1.Query on the Neoclassical System of Walras General Equilibrium;瓦尔拉斯新古典一般均衡体系质疑
2.This paper sets up a neoclassical model to study the technology diffusion and income convergence.通过一个两部门的新古典模型来考察技术扩散与收入收敛之间的关系,结果表明技术差异是收入差距的重要原因之一。
3.On the one hand,the Keynesanism investment theory is continually perfected;on the other hand,the neoclassical investment theory is also developed.一边是凯恩斯投资理论的完善,一边是新古典投资理论的发展;一边是宏观投资理论的发展,一边是微观投资理论的兴起;一边是实物投资理论的发展,一边是金融投资理论的繁荣。

1.From Classical Location Theory to Neoclassical Location Theory: A Retrospective view;古典区位论到新古典区位论:一个综述
2.an advocate of neoclassicism.新古典主义的倡导者。
3.neoclassical growth theory新古典学派增长理论
4.The comparative study of neoclassical economics and new classical economics;新古典经济学与新兴古典经济学比较研究
5.Succeeding But Not Subversion: From Classical to Neoclassical and to Behavioral Economics;传承而非颠覆:从古典、新古典到行为经济学
6.From the Classical to the New classical:the Changes of the Western Liberalism and It s Enlightenments;从古典到新古典:西方自由主义的嬗变与启示
7.Neo-classical art held dear nature, classicism and imitation.新古典主义艺术崇尚自然、古典、模仿,其哲学根源是笛卡尔主义哲学。
8.An Analysis of Knowledge from the Approach of Economics:A Literature Review--Based on the Perspective of Classical and Neo-classical Paradigms;知识的经济学分析:一个文献综述——基于古典与新古典范式的视点
9.The Study on the Heroism-styles between Classical Music and Neo-classical Music古典主义与新古典主义音乐中的英雄主义风格研究
10.On Economist and Social Order亦论经济人与社会秩序——古典经济学的探微与新古典经济学的省思
11.neo - classical model of macro price新古典主义的宏观价格模型
12.Neoclassic styles were imposed on the landscape这类风景画都赋有新古典主义风格。
13.Ts'ao Yüan-lang nodded and repeated "neoclassic" in English.曹元朗点头,说“新古典的”那个英文字。
14.The Logic of Macroeconomic Theories: Keynes and Neoclassical Synthesis总量理论的逻辑:凯恩斯与新古典综合
15.Development of the MATLAB Neoclassical Control Toolbox;基于MATLAB的新古典控制工具箱开发
16.Rational Ignorance and Maintenance of Neo Classical Model under Social Contracts;理性的无知与新古典的社会契约维系
17.The New Classical Modern School of Seeking for Self-Cultivating and Self-Perfecting--On Jian-Zhen’s Essay;新古典的现代性灵派——简媜散文论
18.revalue a classic对一古典作品重新评价

Emerging classical新兴古典
3)neoclassical style新古典派
1.A Brief Talk on “Neo-Classicism” Architecture With the Architecture Design of Yu Zhou Jun Porcelain Museum as An Example;新古典主义建筑——以钧台钧窑遗址博物馆设计为例
2.Improvisations is characterized by two main elements generally found in poulenc\'s work,referred to as Neo-classicism and French music,from which the characteristics of his piano music can be realized comprehensively.新古典主义作为影响面最大的音乐流派之一,不仅影响了20世纪众多重要的作曲家的创作,其深远影响一直波及到今天。
1.An Analysis of Neoclassicism Seeds in Camile Saint-saens Musical Work;试析圣桑音乐创作中新古典主义风格的萌芽
2.I foretell the car design in China will turn to neoclassicism style and learn from the details of classical car.通过主客观两方面的分析,提出中国自主品牌汽车设计的新古典主义方向,并从产业竞争、品牌发展、设计方法、文化积淀、生产与研发成本等方面进行论述,提出现阶段中国进行复古设计的机会和发展方向。
3.The article analyzes the forming mechanism of neoclassicist discourse in the context of "modernity" of the Chinese literature in the 20th century and reviews the historical and dynamic development of neoclassicism, seeking the causes for the long-standing "loss of words".新古典主义是学界近年来已开始关注但又缺乏实质性学术发掘的话题。
6)the new neoclassical synthesis新古典假设

古典与新古典资本流动动因论古典与新古典资本流动动因论  古典与新古典资本流动动因论古典资本流动理论认为国际资本流动的主要原因在于各国资本要素的价格(即利率)存在着差异该理论假设各国的商品和生产要素市场是完全竞争市场,资本要素的国际流动没有任何障碍.有充分的流动性;同时.各国资本要素察赋的存量或相对供给量不尽相同。在这种情况下,如果A国资本比B国更为稀缺,则A国资本要素的价格即长期利率必定高于B国,因此,B国的资本必将为A国的高利率所吸引而流向后者。这种流动将持续到两国的利率水平相等时为止。新古典资本流动理论则认为国际资本流动的主要原因在于各国资本边际生产力的不同及预期报酬率的差异。该理论认为,资本的边际生产力是指每追加一个单位的资本所能带来的产出品价值的增加量。一般来说,在资本丰饶的国家,资本的边际生产力较低,而在资本稀缺的国家,资本的边际生产力较高。资本总是倾向于从边际生产力较低的国家或地区流向边际生产力较高的国家或地区。资本在国际间自由流动之后,将使资本的边际生产力在国际上平均化,从而可以提高世界资源的利用效率,增加全世界生产总量和提高各国的经济效益。