1.Why have "Yi" and "Yuan" become the ultimate style of Chinese painting? Xu Fuguan made a Xin Xing Xue study on this problem and accounted that it was the practice of Zhuanzi spirit in painting.“”和“远”作为中国绘画的最高风格是如何可能的?徐复观通过对此问题的心性学考察,认为这是庄学精神逐步在绘画中落实的结果。
2.in this thesis, we have occupied the most materials from the web and the books and found the clue of the development of the word "Yi" .本文归纳出涉诗、涉艺、涉美的七组主要词义:1。

1."Carefree pen" "carefree energy of life" "carefree style" --the limited view of the inner meaning connection in the painting of NI Zan;“笔”“气”“格”——蠡测倪瓒绘画中“”的内蕴关联
2.It is so much better than just dull comfort.那比无聊的安安好多了。
3.He was sitting easily in a louging chair.他正安安地靠在一张躺椅上。
4.An Essay on Yi--An Exploration of the "Yi Ping" Painting in Tang and Song Dynasty;“”辩——唐宋时期“品”画问题初探
5.The Leisurable Quality- Analyzing the Cause and Effect of "Mij~- s Cloud Mountain";“格”之“”——“米氏云山”之因果分析
6.Evolution of “Yi” from Retired Personality to Aesthetic Category;“”从隐人格向审美范畴的演进
7.anecdotal conversation; an anectodal history of jazz; he was at his anecdotic best.专讲闻趣事的交谈;爵士乐史;他正大讲闻趣事。
8.Gas is escaping from the pipe.煤气正从管中出。
9.exo-electron proportional counter外电子正比计数器
10.He sacrifices business for pleasure.他为乐而放弃工作。
11.Something that escapes by leaking.通过泄漏逃的东西
12.fugitive emission contro逃性排放物的控制
13.He enjoys himself on a bed of flower.他过安舒适的生活
14.This region is called exosphere.这层大气称为外层。
15.escape pathlength of cosmic rays宇宙线逃路径长度
16.She has flowing long hair down to the shoulders.她留有飘过肩的长发。
17.once (and )for all一劳永,限此一次
18.The act or a period of debauchery.淫放荡的行为或时期

1.On "spirit" and "ease","vigour of style" and "the northern model;“神”与“”、“风骨”与“北宗”论
2.The trend of thought in social aesthetics had experienced a great change in Tang and Song Dynasty for "ease" as an aesthetic concept became the aesthetic ideal in literati and officialdom s mind.唐宋之际 ,社会审美思潮发生了很大变化 ,“”作为审美范畴在士大夫的观念中成为一种审美理想。
3.But at ease the category show systematic going on and it studies t.“”是一个具有鲜明民族特色的美学范畴,它集中体现了中国古代文人士大夫的审美趣味和审美理想,成为文人士大夫在得意和失意的重要精神寄托。
1.Research on Vacuum Gassing of Carbon Fiber/Cyanate Ester Composite;碳纤维/氰酸酯树脂复合材料真空气性能研究
1.Research on plumbum emission of cement kiln;水泥窑Pb放污染研究
2.The ratio of tungsten emission is only 0.研究结果表明,水泥生料中WO3的质量分数为1×10-6~6×10-4时,可改善生料的易烧性,有利于水泥熟料矿物阿利特的形成,且钨的放率仅为0。
3.Influence factors of Pb emission during cement calcinations were investigated.研究了水泥煅烧过程中Pb放的几个影响因素。
1.Thermodynamics Analysis of the Relationship Between Pressure and Fugacity of Methane in Hydrogen Attacked Bubbles;氢蚀气泡内甲烷压力与度关系的热力学分析
2.Henry's constants of methane and carbon dioxide can be calculated by the experience formula,and the fugacity can be calculated by fugacity gene formula,based on Henry Law,the soluble mole fractions of carbon dioxide and methane in groundwater with burial depth increasing were calculated.采用半经验公式计算CH4(甲烷)和CO2(二氧化碳)的亨利常数,根据度因子公式求取CH4和CO2的度,根据亨利定律计算出不同埋深下CH4和CO2在地层水中的溶解度。
3.For non-hydrate phase, the Trebble-Bishnoi (TB) equation was employed in the fugacity approach, while the Soave-Redlich-Kwong (SRK) equation was applied in the activity approach.分别利用两种热力学方法(基于度相等的方法与基于活度相等的方法)预测了不同多孔介质中气体水合物的平衡分解条件,对于非水合物相,度方法采用Trebble-Bishnoi(TB)方程,而活度方法则使用Soave-Redlich-Kwong(SRK)方程,对于水合物相,两种方法都利用了van der Waals-Platteeuw模型结合Llamedo等关于毛细管力作用模型来模拟。

《逸周书·时训解》    《逸周书·时训解》    Y izhoushU shixunjie《逸周书·时训解》中国古代记述物候知识的著作之一。它是七十二候定型的一篇著作〔见七十二候)。从七十二候形成的渊源来说,《逸周书》可能是汉代著作。《时训解》一卷,以一年为二十四气,每个节气定为三候,每隔五天一候。如“立春之日,东风解冻;又五日,蛰虫始振;又五日,鱼上冰”。由本书物候记述内容来看,取材应晚于《吕氏春秋·十二纪》、《礼记·月令》、《淮南子·时则训》。今存晋代孔晃注本,清朱右曾《周书集训校释》,孙治让《周书斟补》,刘师培《周书补正》,陈汉章《周书后案》等。 参考书目 竺可祯、宛敏渭同著:《物候学》,科学出版社,19750 (朱履宽)