学生就业,student employment
1)student employment学生就业
1., and suggests that improvement should come from a human_oriented administration, optimization of student disposition, adjustment of specialty structure, and perfecting the position of student employment guidance.目前 ,地方师范院校学生就业在市场需求与专业结构、品牌效应与形象包装、就业理想与就业现实、人力资源产品的供产销等方面的问题越来越突出。

1.To Carry Out Career Guidance in The Whole Process,and Increase Students Abilities to Obtain Jobs;全程开展就业指导,提高学生就业能力
2.On Employment Guidance & Strategy of Contemporary University Students;浅谈当代大学生就业指导及就业策略
3.Studies on the Employment Policy and the Undergraduates Employment in China;论我国的就业政策与大学生就业问题
4.Attention to the Employment Ideas of the Students and Promotion to the Employment Level of Higher Vocational Colleges;关注学生就业思想 提升高职就业水平
5.Job Seeking of College Graduates in Employment Environment under Transition;变革中的就业环境与中国大学生就业
6.Research on College Students' Employment Circumstances and Intension大专学生就业环境与就业意向的研究
7.Enhance the Fostering of Employ Gaining Ability for College Graduates and Improve Effectively the Quality of Employment;加强学生就业能力培养 切实提高学生就业质量
8.Impact of China's Employment Policy on Female University Students' Employment论我国大学生就业政策对女大学生就业的影响
9.Research into vocational carrier plan and employment of college student;职业生涯规划与大学生就业关系研究
10.Study on the Problem of the Secondary Vocational School Students Employment in Tibet;西藏中等职业学校学生就业问题研究
11.On construction of employability for stomatology undergraduates论口腔医学专业大学生就业能力培养
12.Analysis of the Current Situation of College Students Employment;解读大学生就业现状——由贵州工业大学毕业生就业工作引发的思考
13.Exploring an Effective Way of the Teaching Reform and Colleges Employment Guidance in Terms of Employment Difficulties从大学生就业难反思高校教学改革与就业指导
14.Employment Situation of Students Majoring in Tough Specialties and Construction about Long-term Employment System;艰苦专业大学生就业现状及就业长效机制建设
15.The Dialectic Relation between College Students Expectation for Jobs and Post-taking-job Career Choice;大学生就业期望值与先就业后择业的辩证关系
16.Obtaining Employment, Choosing Occupation and Starting An Undertaking--An Opinion on the Education to Graduates;就业、择业与创业——论大学毕业生的就业教育
17.On the Career Guidance According to the Current Job Situation;从当代大学生的就业形势谈就业指导
18."The Increase of Unemployment" and the "Tough Employment-hunting" for College Students;“无就业增长”与大学生“就业难”

students employment学生就业
1.The paper constructs the Bayesian network model for the students employment and analyzes the interaction among the factors like career preference,competence and quality,career skills,and employment psychology.构建了学生就业贝叶斯网模型,找出就业受择业观念、能力素质、择业技巧、就业心理等因素影响的相互依赖关系,并在学生就业贝叶斯网模型基础上利用簇树进行推理。
2.based on the teaching practice, we tried to illustrate the importance and advantages of combining the English teaching with the major and students employment , and showed how to make the combination work to improve the teaching quality and promote students employment.本文通过教学实践主要阐述了高职英语教学与专业、学生就业相结合的重要性和其优势,并展示了如何在高职英语教学中体现其专业性和实用性,以提高英语教学质量和有利于学生的就业。
3)college students employment大学生就业
1.Discussion of teaching procedure and model of college students employment;大学生就业指导教学过程模式的初探
2.Concerning to the college students employment,the lack of the effective institutional arrangement indicates the government macroeconomic regulation and control vacancy.高等教育领域中的计划管理体制造成了政府角色的错位,在大学生就业领域缺乏有效的体制性安排表现出政府宏观调控的缺位。
3.The college students employment serves as a barometer to see whether the goal of training for specific purpose is attuned to the demands of the market.做好大学生就业工作应做好三项工作:变就业观念引导为职业定位引导,学生的思想观念就会由“我想做什么”转化为“我能做什么”;做好就业通识技能准备工作可以拓宽学生就业领域;做好就业之后的情感性管理可以巩固就业成果。
4)employment of college students大学生就业
1.Analysis on the Competition of Employment in Local Universities Research on the Employment of College Students in Shaoxing College of Arts and Sciences;地方院校大学生就业的竞争分析——以绍兴文理学院大学生就业为例的实证研究
2.Ponderations over the popularization of higher education and the employment of college students;高等教育大众化与大学生就业问题之思考
3.College students are faced up with various hardships during their current job-hunting,which shows the uncertainty between higher education and the employment of college students.目前大学生就业遭遇种种困难,这反映高等教育与大学生就业之间关系的不确定性。
5)university students employment大学生就业
1.Through comparing with the actuality of employment problems in university students between China, Japan, and Korea, the author summarized the common ground of employment problems in China, Japan, and Korea such as: the discipline specialized establishment and the market demand disjoint, university students employment pressure has retrusive tendency.通过对目前中日韩三国大学生就业难的现状进行比较研究,概括出中日韩三国大学生就业问题具有学科专业设置与市场需求相脱节,大学生就业压力有后移倾向等共同点;总结出中日韩三国大学生就业问题的不同在于:大学生就业问题产生的社会经济背景不同,大学生就业指导的形式、内容不同;并在此基础上提出了解决我国大学生就业问题的相关建议。
2.This paper uses the theory of the Economics and the Econometrics,with the firsthand research materials collected in 2007,to do some empirical analysis of the other factors impact on the university students employment besides professional skills.结合07年调研的第一手资料进行实证分析,通过经济学理论与计量经济分析的方法,挖掘大学生就业过程中除职业技能以外的影响因素,并进行实证分析,通过观察就业困境以及引发的社会矛盾,试图对大学生的就业问题提出解决建议,在满足大学生实现就业同时也完成科学的国家人才结构布局,使得劳动力供给与行业人才需求相匹配。
3.The difficulty for university student to get job is already a task,teachers should bear the mission of university employment work,find ways to realize the university students employment.大学生就业难已是不争的事实,为此必须落实好高校就业工作,实现大学生充分就业,发挥好这部分人的作用,这也是落实科教兴国战略,全面建设小康社会的客观要求。
6)potential employment of the stu-dents学生就业面
