大山村,Dashan village
1)Dashan village大山村
1.Based on the established GIS of Dashan village, forestland value and its ecological assessment were analyzed.在建立大山村GIS基础上,对大山村各类森林资源资产价值进行评估,并重点分析了土地利用生态合理性。
2.The soil physical and chemical properties, water conservation capacity, woodland microclimate effect of different agro-forestry ecosystems were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively in this paper, on the basis of the analysis of present agro-forestry ecosystem research at home and abroad and the actual situation of the management construction of the agro-forestry in Dashan village.本文针对目前国内外林农复合生态系统的研究现状和大山村林农复合模式的实际经营情况,采用定量测定与定性分析相结合的方法,对不同林农复合生态系统的土壤理化性质、林地涵蓄能力、小气候效应等生态因子进行了分析。

1.Data Series and Positive Study on Forestry Function in the New Rural Construction -Sample as dashan village,anhui province;林业发展与新农村建设的实证研究——以安徽省大山村为例
2.Positive Study on Forestry Function in the New Rural Construction--A Case Study of Dashan Village of Anhui Province;新农村建设中林业作用的实证研究——以安徽省大山村为例
3.Ecological and Economical Assessment on Land Use Based on the GIS in Dashan Village;基于GIS的大山村土地资源生态经济评价
4.It was on a hill, about a mile and a half from the village.座落在离村子大约一英里半的山上。
5.The child was brought out in a distant mountain village.这孩子是在一个偏远的山村中长大的。
6.Heavy snow made the mountain village inaccessible to traffic.大雪使车辆进不了这个小山村。
7.This child was brought up in a distant village.这孩子在一个偏远的山村长大。
8.The mountain village is rich in fruits, but low in rice.那个山村盛产水果,但是大米产量低。
9.The child was brought up in a remote mountains village.这孩子是在一个偏远的山村中长大的.
10.Now our mountain village has its own college students.如今咱们山村也有了自己的大学生。
11.The mountains cut the villagers off from the rest of the world.大山把这里的村民与外界分隔开来。
12.To Go and Work in the Countryside or Mountain Areas:Thinking of the Further Development of Student Village Officials“上山下乡”——大学生村官后续发展的思考
13.The Consideration of Shanxi TV University Implementation "The Plan of a College Student in One Village";山西电大“一村一名大学生计划”的实践与思考
14.All of these settlements are thin strips of land, sometimes in the shape of an oval, reclaimed from the mountain slopes or ravines.这些山村都是从大山的山沟里开辟出来的一条条狭长的或椭圆形的田地村庄。
15.Research on the University Students′ Participating in the Festival Sports Activities of the Countryside--Example as Lingshan and Heng County in Guangxi;大学生与农村节庆体育活动互动研究——以广西灵山县、横县农村为例
16.Input in Infrastructural Construction in Rural China's Non-governmental Education--A study Based on Xuan Village School in Hubei乡村教育中农民投入的实证研究——湖北大别山宣村小学考察
17.During his stay in Yin Tin Tsai island, Fr.范若瑟神父在这期间也探访了大屿山一些渔村。
18.Important military prisoners were shut away in a remote mountain village.重大的军事犯被关在一个偏远的山村里。

Dawan village in Mountain Taibai太白山大湾村
1.The plan of “new village construction” was put forward in order to help the primitive inhabitants to promote agricultural synthetic development so as to improve the lagging condition.为改善少数民族山村的落后状况 ,台湾提出了“新山村建设”计划 ,用以辅导少数民族农业综合发展。
2.It is a successful experience about constructing socialism harmonious village of Yaozhihe in Baokang County in Hubei Province.湖北省保康县尧治河村构建社会主义和谐山村的道路具有一定的代表意义。
5)Tuanshan ancient village团山古村
6)Tianshan Village田山庄村
1.A self-developed binder was used for the solidification of construction refuse piles and whole soil matrix,and a technology of this solidification combining with grass-planting was adopted to ecologically protect the rural riverbanks at Tianshan Village of Shanghai.基于自主开发的固化剂,采用建筑垃圾固化桩(+植被)和土壤整体固化(+植草)技术对上海市田山庄村河道实施了护岸工程,并结合其他生态工程技术对村中污塘进行了生态重建。
