点源污染,point source pollution
1)point source pollution点源污染
1.Effects of point source pollution from a phosphorus chemical factory on terrestrial plant communities in the Three Gorges Reservoir area;三峡库区磷化工厂点源污染对陆生植物群落组成和物种多样性的影响
2.Investigation of point source pollution in Zhangjiakou City on upper Guanting Reservoir;官厅水库流域上游张家口市点源污染调查分析
3.The point source pollution and Non-point source pollution of the same period were compared finally.对1991年至2000年间深圳内陆和近岸水产养殖业的排污量进行估算,分析其演变趋势,并对同时期深圳市的点源污染和农业面源污染进行了比较,结果表明:(1)深圳市水产养殖业排污也是深圳近海水体富营养化主要成因之一,自1994年之后其对近海水体污染有加重趋势;(2)在农业面源中,畜禽养殖业排污量最大,其次是水产养殖,再次是农田化肥流失排污;(3)在点源污染中,城市生活污水已成为主要污染源,工业废水排污在点源污染中的比重有较大程度的降低;4)点源污染与面源污染相比,在排放COD量的比例上,前者是后者的两倍多,在排放TN量所占比例上,二者相近,在排放TP所占比例上,前者小于后者。

1.Study on Pollution Situation and Non-point Source Pollution of Typical Reservoirs in Liaoning Province;辽宁省典型水库污染状况及非点源污染研究
2.On Non-point Source Pollution Model and Pollution Control Methods of Water Environment水环境的非点源污染模型及污染控制方法
3.Identification of Critical Nonpoint Pollution Source Areas In Songhuaba Watershed松华坝流域非点源污染关键源区识别
4.The water pollution can be divided into two major categories of point source and area-source pollution according to the different way of discharge.根据排放方式的不同,水体污染可以分为点源污染和非点源污染两大类。
5.Research on Non-Point Source Pollution Based on AnnAGNPS;基于AnnAGNPS模型的非点源污染研究
6.Simulation of Non-point Source Pollution Load in Jialing River Basin;嘉陵江流域非点源污染负荷模拟研究
7.SWAT-Based Simulation on Non-Point Source Pollution in the North Watershed of Miyun Reservoir;基于SWAT模型的非点源污染模拟研究
8.Analysis of Nonpoint Sources Pollution in the Watershed on the Basis of WARMF Model;基于WARMF模型的流域非点源污染分析
9.Study on Control System of Agricultural Non-point Source Pollution in Jilin Province;吉林省农业非点源污染调控体系研究
10.Preventing and Management Measures Research on the Agricultural Non-Point Source Pollution;农业非点源污染防治及管理措施研究
11.An Empirical Study on Non-point Pollution of Livestock and Poultry Raising in Western Rural Area西部农村养殖业非点源污染实证研究
12.Control Ways of Non-Point Pollution of Typical Chernozem典型黑土区非点源污染控制途径研究
13.Study on non-point pollution characteristics of urban runoff in Fuzhou city福州城市地表径流的非点源污染特性
14.Research on the Relationship Between Non-point Source Pollution and River Fractal Dimension流域非点源污染与水系分维关系研究
15.Studies on the Control Measures of Non-point Source Pollution in Poyang Lake Area鄱阳湖区域非点源污染控制技术研究
16.Present Situation and Legislative Principle on Non-point Source Pollutuon Control非点源污染控制的现状及其立法原则
17.Identification of Critical Source Areas (CSAs) for Non-point Source Pollution in Miyun Watershed;基于GIS的流域非点源污染关键源区识别与控制
18.The agricultural non-point sources pollution in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River based on source-sink ecological process基于“源-汇”生态过程的长江上游农业非点源污染

point source点源污染
1.Air pollutant SO_2 of Maanshan mainly comes from point sources in field of iron & steel industry,including ore smelting,coking and industrial boiler.安徽省马鞍山市城市大气污染物SO2主要来源于钢铁工业的矿石冶炼、煤炭焦化及工业锅炉等点源污染
3)point pollution sources点污染源
4)point source of pollution污染点源
5)point sources of water pollution点污染点源
6)Non-point source pollution非点源污染
1.Uncertainty of non-point source pollution;非点源污染不确定性研究进展
2.Subsidy policy for agricultural non-point source pollution control;农业非点源污染控制的补贴政策
3.Projection pursuit based correspondence factor analysis method of watershed non-point source pollution;流域非点源污染源解析的投影寻踪对应分析方法
