment-static threat and dy- namic threat integrated threat assessment is present based on the traditional threat assessment.在传统威胁评估的基础上给出了一种新的威胁评估方法—静态威胁和动态威胁相结合的综合威胁评估方法。
3)dynamic threat动态威胁
1.According to the feature of modern air defense operation and by analyzing the factors of threat assessment, a new method of threat assessment is given, which is aimed at synthetic threat combining static threat and dynamic threat, and the factors of static threat and dynamic threat are analyzed, and the corresponding criteria are quantified.结合现代防空作战的特点,在分析了威胁评估有关因素的基础上,给出了一种新的威胁评估方法———静态威胁和动态威胁相结合的综合威胁,并对静态威胁和动态威胁中的因素进行了分析,对相关的指标进行了量化。
4)threat situation威胁态势
5)Threat Status威胁状态
6)threaten lives威胁生命
