1.The origins of Tantrism in the Liao Dynasty not only included Tang Tantric factors,but also embraced Za Tantric and Indian Tantric elements.在政权更迭频繁、多元文化交汇的背景之下,华北北部民间社会的佛顶尊胜信仰保持了很强的延续性;此信仰在辽中后期也影响到契丹贵族;辽代密教的渊源除了唐密,还包括杂密和直接来自印度的因素。

1.of or relating to Tantrism.属于或关于密教经典的教义的。
2.A Study of 《Xian Mi Yuan Tong Cheng Fo Xin Yao Ji》;中国化的密教——《显密圆通成佛心要集》思想研究
3.Re-consideration to Some Tantric Motif in The Guangyuan Grottoes;对部分广元密教造像题材的再考察——兼析某些密教造型艺术的渊源
4.of or relating to Mithraism or its god.属于或关于密特拉教、密特拉神的。
5.he goes to professor Smith for suggestions.他求助于史密斯教授。
6.Professor Smith has the microcomputer at his fingers' ends.史密斯教授精通微机。
7.Mr.Smith is a teacher.史密斯先生是教员。
8.Prof. Smith did not give a lecture today .史密斯教授今天没上课。
9.Prof. Smith does not give a lecture today.史密斯教授今天没上课
10.The private rooms in which the cardinals meet to elect a new pope.天主教选举的秘密场所红衣主教聚在一起选举新教皇的秘密场所
11.sacred book [ writing ]宗教经典S-College罗马的教廷枢密院
12.any of various doctrines closely related to Anabaptism.与再洗礼教派紧密相关的任何教义。
13.Dr. Smith was moved up from an associate to a full professorship.史密斯博士由副教授晋升为正教授。
14.Implementation of green chemistry education with the integration of teaching materials;紧密结合教材 实施绿色化学教育
15.The secret society was the secret manipulator behind the Gucheng Christian case.秘密社会是谷城教案背后的秘密操纵者。
16.Teachers' reflective pedagogical thinking is closely related to their teaching behavior.教师的教学反思和教学行为是紧密联系的。
17.A religious cult practicing secret rites to which only initiates are admitted.秘密的宗教礼拜只有被创始人允许才可以举行的秘密的宗教礼拜
18.They married secretly in an old, empty church.他们秘密的在一间荒废的教堂结婚.

Esoteric Buddhism;Tantrism密教; 密宗
1.On the Time of Introducing Tantrism into Yunnan Province from India and Tibet;论佛教密宗从印、藏传入云南时间无从考
4)Secret Sects秘密宗教
5)Tibetan Esotericism藏传密教
1.Tibetan Esotericism and "Journey to the West"——Continuing Discuss on "the Research of Completing Journey to the West" Written by Cai Tie-ying;藏传密教与《西游记》——蔡铁鹰《〈西游记〉成书研究》续论
6)Smith's faith斯密教条
