1.Effects of Yulangsan extracts on acute pleuritis induced by carrageenan in rats;玉郎伞提取物对角叉菜胶致大鼠急性胸膜炎的影响
2.The Inhibition of Total Flavonoids from Stems and Leaves of Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi on Carrageenan-induced Tail Thrombosis in Mice;黄芩茎叶总黄酮对角叉菜胶诱发小鼠尾部血栓形成的抑制作用
3.Effects of different ingredient-combinations of Xiaochaihu Decoction on the rat model of pleuritis induced by carrageenan;小柴胡汤药群配伍对角叉菜胶诱导的大鼠胸膜炎模型的影响

1.carrageen, carraghee角叉菜胶,鹿角菜(红藻类,用以制印花浆料)
2.carrageenate, carragheenate角叉菜胶,鹿角菜胶(耐硬水、耐高温、耐酸和碱的印花浆料)
3.Anti-Inflammation Effects of Hydrogen Saline on Paw Oedema Induced by Carrageenan氢生理盐水对角叉菜胶诱导足肿胀的抗炎效应
4.Antiinflammatory Effects of Total Saponins of Radix Clematis in Rats with Carrageenan-induced Inflammation威灵仙总皂苷对角叉菜胶致炎大鼠的抗炎作用
6.The Contribution of Peripheral 5-hydroxytryptamine2A Receptors to Carrageenan-evoked Hyperalgesia and Inflammation;外周5-羟色胺2A受体在角叉菜胶诱发的痛敏和炎症中的作用
7.Effects of Spirit on Formation of Thrombus in rats' tails Caused by carrageenan酒类灌胃对角叉菜胶所致小鼠尾部血栓形成的影响
8.RESULTS: Potassium chloride glucosamine inhibited all the model inflammation.结果:受试物对角叉菜胶诱发的大鼠足爪肿胀、鼠棉球肉芽肿、鼠佐剂性关节炎均有显著抑制作用。
9.The Contribution of Peripheral 5-hydroxytryptamine 2A Receptors to Carrageenan-evoked Inflammatory Pain and Its Mechanisms;外周组织5-羟色胺2A受体在角叉菜胶诱发的炎性痛维持过程中的作用机制
10.a colloidal extract from carrageen seaweed and other red algae.角叉菜海藻和其他红藻中提取的胶质。
11.Molecular Systematic Study for Chondrus Stackh.;角叉菜属(Chondrus Stackhouse)分子系统学的研究
12.The Chemical Composition of Chondrus Ocellatus and the Anti-Tumor Activities of Lambda-Carrageenans;角叉菜的化学组成及其抗肿瘤活性的研究
13.Study on the Early Development of Tetraspores and Carpospores of Chondrus Ocellatus Holm (Gigartinaceae, Rhodophyta)角叉菜四分孢子和果孢子早期发育的研究
14.Studies on Molecular Taxonomy, Phylogeny and Genetic Diversity of Chondrus Stackhouse (Florideophyceae, Rhodophyta);角叉菜属分子分类、系统发育及居群遗传多样性研究
15.A small skewer or spit used to broil or roast meat, fish, or vegetables.小炙叉焙烤肉、鱼或蔬菜的小杆或小叉
16.Any of various other unrelated plants having a similar appearance or manner of growth, such as the club moss, Irish moss, and Spanish moss.苔藓样植物任一种有着相似的外表和生长方式的不相关植物,如石松、角叉菜和铁兰
17.polynorbornene rubber聚乙叉降冰片烯橡胶
18.For the starter, which you eat with the smaller pair, you keep the knife in your right hand and the fork in your left.先用小刀叉吃开胃菜,左手拿叉,右手持刀。

1.AIM To examine antithrombotic effects of arecoline on the arterial thrombosis induced by carrageenin in mice through modulating the functions of endothelium and determine its mechanisms from hemostatic system, the platelet aggregative functions and the bioactive factors released by vascular endothelial cells.目的 在角叉菜胶诱发的小鼠尾动脉血栓模型上 ,研究激活血管内皮细胞乙酰胆碱作用靶标对血栓形成的影响并探讨其可能的分子机制。
3)Carrageenan-induced paw swelling角叉菜胶关节炎
4)carrageenan-induced acute arthritis角叉菜胶性关节炎
5)Chondrus ocellatus角叉菜
1.Nitrogen and phosphate removal in aquaculture wastewater by a novel filter media vesuvianite and macroalga Chondrus ocellatus;用火山石载体生物膜和角叉菜去除水中氮和磷的效果
2.Analyses of chemical components from Chondrus ocellatus by GC-MS spectrometry;气相色谱-质谱联用法分析角叉菜中的化学成分
3.Antioxidant Activities of Extracts from Chondrus ocellatus in Different Seasons;不同季节角叉菜乙醇提取物的抗氧化活性
1.0 ml 1% carrageenan into right chest cavity.方法 :选择 40只豚鼠分为 8组 ,第 1~ 7组为试验组 ,第 8组为对照组 ,试验组每只右胸膜腔内注入 1%角叉菜胶 (carrageenan) 0 。
2.Methods:The anti-inflammatory effect of n-butanol extract from IP was evaluated with acetic acid writhing method,carrageenan-induced hind paw edema,cotton pellet-induced granuloma in vivo.方法:分别运用昆明小鼠醋酸扭体实验,SD大鼠角叉菜胶致足肿胀、棉球肉芽肿实验及角叉菜胶致胸膜炎实验,观察胸膜炎模型中血清丙二醛质量浓度与超氧化物歧化酶活性;灌洗胸膜腔并收集灌洗液,准确计量、测定白细胞计数,收集上清液用于测定蛋白质质量浓度。

角叉菜胶分子式:CAS号:性质:又称鹿角采胶,市场上又俗称卡拉胶。为聚合物,其单位为角叉双糖(carrabiose),由D-半半糖1分子及3,6-脱水-D-半乳糖1分子构成。纯品为无色无定形粉末。溶于热水,部分溶于冷水。溶于冷水的部分旋光度[α]D+50°、不溶的部分旋光度[α]D+63°。具有类似冻琼脂的胶化力,但较弱。可由钾盐、铵盐增强其黏度。以无机酸处理可使之失去金属,遗留酸性多糖。由二氯甲基苯叉可完全沉淀。为产于北大西洋沿岸的红藻类箭尾鹿角菜(chondrus crispus)及另一种角叉菜gigartina stellata, 其干燥物量细胞膜的成分,可达80%。日本产角叉菜chondrus ocellatus中也含有。将上述干燥物或用水及醇洗涤的藻类用热水萃取,再以醇反复沉淀精制即得。在食品方面可用于制取果冻、巧克力,以及用作乳制品的稳定剂。药用可作鱼肝油乳化剂、细菌培养基。工业上用于织物、皮革加工。