1.After 1949,Feng Qi accepted the Marxist theory of freedom,and pointed out that freedom lies in the recognition of necessity.1949以后,冯契曾接受马克思主义的自由学说,认为人的自由在于对必然的认识。
2.It is concered of the relation of necessity and freedom.作为一位伟大的思想家,马克思始终对人类的命运有着终极关怀,这体现在他对自由和必然的关系的关注,尤其是在后期具体谈论到的必然王国和自由王国的关系,以及它们实现所需要的物质生产领域的必然性和工作日的缩短两个条件的论述上,这一思想不仅在当时,而且在现代都具有重大的理论意义和现实意义。

1.Of necessity;inevitably.必然必需地,不可避免地
2.Is there necessity in nature?自然界是否存在必然性?
3."But sinners will be cut off from the land, and those whose acts are false will be uprooted."惟有恶人必然剪除。奸诈的必然拔出。
4.What must be, must be. -Italian Proverb物物之必然必然。--意大利谚语
5.On the contingency, necessity, probable of criminal investigation;论刑事侦查的偶然性、必然性与或然性
6.New means must of necessity be had recourse to.人们必然求助于新方法。
7.the quality of being unavoidable.必然发生,不可避免。
8.Death is the necessary end of life.死亡是生命必然的终结。
9.Wrongdoings inevitably trips up itself.做坏事必然会暴露。
10.Does lazinesss always spell failure?怠惰必然招致失败吗?
11.A probability of 1 represents certainty.几率为1表示必然事件。
12.don't argue with the inevitable.死亡是人生的必然事件。
13.I'll bet my bottom dollars that he will succeed.我确信他必然成功。
14.the necessary consequences of one's actions.自己行为的必然结果。
15.the natural sequence to [for] folly愚笨行为的必然结果
16.realm of necessity and realm of freedom必然王国与自由王国
17.The lone sheep is in danger of the wolf.孤羊逢狼,必然遭殃。
18.Gossiping and lying go hand in hand.〔谚语〕说短道长,必然撒谎。

1.From "Free Kingdom "to "Inevitability Kingdom"——The elaboration of Engels and Lenin for "freedom and inevitability";从“自由王国”到“必然王国”——恩格斯和列宁对“自由和必然”的论述
2.Kripke distinguishes inevitability from apriority firstly.克里普克首先将必然性、先验性区分开。
3.The possession of freedom by means of realization of inevitability is only suitable to the relation between human beings and nature.通过对必然性的认识而获得自由只适合于人与自然之间的关系,基于审美意识而实现的自由不过是对现实活动有限性的补充,而个人的美德对自由的承诺也不能与作为职业的市场活动混为一谈。
1.Combing them,we can induce four main freedom concepts: freedom is a state that one is exempt from coercion;freedom is the rights of participating public affaires;freedom is a sprite state,which embodies mainly restraining desire;freedom is ability,especially relating with certainty,recognizing,reforming,or being independent of certainly.对之进行梳理,可以归纳出四种主要的自由概念:自由是一种免于强制的状态;自由是参与公共事务的权利;自由是一种精神状态,主要表现为对欲望的克制;自由是一种能力,特别是与必然有关的能力——或是对必然的认识,或是对必然的改造,或独立于必然
2.Accidentalness and certainty are relative.微小因素对系统的作用是必然的 ,但能否引起蝴蝶效应要依系统的发展阶段或状况而定 ;因为系统或子系统都具有封闭性和调控功能 ,在系统状态良好时 ,系统会消解不利于自己存在发展的因素作用。
1.The reconstruction of GOM is becoming"necessary"because of modernization of medical science.医学由传统向现代的一路高歌猛进使医学目的的调整成为"必然"。
1.Thus, in China, it s inevitable for the Kuomintang of Nanjingto be doomed to destru.南京国民党政权既不能代表中国先进生产力的发展要求,也不能代表中国先进文化的前进方向,更不能代表中国最广大人民的根本利益,其执政合法性的丧失和大陆统治的失败就是历史的必然
6)natural certainty自然必然性
1.As so as the principal agent relationship achieve the "Nash Equilibrium" among the players, it′s natural certainty that the modern company build up the principal agent relationship.试图从诠释纳什均衡开始,论述非合作多人博弈解的存在性,由于现代企业委托—代理关系的确立给出了其各个主体之间纳什均衡解的一种实现形式,因此现代企业建立委托—代理关系存在“自然必然性”。
