1.But the confusion of aesthetic idea leads artists to think the non-weird art of shock,ugly and absurdity as weird art.世界上诸多艺术杰作都是优美、崇高、悲剧、滑稽、怪诞五美俱全的艺术,怪诞艺术在所有美艺术中最震撼、最神奇、最智慧、最有趣,这是人们在优美、崇高、悲剧、滑稽艺术之外,不断追求和创造怪诞艺术的真正原因。

1.MOVERS & SHAKERS [1]震撼天地的人[一]
2.A terrific earthquake shook Japan.可怕的地震震撼了日本。
3.The island was convulsed by an earthquake.此岛为地震所震撼
4.We felt a sudden shock.我们感觉到突然的震撼
5.The murder case rocked the whole country.那凶杀案震撼全国。
6.The entire town was shocked by the explosion.爆炸震撼了整个小镇。
7.Civil war convulsed the country.内战震撼了这个国家。
8.Tremors that convulsed the countryside; when civil war convulsed the nation.使乡间猛烈震动的地震;当内战震撼这个国家时
9.The decision will reverberate and will jar the country.这项决定将引起反响并震撼这个国家。
10.The band gave an electrifying performance.乐队举行一次震撼的演出。
11.from the window he could catch a glimpse of the lake.他的冲冲一瞥,竟带给他强烈的震撼
12.All at once there was a tremendous clap of thunder that shook the whole house.突然一声霹雳,震撼了整个屋子。
13.an issue of seismic proportions and ramifications.具有震撼世界的意义和后果的事件
14.He was the author of the book that shook the world.他就是那本震撼世界的书的作者。
15.The assertiveness has sent shivers through staid Japanese boardrooms.这个决断震撼了沉静的日本的会议室。
16.The lion sent a roar through the jungle.那狮子发出震撼山林的吼声。
17.Nevertheless, I was shocked by the little worm's persistence.然而小虫子的执着却震撼了我。
18.Something deep had shaken the crowd.一种深沉的感情震撼了人群。

Cloning shock克隆震撼
1.Cloning shock focus on cloning technology, cloning person s fatalism and ethics location and cloning person s bringing catastrophe to the human.“克隆震撼”集中体现在关于克隆技术、克隆人本身的宿命感和伦理错位以及克隆人给人类带来的巨大灾难。
3)shocking medicament震撼剂
4)spiritual shock心灵震撼
5)shaking value震撼价值
1.Antics can cause panic shock and admiration, and compel people to focus their attention and carve their remembrance that are widely applied by advertising and showing-off arts, which are their shaking value.怪诞引发的惊骇、惊赞能强迫注意,铭刻记忆,被广告等媒体时尚艺术广泛运用,这是它的震撼价值。
6)shocking effect审美震撼
