1.Art and Design——The Choice of Solipsism and Altruism美术与设计——唯我与利他的理念选择

1.There are a thousand and one Biscuits factories, But only ours is most respectaBle, and there are tens of thousands of varieties of Biscuits, But ours are Best.饼干厂家千百个,唯我独尊,饼干品种万千种,唯我独优。
2.I don’t respect people who are too compliant.我看不起那种唯命是从,唯唯诺诺的人。
3.They preach idealism whereas we advocate materialism.他们讲唯心论,我们讲唯物论。
4.They preach idealism whereas we advocate meterilsm.他们讲唯心主义,我们讲唯物主义。
5.my one and only hope我唯一的希望 [得救的唯一办法]
6.Smoking is my only vice.抽烟是我唯一的恶习。
7.The only thing that's right你是我唯一正确的选择。
8.We should be materialists.我们应做唯物主义者。
9.And fare thee weel, my only Luve,再见吧,我唯一的爱人,
10.My only dissipation is angling.钓鱼是我唯一的消遣。
11.He is the only prop of mine.他是我的唯一的支柱。
12.I' m in a minority of one, ie No one agrees with me.我是唯一的少数派.
13.We are historical materialists, opposed to historical idealism.我们是反对历史唯心论的历史唯物论者。
14.the one horse that could win this race; the one person I could marry.唯一能赢这场比赛的马;唯一我能与之结婚的人。
15.I want you to be honest, but not a yes man.我想要你作个诚实的人,但不是唯唯诺诺的人。
16.I swear you are the only girl I have ever loved! - But am I the only girl you ever will ?我发誓,你是我唯一爱过的女人! ——那么,那么,今后我仍然是唯一的吗?
17.I was the only person in my office who was invited.我是我们办公室唯一被邀请的人。
18.Now I feel it's my only refuge.现在我觉得这是我唯一的栖身之地。

1.The Fictitious Ego——On the solipsism of the aesthetic subject and the subjectivity of the narrative content of the Van-Guard Novel;虚伪的自我——先锋小说审美主体的唯我主义与叙事内容的主观性
2.Solipsism, Christian Civilization and Pragmatic Spirits——A philosophical logical analysis to Bush doctrine;唯我主义、基督教文化和实用主义精神——布什主义的哲学逻辑探析
3)exclusively individual spirit唯我独尊
1.This freak strong literature is a special phenomenon of Chinese ancent society It has extrusive characters: bally politiral content ,exclusively individual spirit,strong exhibition of main body,self-expression with literature entitative traits,etc.它有着突出的特征 :政治化极强的文学内容 ,唯我独尊的个体精神心理 ,主体表现的阳刚雄壮 ,符合艺术本质的自我表现
1.In the modern philosophy, the concept of subjectivity was definitely established and the problem of subjectivity was firstly put forward, but subjectivity was limited in the scope of epistemology and was equal to self consciousness, which caused the plight of solipsism.近代哲学明确确立了主体性的概念 ,首先提出了主体性问题 ,但把主体性限定在认识论的范围之内 ,把主体性等同于自我意识 ,陷入了唯我论的困境 ;胡塞尔构成了主体性问题演变过程中的中间环节 ,一方面从认识论上论证先验自我的构造功能 ,另一方面又提出先验的主体间性 ,试图摆脱唯我论困境 ;当代哲学超越了认识论的视域 ,以主体间性代替主体性 ,从本体论和语言学哲学的角度重建主体间性 ,走出了意识哲学方法论的唯我
2.Ludwig Wittgenstein has taken most of his time to criticize Solipsism and phenomenological language in his later philosophy period,whose real intention was to justify our everyday language.对唯我论的批判思想是维特根斯坦后期哲学中的一个重要方面,其意义在于维特根斯坦试图通过对唯我论所代表的现象学语言进行批判,来辩护日常语言的合法性。
6)Only ours are superior.唯我独优
