恶臭污染,odor pollution
1)odor pollution恶臭污染
1.Advances in odor pollution assessment and its treatment technologies;恶臭污染评价与处理技术研究进展
2.Odor pollution and evaluation system in municipal wastewater treatment plant;城市污水处理厂恶臭污染及其评价体系

1.Chapter V Prevention and Control of Pollution by Waste Gas, Dust and Fetor第五章 防治废气、尘和恶臭污染
2.Research on Petrochemical Corporation Odor Pollutions Assessment and Criterion Establishment;石化企业恶臭污染影响评估与标准研究
3.Analysis on Odor Pollution's Generation and Composition in Fishmeal Industry鱼粉行业恶臭污染物产生与成分分析探讨
4.Influence of Landfill Site Odor Pollution on Nearby Village in Winter冬季填埋场恶臭污染对周边村落的影响
5.Odor pollution has become a serious public hazard in the process of municipal solid waste( MSW) treatment and disposal.恶臭污染已成为垃圾处理和处置过程中的严重公害。
6.Studies on the Treatment of Odor Pollution with Biotechnology;生物法处理“恶臭”污染物新技术研究
8.Study on Analysis and Control of Odour Pollution in Petrolchemical Enterprise;石化企业“恶臭”污染分析和控制措施研究
9.Foul or poisonous gas that sometimes pollutes the air in coal mines.矿井瓦斯,有毒气体矿井中有时污染空气的恶臭气体或有毒气体
10.Study on Characteristics of NH_3 and H_2S in Midong Area of Urumqi City乌鲁木齐市米东区恶臭气体NH_3和H_2S污染特征分析
11.Measures shall be taken to prevent potential secondary pollution like air-borne dust, pollution of groundwater, incineration exhaust exceeding the standards and odor from the process of the collection and treatment of rubbish.采取措施防止垃圾收运、处理过程中的扬尘、污染地下水、焚烧超标排放、恶臭等二次污染。
12.the fetor of polluted waters;受污染水体的臭气;
13.Article 40 Units that discharge fetor into the atmosphere must take measures to prevent the pollution of neighboring residential areas.第四十条 向大气排放恶臭气体的排污单位,必须采取措施防止周围居民区受到污染。
14.Primary Study on Odorous Organic Sulfides in Typical Polluted Rivers and Municipal Wstewater Treatment Plants in Guangzhou Urban;广州市典型污染河道与城市污水处理厂中恶臭有机硫化物的初步研究
15.(1) discharge of dust, fetor or other gases with toxic substances into the atmosphere without taking any effective measures to prevent and control pollution;(一)未采取有效污染防治措施,向大气排放粉尘、恶臭气体或者其他含有有毒物质气体的;
16.Characteristics of the Release of Specific Odors during Sewage Sludge Drying;污泥干燥处理中典型恶臭的释放特点
17.of noxious stench from atmospheric pollution.指大气污染中有毒的臭气。
18.Odorous pollutants can cause minor annoyance.臭气污染物可以引起不严重的厌烦。

malodor pollution恶臭污染
1.With the continual development of urbanization and industrialization, the effect of malodor pollution is more and more serious, and is regarded as one of the seven social effects of pollution.伴随着城市化和工业化的不断发展,恶臭污染已成为环境的重要污染问题,是公认的七种社会公害之一。
2.In this paper the situation of malodor pollution in china as well as its elimination and control are analysed in technicality,safety and utility.本文分析了中国环境恶臭污染的现状及其防治与控制特点。
3)odor pollutants恶臭污染物
1.A new method with seven kinds of odor pollutants in the air collected by canister, concentrated through a 3-stage trap and analyzed by GC/MS and NPD was introduced in this paper.主要讨论了应用空气罐采样、三级冷阱预浓缩对气体样品进行前处理,气相色谱-质谱联用及火焰光度检测器对空气中七种恶臭污染物进行分析,结果表明该分析方法准确可靠,可用于空气中恶臭污染物的检测。
4)odor pollutant恶臭污染物
1.They include 4 kinds of odor pollutants controlled by emission standards for odor pollutants and 5 kinds of USEPA priority controlled pollutants.其中国家《恶臭污染物排放标准》控制污染物有4种,它们的含量相对较低,但波动范围较大;USEPA优先控制污染物有5种,虽然种类不多,但检出率较高,因此不应忽视其对环境的影响。
5)odor polluting source恶臭污染源
1.This paper was carried out to generally introduce the emission character of odor pollutants and the formation of odor polluting source,and the monitoring technology of odor pollutants was also presented in this article.概括介绍恶臭污染源的形成、排放特征及恶臭污染物的监测技术,重点介绍了我国测定恶臭的国家标准方法“三点比较式臭袋法”及其实际操作中若干问题解析。
6)odor pollution control恶臭污染控制

大便恶臭大便恶臭 大便恶臭   病证名。小儿消化不良症状之一。多伴体热多睡。因宿滞化热所致。治宜消食清热,用保和丸合龙胆泻肝汤。