一小时经济圈,one hour economic circle
1)one hour economic circle一小时经济圈
1.In the construction of one hour economic circle of Chongqing,the transportation must carry on in advance.交通是经济社会发展的重要基础,重庆一小时经济圈建设,交通要先行。
2.The development of Chongqing\'s one hour economic circle is introduced.简要介绍重庆一小时经济圈发展概况;探讨重庆一小时经济圈客运交通轨道化的必要性;从干线铁路具有大量的富裕运能、大量的同城客流作保证、良好的安全性能和环境效益等几个方面论述重庆一小时经济圈客运交通轨道化的可行性。

1.Study on the Tourism Spatial Development Strategy in the "One Hour Economic Circle" of Chongqing;重庆市“一小时经济圈”旅游空间发展战略研究
2.Changes in Temperature in the Chongqing One-Hour Economic Circle Region and Their Heat-Island Effect重庆“一小时经济圈”气温变化及热岛效应研究
3.Empirical Analysis for One-hour Economy Circle of Chongqing Evaluating Regional Development Level重庆市一小时经济圈区域经济动态发展水平的实证分析
5.Adaptability Analysis of Passenger Traffic Railization of Chongqing's One Hour Economic Circle重庆一小时经济圈客运交通轨道化的适应性分析
6.On Suburbs Transportation Development in Strategy of One Hour Economic Circle of Chongqing--Taking Chongqing Fuling District Chongqing City as Example;论“重庆一小时经济圈”战略中远郊区县的交通发展——以重庆涪陵区为例
7.Constructing a"Three-Hour-Economy-Circle"to Promote the Harmonious Development of Shanxi Economy;构建“三小时经济圈” 促进山西经济协调发展
8.Thought and Suggestion about Creating “One-hour Urban Economy Circle” of Jinan;构筑济南“1小时城市经济圈”的思考与建议
9.My Understanding on Heaven's Favorable Weather,the Earth's Advantageous Terrain and Human Unity in the Economic Zone of the“Two Corridors and One Ring”解读“两廊一圈”经济区的天时、地利、人和
10.A Research on Constructing the One-hour Economical Circle of Chongqing & the Economic Society Development of Fuling;构建重庆1小时经济圈与涪陵经济社会发展研究
11.The earth turns on its axis once every 24 hours.地球每24小时自转一圈.
12.Application of Smart Growth Theory in Urban Planning--A Case Study of Chongqing One-Hour-Urban-Economy-Circle“精明增长”在城市土地利用中的应用——以重庆市“1小时经济圈”为例
13.On Anhui province Chao lake tourism economy circle "three in one"strategy论安徽省环巢湖旅游经济文化圈“三圈合一”战略
14.Construction of Chenzhou-Zixing-Guiyang Economical Circle under the Background of Integrated Regional Economy;区域经济一体化背景下郴资桂经济圈的构建
15.Studying to the Role of "Two Corridors and One Ring" Based on China;从经济互动角度看“两廊一圈”在中国
16.Research of Chendu plain city circle economy integration development成都平原城市圈经济一体化发展研究
17.The Economic Distribution of the Small Towns Circling Urban Wuhan;大武汉城市圈内的小城镇经济布局研究
18.A small black horse had the inside track at the start of the race.比赛开始时,一匹小黑马领先跑内圈。

Chongqing "one hour economic circle"重庆"一小时经济圈"
1.On the basis of presentation of the smart growth theory and introduction of the practical experience of other countries,this paper attempts to use the theory of "smart growth" for reference to solve problems on land use in the city\'s boundary and interior in urban planning of the "one-hour-urban-economy-circle"."精明增长"这一理念自20世纪被提出后就引起了土地管理和城市规划专家的关注,同时,"精明增长"理论也在英、北欧、美等各国的城市规划实践中显示了特有的优势,重庆市为了谋取更好的发展,结合自身实际提出了"1小时经济圈"发展规划。
4)one-hour city economic circle1小时城市经济圈
1.Through revising space distance to commuting distance and commuting distance to economic distance,the paper defines Ganzhou one-hour city economic circle scope.通过将空间距离修正为通勤距离、再将通勤距离修正为经济距离的方法,界定了赣州市1小时城市经济圈。
5)economic hours经济小时
6)economic circle经济圈
1.Ponder and countermeasure of integrating fishery in west Anhui into the urban economic circle;皖西渔业加速融入都市经济圈的思考与对策
2.Industrial Cooperation of HuangHai and Bohai Sea Economic Circle and Mutual Development between Jeonbuk-Tianjin;黄渤海经济圈产业合作与全北—天津相互发展
3.Research on Regional Economic Integration with Ethnic Entity and Construction of Big Economic Circle in the Western Region;西部地区民族体与区域体融合发展及大经济圈构建研究
