书法美学,calligraphy aesthetics
1)calligraphy aesthetics书法美学
1.Study on Sun Guoting s Calligraphy Aesthetics Thoughts;孙过庭书法美学思想简论
2.Wang Duo s calligraphy aesthetics starts with the respect for tradition and ancientry.王铎的书法美学思想以"尊传统、尚古风"为起点,独尊羲、献,并要求在学习古法的基础上进行创新。

1.Aesthetic Criticism Thought in "The Continuation of Theories on Calligraphy" of JIANG Kui;论姜夔《续书谱》的书法美学批评思想
2.On Huang Tingjian s Calligraphy Aesthetic View and Calligraphy Achievements;论黄庭坚的书法美学观和书法创作成就
3.Traditional Features of Calligraphic Art and Views on Esthetics of Calligraphy;书法艺术的传统特质与书法美学的文化观照
4.On WEI Heng s Theory of Esthetics in Callifgraphy;“睹物象以致思”:卫恒的书法美学
5.Discussion of "qu" in the Aesthetic Visual Field of Chinese Calligraphy论书法美学尚“趣”思想的历史嬗变
6.Features of Calligraphic Aesthetics in the Three Kingdoms,the Western and Eastern Jin Dynasty and the Northern and Southern Dynasty三国两晋南北朝时期的书法美学特征
7.His aesthetics ideology in calligraphy enlightens and influences the following aesthetics theory of calligraphy and their creative practice in calligraphy.他的书法美学思想启迪和影响了之后的书法美学理论和书法创作实践。
8.On the Influence of Confucianists and Taoists Thoughts Upon Wang Xi zhi s Aesthetical Ideas of Calligraphy and His Calligraphy;论儒道思想对王羲之书法美学思想及书法的影响
9.On Mi Fu and His Calligraphy Art View under the Influence of the Aesthetic Spirit of the Calligraphy in the Song Dynasty略论宋代书法美学精神影响下的米芾及其书法艺术观
10.The Study of the History about the Evolution of Calligraphy Aesthetic Thought and Subjectivity in Tang Dynasty唐代书法美学思想与主体精神演变史研究
11.RESEARCH FOR THE HANDWRITING′S TRUTH --Discussion on the Spirit of Aesthetics in the Art of the Chinese Handwriting;书道原微——论书法艺术的美学精神
12.Also his calligraphy art has unique aesthetic character.其书法艺术具有独特的美学特征。
13.Painting history equal to painting study: Deng Yizhe’s aesthetics in painting and calligraphy and its methodological significance;画史即画学——邓以蛰书画美学及其方法论意义
14.Method of Teaching Orchid-Pavillion-Forward Running Hand;美术本科书法课程中的行书《兰亭序》教学方法研究
15.Basic Calligraphy Courses of the Fine Arts(Education) major as the Example;如何上好高校书法基础课——以美术学(教育)专业书法基础课为例
16.On Intrinsic Logic of Dhyana Esthetics and Chinese Calligraphy论禅宗美学与中国书法的内在理路之融通
17.Cai Yongs Ecological and Aesthtical Thinking of Calligraphy;散怀恣性 物我同一——论蔡邕的书法生态美学思想
18.The Aesthetic Features of the Art of Calligraphy s Influences on the Modern Designing;书法艺术的美学特征对现代设计的影响

calligraphic aesthetics书法美学
1.From then on, calligraphic aesthetics developed into aesthetic study with modern western theory as it is now, because of the efforts by such masters as Liang Qichao, Zong Baihua, Lin Yutang, Deng Yizhe and Zhu Guangqian.从20世纪初王国维引进西方美学并与中国书法艺术初步融合开始,20世纪的书法美学迈向了具有西方现代知识范型意义的美学研究进程。
3)calligraphy skills书法美学观
4)thought of calligraphic aesthetics书法美学思想
1.Su Shi s thought of calligraphic aesthetics is mainly shown in the emphasis of “Yi”, which means “Shengyi”, or, to put it simply, “nature”.苏轼的书法美学思想集中体现在其尚“意”的观念上 ,而“意”的实质即“生意” ,即“自然”。
5)Three Questions of Calligraphy Aesthetics书法美学三题
6)aesthetic imagery of calligraphy书法美学意象

书法美学思想  美学中关于汉字字形的点、画、线条、结构的审美经验的研究门类。汉字最大的特点是象形,最初写字就是画画。因此,汉字的点画和结构有着极其多样的变化,并且包含有来自现实形象的、经过抽象化了的美的因素。唐代书法理论批评家张怀瓘说:"古文者,黄帝史仓颉所造也","仰观奎星圆曲之势,俯察龟文鸟迹之象,博采众美;合而为字,是曰古文"。    中国古代甲骨文的书写已经含有美的因素,但是不自觉的。从青铜器的铭文开始,才多少有意识地讲求文字书写的美。由秦至汉,书法被统治阶级用于刻石纪功,表彰圣君贤相和一切在统治阶级看来是功勋卓著或道德高尚的人,因此文字书写受到重视并得到了长足发展。东汉末年,随着草书的出现,书法作为一种表现性艺术的美受到了广泛注意。人们开始认识到书法除用于表彰功德之外还具有抒发个人情感的功能。一般的书信文稿,只要写得成功,也被认为有值得珍视的美的价值。到了魏晋南北朝时期,书法完全成为独立的艺术部门,出现了以王羲之为代表的众多书法家和一些书法理论批评著作。  书法的美从形式说,在于点画的结构和线条;从内容说,在于它所表现的审美感情,其中包含主体的人格精神。形式的美在书法艺术中占有突出的位置,但书法美又不仅仅在于形式,它不能脱离形式所表现的感情。正因为这样,书法被称为"心画"。南齐的王僧虔说:"书之妙道,神彩为上,形质次之,兼之者方可绍于古人。"    书法美的产生和形成,包含有来自现实的某些摹拟再现的因素,历代书法评论经常用现实中形象的美来比拟形容书法的美。但形象的美在书法中是被高度地概括化和抽象化了的,并非对现实的直接摹拟。书法美带有明显的抽象性,但有其现实的根源。中国书法所追求的美基本上是一种感性与理性相统一的古典美。    中国书法有各种不同的书体,不同的书体有不同的美。一般来说,篆书、隶书和楷书偏于静的造型性的美,行书和草书偏于动的音乐性的美。唐代的孙过庭说:"体五材之并用,仪形不极;象八音之迭起,感会无方。"前者指的是造型性的美,后者指的是音乐性的美。    中国书法艺术,以非常纯粹的形式体现了中国古代美的观念,并且和中国古代的音乐、建筑、绘画、舞蹈血脉相通。(见彩图)