摄影构图,photography composition
1)photography composition摄影构图
1.Research on Virtual Photography Composition Instruction Based VRML;基于VRML的虚拟摄影构图教学研究初探

1.Application of the"Fibonacci method" to photographing;试谈“黄金分割”在摄影构图中的应用
2.The Basic Means of Expression of Composition in Photography and the Experience of Application;摄影构图的基本表现手段及运用体会
3.Chinese Painting in the Blank(virtual and real) and Artistic Conceptions and Photographic Compositions国画空白(虚与实)意境与摄影构图
4.Whether we should shoot following our heart or techniques, such as composition, lighting and image editing?摄影应该是用心还是用常理的技术,构图用光去构造画面?
5.It captures an image on videotape.它将图像摄入影带。
6.XRP (X-Ray Photofluorography)x射线荧光屏图象摄影
7.aerophotogrammetric plan航空摄影测量平面图
8.Reprographic Section [Lands Department]摄影制图部〔地政总署〕
9.thermal mapping system热红外摄影测图系统
10.after picture-schufftan method后期图画接景法(摄影)
11.He parked the truck well back from the bridge so it wouldn't interfere with his compositions.他把车停在离桥比较远的地方,以便不妨碍他摄影的构图。
12.The techniques of composition and viewfinding, which are widely used in artistic photography, are usually neglected in crime scene photo taking.取景构图在各种艺术摄影中广泛引起重视,但在现场照相中常常忽略了取景构图的重要性。
13."It's like an image taken through a photographer's fish-eye lens.它就像是摄影家用鱼眼镜头拍摄的图像一样。
14.2 photographers go to the Amazon to take pictures of native girls.两个摄影师来到亚马逊拍摄当地女孩子的图片。
15.Record format for photogrammetric digital mappingGB/T17158-1997摄影测量数字测图记录格式
16.Micrographics--Graphical symbolsGB/T7516-1996缩微摄影技术图形符号
17.using photography to produce a plate for printing.用摄影术为印刷品制作图版。
18.There are satellites that supply high-resolution photography.有些卫星能提供高分辨率的摄影图像。

Image Composition摄影构图主体
1.Prominent Position in Image Composition of Photograph;谈摄影构图主体位置的安排
3)means of composition in photography摄影构图手段
4)An elementary Discussion about the Composing Skills of Photography摄影构图技巧浅谈
5)photographic figure摄影图形
6)picture photography图片摄影
1.Therefore,it is an important strategy to promote the tourism industry of Chenzhou by taking full advantage of the function of picture photography,opening a special photography tourism route,holding landscape topic photography competition,enlarging the photography team and establishing Chenzhou tourism i.图片摄影,是旅游风景区的名片,是旅游文化的载体。
