1.Jiangzhai take "idea" as the key elements commenting on the poem gist,and the "idea" is unfolded for "feeling" and "scenery".王夫之《薑斋诗话》以"意"为论诗主旨,并把"意"展开为"情"、""两要素。
2.Starting from the connotation of landscape lyrics, the first chapter explored the artistical features of landscape poetry by Xie Tiao from the three perspectives: the depicted object, the emotional domain and integration of feeling and scenery.第一章从山水诗的内涵出发,从物描写对象、抒情领域及情交融这三个角度,微观分析谢朓山水诗的艺术特色。

1.obstructive scenery, Blocking view障(又称“抑”)
2.vista line,vista夹(又称“风线”)
3.Background paper背文件、背材料
4.situational identity theory情身分论 情身分论
5.ground-glass finder方框式取[检]器
6.majestic views, scenery, etc壮丽的色、 风
7.with a single line through the center.情推测专项训练
8.A sudden or unusual sight.突然象,特异
9.Have a good view of.看到......的美
10.A marvelous real place or scene.奇,美美妙的真实的地方或
11.The Landscape Research of Da’an Temple;大安寺区古点调查与新点开发
12.Manmade sceneries on Wudang Mountain compliment natural ones.武当山风自然观与人文观融为一体。
13.You can look up at the towering peaks or just marvel at the murmuring limpid water.行在弯弯曲曲的九曲溪上,一步一喜人。
14.The Landscape Pattern Dynamics Analyst and Landscape Ecological Planning in Laoshan Scenery Spot;崂山风观格局动态分析及观生态规划
15.The Landscape Design in Scenic Spots under the Regional Culture Background;地域文化背下的旅游风观设计
16.a scenic artist(舞台的) 背画家
17.Viewing Platform [Lantau Link]观台〔青屿干线〕
18.Every day is not Sunday.[谚]好不会常在。

scenery and landscape景区景观
1.Reconstruction and ecological remediation:scenery and landscape project of Guilin's water system;桂林环城水系整治及生态修复——观工程
3)the scene's appreciation beyond the existed scene景外之景
1.The landscapes in Huangshan scenic spot are a result of the concerted action of manifold factors.黄山风观是多种因素共同作用的结果。
5)sight spot景观景点
1.City Community Study on Sunstainable Waterscape;城市居住区“节水型”水观设计初探
2.Along with the increasing demand of the quality of house environment ,waterscape become a very important part of the landscaping of dwelling district and it also become a major factor of the estimate of people for dwelling environment.但是,由于水观在设计上缺乏统一规划,不注重设计的实用性,较多的案例造成了水资源的严重浪费。

《景定建康志》  南宋地方志。景定时周应合(1213~1280)撰。建康,府名,治今江苏南京市,南宋初曾建行宫于此,故称留都。作者采取《乾道建康志》、《庆元建康续志》两书资料,并增入庆元至景定六十余年事,纂成五十卷,其中有留都录四卷,地理图及地理沿革一卷,表、志、传四十四卷,拾遗一卷。该书所绘府治及各县治地图颇为详明,所记史事亦考核精审,是传世的南宋地方志佳作,为研究建康地方史和宋史的重要史料。该书在明代流传几绝,清康熙四十六年(1707),朱彝尊从曹寅处借得全帙抄录,始复传世。现有《四库全书》本、嘉庆六年(1801)岱南阁刻本及嘉庆七年金陵孙忠愍祠本。    参考书目   朱士嘉:《中国地方志综录》(增订本),商务印书馆,北京,1958。