1.Egon Schiele art is full of sincereness,not only his art theme,but also his expression manner.而这之间的过程就来自于艺术家将所感受到的人类情感予以坦诚的表达。

1.Teamwork and open, honest communication团队合作、坦诚、诚实、沟通。
2.If you treat him from your heart, then he'll treat you as well.如果你坦诚待他,他也会对你坦诚相待。
3.I made the mistake of being honest with you.我错误地和你坦诚相待。
4.You shall be open with each other .你们应该相互坦诚
5.I don' t think you' re being straight with me.我认为你对我不够坦诚.
6.Better a frank denial than unwilling compliance.勉强应允不如坦诚拒绝。
7.Wholeheartedly welcome faithful cooperation from men of insight of all circles.谒诚欢迎各界有识之士坦诚相见,真诚合作。
8.Friends know they can count on you to be open with them and they rely on your honesty.朋友们知道你会坦诚待人,故而也信赖你的诚实。
9.I believe in being candid and open to different points of view.我信奉以诚实坦诚的态度对待不同的观点。
10.Think long and hard about whether they're really straight认真考虑他们是否都真的做到坦诚
11.When the officials in charge of the execution heard that, they knew that Wang was honest.监斩官们听了这些话,了解了王的坦诚
12.It was honest of you to tell your troubles.你能将苦衷告知是很坦诚的。
13.The boss is not completely straight with us.上司对我们并不完全坦诚
14.In all honesty/frankness/sincerity,ie speaking with the greatest honesty,etc最诚实地/坦白地/真诚地
15.He is a man of transparent sincerity.他是一个坦率诚恳的人。
16.He is so simple, so sincere.他是那么坦率, 那么诚恳。
17.challenge the sincerity or truthfulness of.怀疑……的真诚或坦率。
18.a frank and honest person.一个坦率和诚实的人。

frank and sincere率真坦诚
4)uberrima fides坦率诚实
5)on the up and up坦率,诚实
1.How can we know whether a person is on the up and up by his appearance从一个人的外表我们怎么能知道他是坦率的呢
6)apologize unreservedly坦诚地道歉.

率真1.直率真诚。 2.放诞任性。