1.For students who just enter the domain of copper engraving bookplates,it is essential to understand the technical process.铜版藏书票有其特殊的审美趣味和使用价值,要完整地表现藏书票的创作构想,只有熟练掌握丰富的铜版藏书票的制作技法。

1.An introduction to ownership stamps;方寸之间蕴书情——“纸上宝石”藏书票
2.Exlibris and development of college students qualities;藏书票对大学生素质教育提升的作用
3.Bookplate: Label with a printed design pasted inside the front cover of a book to identify its owner.藏书票:一种用以表明书的所有权的图案标志,通常贴在书的封面里。
4.On the Deaf's Profession of Decoration in Engraving Collect Books Ticket Designer论聋人装潢专业学生版画藏书票的设计与制作
5.Now, high on the must-do list for the school, the activity has been taking place annually on a large scale.不但是全校各年级学生要制作藏书票,老师也必须参与制作。
6.We invite all artists to participate and present the best possible image of the actual state of exlibris.我们诚挚地邀请艺术家们提供自己品质最好的藏书票原作,参与展出。
7.Not only are all the pupils required to make bookplates but the teaching staff are called on to help, too.整个制作藏书票的活动成了学校最主要的一个工程,每一年浩浩荡荡举行。
8.While he was cleaning up his books that colleated a long time , he found a suit of stampes.整理他的藏书时,他意外地发现一套珍贵的邮票。
9.He accidently found a stock of jewery stamps when he was packing up his books.整理他的藏书时,他意外的地发现一套珍贵邮票。
10.A collector of books.书籍收藏者(藏书家)
11.a prized collection of Books(自己)珍视的藏书
12.He has a numerous collection of stamps.他收藏着许多邮票。
13.The stamp is not worth collecting.这张邮票不值得收藏。
14.accumulate books, a library收藏书籍、 集成书库
15.The library is richly equipped with books.该图书馆藏书颇丰。
16.a library of over 12000 volumes藏书超过12000册的图书馆.
17.This is a library of a million volumes.这个图书馆藏书百万卷。
18.Piece out a library with new books添置新书以扩充藏书

art of exlibris藏书票艺术
3)Bookplate and Its Spread to the Orient藏书票及其东传
4)Book collection藏书
1.Preliminary Investigation on Mould in Book collection of the Library in University;高校图书馆藏书霉菌孳生情况初步调查
2.Though book collection in modern Jiangsu is the continuation of that in history,it shows indications for personal book collecting with more sensibility and more stress on practice of book collection and more intimate connections between book collectors.近代江苏藏书是历史上江苏藏书的延续 ,但其藏书观念更为通达 ,藏书更讲求实用 ,藏书家之间的联系也更为密切 ,这是私人藏书由封闭性走向开放性的重要标志。
3.Ruan Yuan,a famous Qing Dynasty’s Confucian scholar,initiated the academic culture lifetime,and the Wenxuan Building was one of his important book collection places.清代名儒阮元毕生倡言学术文化,文选楼是其重要的藏书处所之一。
5)collection of books藏书
1.Minor Knowledge About Xi`s Dan ShengTang Collection of Books——An elegiac address to the rebuilt of Dan Sheng Tang for 400 years;祁氏澹生堂藏书小识——澹生堂重建四百年祭
2.On the Management of Collection of Books in Henan Province;古代河南书院藏书管理探略
3.In the historical development of book collections in China, Song Dynasty stands as a landmark with its development of four systems in the collection of books—official collection, private collection, academic collection and the collection in the temples.皇室藏书是宋代官方藏书的重要组成部分。
1.The Historical and Cultural Function of the Library System of the College in Qing Dynasty;清代书院藏书制度的历史文化作用——兼论对图书馆管理的启示
2.The Wengs is a famous book_collecting family in Changshu whose library consists of books handed down in the family,bought,copied from or exchanged with others.翁氏为常熟典型的藏书世家 ,其藏书来源为家传、购买、抄录、交换 ,藏书富有特色 ,藏书思想对后人多有启迪 ,藏书印章和题跋又各有特

藏书票  图书收藏者用以表明书籍持有的标记之一。一般贴在书的里封补页或扉页的右上角或中央。藏书票起源于欧洲,是一种袖珍版画,起初多由版画家自刻,后来发展成为根据书票主人的性格爱好等要求而设计的小张图画。藏书票的规格大小不一,其长或宽,小的3~4厘米,大的约10厘米。票面以图案为主,并配有藏书人的姓名、别号、书斋号等,有时还有一两句箴言、警句或藏书年份。文化界曾有人将藏书票誉为"纸上宝石"。    藏书票出现于15世纪欧洲文艺复兴时期,目前能见到的最早的藏书票是德国人1450年制作的。西方的藏书票上通常还有拉丁文"EX-LIBRIS" (属于我的书)。书票的图案最初多半以家徽、神话传说、英雄美人等为题材,以后题材越来越广泛,有风景以及与个人生活、工作、爱好有关的各类图案。作为一种艺术品,藏书票在欧美各国非常流行,有很多藏书票收藏家和专门收藏各种书票的博物馆,很多国家都有藏书票爱好者的各种组织,国际藏书票协会每两年举行一次双年会,进行学术交流及藏书票的交换,同时举办国际藏书票双年展。在亚洲,最早制作藏书票的国家是日本,明治维新后出现的藏书票与传统的浮世绘结合,形成独特的风格。中国的藏书票是20世纪30年代从日本传入的。鲁迅倡导的版画创作运动推动了中国藏书票的发展。木刻家李桦组织的现代版画会在进行版画创作的同时也创作藏书票。1935年出版的《现代版画》第9期即为藏书票艺术品专辑。郁达夫非常喜爱藏书票,唐弢也广泛搜集藏书票,在其所著《书话》一书中收有陈仲纲等刻的藏书票。80年代初,中国藏书票研究会成立,参加了国际藏书票双年会。1987年在北京举办了第一届藏书票展,中国的藏书票曾在美国、日本、香港等国家和地区展出。