生态农业模式,Eco-agricultural model
1)Eco-agricultural model生态农业模式
1.Evaluations and empirical studies on the regional suitability of "Four-in-One" eco-agricultural models;“四位一体”生态农业模式区域适宜性评价与实证研究
2.From both theoretical and practical point of view,the techniques for the con-struction and methodology of courtyard eco-agricultural model are discussed.从理论与实践上论述了庭院生态农业模式的应用技术,并对其经济效益进行了综合分析,为在南方大力推广该模式提供了借鉴依据。
3.On the basis of synthesizing many scholars opinions,the conception and research significance of eco-agricultural model were pointed out and the research progress was reviewed.本文对生态农业模式的概念及内涵进行总结,指出我国生态农业模式研究的意义及必要性;对我国生态农业模式的研究现状进行综述,探讨模式研究中存在的问题及发展方向。

1.Study on Energy Flowing of "Four-in-one" Eco-agriculture Model;“四位一体”生态农业模式能流研究
2.Pattern Analysis and Development Mentality of Ecological Agriculture in Lianshui County;涟水县生态农业模式分析与发展思路
3.A Kind of Minitype Recycling Economy: The Pig-Raising,Methane-Generating and Fruit - Growing Eco-agriculture System;微型循环经济:“猪-沼-果”生态农业模式
5.Study on the Optimization of Ecological Agricultural Sturcture and the Design of Ecological Agricultural Model in ZaoZhuangregion;枣庄市生态农业结构优化和生态农业模式建立研究
6.The Constrution of Ecological Agricultural Patterns and Ecological-economical Family-farms生态农业模式与节能型家庭农场的构建
7.Research on connotation and development mode of the industrialization of eco-agriculture;生态农业产业化内涵与发展模式研究
8.Model of Eco-agriculture and Agriculture Sustainable Development in Yichun;宜春市生态农业与农业可持续发展模式
9.Models and Measures of Eco-agriculture Construction in Dali County大荔县生态农业建设模式与措施研究
10.Models in Eco-Agricultural Construction and Future Development-Strategies in Lianshui County;涟水县生态农业建设模式及发展对策
11.Study on Developing Modes and Countermeasure for Eco-Agriculture of the Suyu County;宿豫区生态农业发展模式与对策研究
12.Study on Garden Forestry Ecological Construction Made in Hechi Village;河池农村庭院林业生态建设模式探讨
13.Development Mode of Urban Eco-agriculture in Shanghai;上海市都市型生态农业发展模式研究
14.Research on the Operation Model of Agro-ecosystem Oriented on Circular Economy;循环型农业生态系统运行模式的研究
15.An Exploration on The Developmental Mode of the Eco-agriculture of the Mountain Country in Hainan;海南中部山区生态农业发展模式探析
16.Evaluation on Major Agricultural Management Models in Bijie Prefecture;毕节地区主要生态农业经营模式评析
17.The Study on the Mode of Ecological & Economy Farming in South Mountainous Area of Ningxia;宁南山区生态经济农业发展模式研究
18.Study the Pattern of Sustainable Ecoagriculture in Dangshan County;砀山县生态农业可持续发展模式研究

Eco agricultural model生态农业模式
3)Eco-agriculture model生态农业模式
1.The main problems of agriculture developing in southern area of Ningxia are analyzed,the experiences of 20 years experimental area in the area are sunmed up,and four different eco-agriculture models are put forward.针对宁夏南部半干旱退化山区生态环境与农业发展的难点热点问题,通过长期定位试验研究,总结提出了适用于当地的四种高效生态农业模式,并大面积推广应用,取得显著经济、生态和社会效益,为退耕还林还草和生态农业建设,提供了科学依据与实践经验。
4)ecological agriculture pattern生态农业模式
1.Through analyzing the economic,ecological and social benefit produced from the ecological agriculture pattern in Jinjitan town,we propose the promotion of ecological agriculture pattern with methane as the link.通过分析金鸡滩镇一农户建立的生态农业模式产生的经济、生态和社会效益,总结提出推广以沼气为纽带的生态农业模式,有利于解决农业生产中长期存在的种养分离、能源利用与环境保护分离造成的农业效益低、农民收入低和环境污染等问题,对开源节流,提高农民收入,改善生态环境,发展当地经济具有重要意义。
5)eco-agricultural pattern生态农业模式
1.Eco-agricultural pattern of water and soil conservation and its supporting project construc- tion in Cili County of Hunan Province.;湖南省慈利县水土保持型生态农业模式配套工程建设
6)pattern of agriculture ecology农业生态模式
1.At last, principles of resources exploitation and the pattern of agriculture ecology of tideland are discussed.分析了莱州市海涂资源的特点,对目前海涂资源开发的主要方式及开发过程中出现的问题,如地下海水入侵日趋严重、河道挖沙对海涂的破坏和海涂环境污染不断加剧等进行了研究;探讨了莱州市海涂资源开发的原则与农业生态模式。

中国农业科学院农业自然资源和农业区划所中国农业科学院农业自然资源和农业区划所 中国农业科学院农业自然资源和农业区划所见中国农业经济科学研究机构。