1.In his Chinese Poems and Paintings,Qian Zhongshu compares Li Si-xun s Beizong and Wang Wei s Nanzong with Du Fu s realistic poetry and Wang Wei s charming poetry.钱钟书的《中国诗与中国画》,用绘画领域李思训的北宗、王维的南宗,来对应诗歌领域写实派的杜甫、神韵派的王维,说明中国旧诗、画在正宗、正统批判标准上存在分歧。
2.Chen Nan is an influential Dan-Taoist in Nan Song, the Fourth Originator of Taoist Jindan Nanzong, and a representative of Nedan Qingxiu School.陈楠是南宋时期影响较大的道教内丹思想家,道教金丹南宗第四祖,内丹清修派的代表人物。

1.The Asthetic Purpose of the Painting "Simple Nature Interest" ─Brief discussion on Buyantu s understanding and inheritness of Nanzong pictures spirit;“淡然天趣”的绘画美学宗旨──简论布颜图对南宗画宗风之理解与继承
2.Bai Yuchan, an outstanding Taoist in Southern Song Dynasty, was revered as the Fifth Founder of the Golden Pubic region sect of the Southern Taoism branch.白玉蟾是南宋著名道士,被尊为金丹派南宗五祖。
3.Study on the Painting Art of DongYuan and the Landscape Painting Model of Nanzong;董源的绘画艺术与南宗山水图式管窥
4.Development and Utilization of the Religion Cultural Tourism Resource in Yunnan;云南宗教文化旅游开发热点问题透视
5.Analysis on Chinese Daoism's towards Vietnamese Religions and Beliefs浅析中国道教对越南宗教信仰的影响
6.The southern clans have the characteristics as below: the same bloodline of clan members;南方宗族势力具有宗族成员的单纯性;
7.The Imperial Painting academy reached its peak of development in the period from Emperor Huizong's reign to Emperor Xiaozong's reign of the Southern Song Dynasty (1127-1279).皇家画院最活跃的时期是从宋徽宗到南迁后高宗、孝宗时期(1101-1189)。
8.Analysis of the Jiangnan Cultural Impact on the Jiangnan Civil Religion Belief探析江南文化对江南民间宗教信仰的影响
9.On the Relationship of “Suzerainty and Vassal” Between China and Viet Nam略论古代中国和越南之间的宗藩关系
10.Comparatively speaking, Emperor Xiaozong was a successful emperor in the Southern Song Dynasty.宋孝宗是南宋比较有作为的一个皇帝。
11.Conference of the Religious Leaders of Former Yugoslavia前南斯拉夫宗教领袖会议
12.The colonies to the South were not without religious testimony.南部殖民地仍免不了根据宗教立论。
13.Personality and Poem Character--Comment on the Poems of Yu Shi-nan and Xu Jing-zong;人品与诗品——虞世南、许敬宗诗论
14.A Study of the Elegant Ci Poetry Genre in the Southern Song Dynasty;非豪非婉 别立一宗——南宋清雅词派刍议
15.An Exploration of Surname Association s Genealogy of Fujian-Guangdong Immigrants in Gannan During the Qing Dynasty and Its Significance;清代赣南客民的联宗谱及其意义初探
16.Ethnic and Religious Problems in Yunnan and A Harmonious Society Construction;云南的民族宗教问题与和谐社会建设
17.Research on Historical Position of the South Chan Sect from "the Song of Baojingsanmei";从《宝镜三昧歌》看南禅宗的历史地位
18.An analysis of the religious factors in the daily life of the Yao people in Yunnan;试析云南瑶族生活习俗中的宗教因素

Nan Zong南宗
1.Tian Tai Zong,Nan Zong Chan and Bei Zong Chan had the greatest influence on poets from the South in Da Li Period.对大历江南诗人影响最大的是天台宗,其次是南宗禅和北宗禅。
2.The covt of paiting is supplimentary to Wang Wei s poetry wrting This could be seen from the following facts: his emphasis on practice, Nan Zong s p1ain style, and his own colouring and the skill of frame - construction influenced his imagery, his mood and his description of scenary in his poetry writing respectively.绘画艺术对王维诗歌创作存在着明显的互补关系,具体表现在:画家重实践的观点对王维诗歌高度形象化的影响;南宗画派萧疏清淡的画风对王维诗歌境界的影响;绘画着色与构图的基本技巧对王维诗歌景物描绘的影响。
3)Neo-Taoism Southern Chan School's Styles of Study南宗禅宗风
4)Confucian south descendant孔氏南宗
1.Zhu Yizun:His Elegance-oriented Lyrical Writing Style and the Qingkong Ci Theories;朱彝尊“宗南宋”“尚清雅”新论
6)propagate doctrines of the south sect in Taoism南宗传承

南宗【南宗】 (流派)自初祖达磨倡禅至五祖弘忍为一味。弘忍弟子,有慧能神秀二弟子,分南北二宗。慧能于江南布化,故云南宗。神秀入洛阳而其道盛,故云北宗。此中至后世极隆盛者,南宗也。五家七宗之分派悉属于此下,因此后世以南为禅之正宗,以慧能称六代之祖。