1.However,strictly speaking,in spite of the beginning of coeducation,the higher education sphere had been regulating sexual segregated educational practice for a long time.但是从严格意义上而言,高等教育即便是在男女同校的体制下,却仍然长期实行男女隔离的教育。
2.The essay examines the evolution of coeducation in America since 19th century.本文勾画了美国男女同校的历史与现状,认为从19世纪到20世纪70年代,男女同校都被视为女性赢得与男子一样的受教育机会的标志性成果以及实现男女平等的重要途径。

1.I want to go to a coed school .我要上男女同校的学校。
2.A woman who attends a coeducational college or university.男女同校的女学生上男女同校的学院或大学的女人
3.Is this a co - school ?这是一所男女同校的学校吗?
4.The system of education in which both men and women attend the same institution or classes.男女同校男人和女人参加同一学校或班级的教育系统
5.My mother wants me to go to an all-girls school because she is against coeducation.我母亲反对男女同校,想让我去女子学校读书。
6.1 Girls seem to perform better academically in all-girls schools as opposed to co-ed ones.女生在女校的学业表现似乎比男女同校的学校好。
7.Coeducation is very common in North America.男女同校的现象在北美非常普遍。
8.The pros and cons of mixed schooling are now under discussion.男女同校的利弊问题正在讨论之中。
9.Boys and girls in the same school? That's something they never thought of in their wildest dreams!"男女同校,他们一辈子连做梦都不曾梦到
10.Regent Christian Academy is a private, co-educational, college preparatory, evangelical Christian school.摄政的基督徒学院私有,男女同校,学院准备,福音派基督徒学校。
11.When Princeton University started offering8) co-ed classes, she was in the9) freshman class.普林斯顿大学开始改为男女同校时,她就是第一批的新鲜人。
12.But perhaps the greatest contribution of co-education is the healthy attitude to life it encourages.也许男女同校教育的最大贡献在于其提倡健康的人生观。
13.Coeducation gives kids the opportunity of growing in an atmosphere of diversity.男女同校为孩子提供了一种丰富多彩的成长环境。
14.a mixed school(男女生同校的)学校
15.They mix the boys with the girls in the same class in that school.那个学校把男女生混合在同一班级。
16.education of men and women in the same institutions.在同一所学校里教育男学生和女学生。
17.In 1920, a contingent of three young women students were enrolled in Peking University, an act which ushered in coeducation in China's institutions of higher learning.1920年,首批3名女学生入北大读书,开中国高校男女生同校风气之先。
18.In most universities, males and females live in the same dorm.在大部分高校,男生和女生住在相同的宿舍里。

coeducational adj.男女同校的
5)co-educational place男女同校学位
6)A coed university.男女同校的大学

同立绣校同立绣校  约创立于清光绪三十三年(1904),由沈寿、余觉创办,地点在江苏苏州马医科巷。沈寿姊沈立,和沈寿参加教学刺绣,金静芬等为这时期学员,当时有绣工三十余人。同立绣校又称“福寿绣品夫妻公司”。