1.Hakuson Kuriyagawa s literary thinking is mainly reflected in his original argument "The depression from the repressed life force is the root of literature and art", but we can never deny that his literary thinking was greatly influenced by Sigmund Freud s psychoanalysis, toward which he took an objective attitude.厨川白村的文艺思想主要体现在他所提出的"生命力受了压力而生的苦闷懊恼乃是文艺的根柢"主张上,他的这一文艺主张显然有独到之处。

1.He knew I was unhappy and alone.他知道我很苦闷、孤独。
2.PLAYER). Rebel. Know Strife. Pain. Learn anguish.你的叛变,将会导致斗争,痛苦,苦闷会一起降临。
3.Physical disability causes mental anguish.生理伤残会引起心理苦闷.
4.He sighed bitterly and said to himself:他苦闷地叹一口气,心里说:
5.upon the scene of his former joys and his later sufferings,那给了他欢乐又带来苦闷的地方,
6.There is no warm feeling, only bitterness.这里不再有温暖,只有苦闷、漠、愤.
7.You will soothe my troubles; I will comfort you in yours.你要减轻我的烦恼,我要排解你的苦闷
8.From <on the Power of Satanical School of Poetry> to <the Symbol of Depression>;从《摩罗诗力说》到《苦闷的象征》
9.A Textual Research on the Relationship Between the "Symbols of Depression" and Chinese New Literature;《苦闷的象征》与中国新文学关系考辨
10.The Symbol of Suffering--Analysis on Monalisa;“苦闷的象征”——《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》评析
11.Loneliness, Depression and Persistence--The Images of Fishermen in Liu Zongyuan s Work;孤寂·苦闷·执著——柳宗元笔下的渔翁形象
12.The Symbol of Depression and the Creation of Chinese New Literature Writers;《苦闷的象征》与中国新文学作家的创作
13.The Biography of the Great Man:the Portrait of Ruanji's Conflicted and Depressed Life《大人先生传》:阮籍矛盾、苦闷一生的写照
14.The Depression of Jiang Weizu in Children of the Moneybags浅析《财主底儿女们》中蒋蔚祖的苦闷
15.As I had no friend in the world to communicate my distressed thoughts to, it lay so heavy upon me.因为在世界上我没有朋友可以对他诉说我这苦闷的心情,这种苦闷沉重地压着我。
16.Though he is distressed and suffering, but he tries to break away from the affliction.他的词中有苦闷,有忧患,同时我们可以看到他又力求摆脱忧患,力图从苦闷中拔起。
17.She had finally found out why Huei-fang was so miserable.她终于猜到几分四小姐所苦闷的是什么。
18.In spite of my gloom I laughed too and walked on.尽管我很苦闷,但我也还是笑了,并继续往前走。

1.They had similar views on such issues as the origin of literature and art lying in the gloom in one s heart of hearts and the basic technique of expression of literature being self-expression.他们在有关文艺的“苦闷”的本质特征、文学的表现“自我”等问题的认识上,呈现出相同的轨迹。
4)Depression and Sorrow苦闷愁郁
5)the spiritual anguish精神苦闷
6)get rid of the depressed feeling宣泄苦闷
