1.Factors affecting coking at the bottom of the fractionator are composition of slurry, temperature, catalyst content and residence time.影响分馏塔结焦的因素有分馏塔油浆的组成、温度、催化剂含量及停留时间。
2.The chart and the bottom are a rightness of important concepts,It has a relation of the economical rate,consciousness of the mankind sense of vision mental,and the simplification rate relevant.图与是一对重要的概念,它与人类视觉的节省率、知觉心理、简化率有关。
3.The area of visual parts are not equally important,in a particular style,people take part in a selection object of consciousness,as the rest,and graphics as bottom or background.在人们的视觉区域中的各个部分并不是同等重要的,在一个特定的式样中,人们把知觉对象中的某一部分选择出来,视为图形,而把其余部分当作面或背景。

1.Bottom margin部边距,边,线
2.one with a thick sole and the other with a thin one.一只鞋厚,一只鞋
3.To rest on or touch the bottom.触停靠在或接触
4.strike the ground, as with a ship's bottom.打击部,比如船的部。
5.double bottom forward首部双层前部双层
6.rammed bottom lining捣筑(的)衬, 捣筑炉
7.A square base, as for a vase.座花瓶等的方形
8.chromogenic substrate显色物,生色
9.an underwater mountain rising above the ocean floor.水下的高出海的山。
10.A preliminary coat of paint or size applied to a surface.涂料,漆涂在某一表面上的漆或
11.Bottom of Ground Floor;层之——近年来层、层文学研究综述
12.The floor of a body of water, especially the sea.,海水体,尤其是海洋的
13.the ocean, forest, valley, cave floor海洋的、 森林的地面、 谷、 洞.
14.Compatible with epoxy or polyurethane primers.漆一般采用环氧漆或聚氨脂漆。
15.The ground or lowermost surface, as of a forest or an ocean.层或最低层,如森林或海洋的最
16.demersal stocks(层)鱼(类)(种群)
17.By the end of October 1886,到1886年10月
18.Trimming machine for inner lining & sole鞋、内里、修边机

1.The first one discusses the figure-ground phenomenon and concludes the characters of"figure"and"ground"by putting the phenomenon into special historical background.从图现象及对其常规解释的质疑入手,将图现象放入具体的历史环境中进行再分析,总结"图"和""所具有的特征。
4)marine sediment海底底质
1.Development of in situ marine sediment acoustic measurement technique;海质声学性质原位测量技术研究
5)filling up gap's bottom护底(垫底)

[口*屍]刺拏伐底【[口*屍]刺拏伐底】 (地名)河名。译曰有金河。佛涅槃于此河边。(参见:阿恃多伐底条及熙连)