1.Clinical Appliance of Magnetic Attachments in Complete Overdentures;磁性附着体在覆盖义齿中的临床应用
2.Effect of restored loose teeth with magnectic attachment and overdenture;松动基牙放置磁性附着体覆盖义齿修复的疗效
3.Application of Magfit EX Magnetic Attachments in Mandibular Complete Overdentures;Magfit磁性附着体在下颌全口覆盖义齿中的应用

1.Objective: To observe the results of using magnetic attachment in complete overdenture.目的:观察磁性附着体全口覆盖义齿修复的效果。
2.Biomechanical Research for Ti-Alloy Attachment Overdenture钛合金附着体式覆盖义齿的生物力学研究
3.The Finite Element Analysis of Telescopic Coping Retained Mandibular Implant-Surpported Overdentures;套筒冠式下颌种植覆盖义齿的三维有限元分析
4.Comparison of masticatory efficiency of the mandibular implant overdentures with stud attachments按扣型附着体下颌种植覆盖义齿咀嚼效率比较
5.Clinical application of mandibular complete overdentures with magnetic attachment磁性附着体在下颌全口覆盖义齿中的临床应用
6.Objective: To observe the clinical effect of magnetic attachment in overdenture.目的:观察磁性附着体在全口覆盖义齿中的临床应用。
7.Objective: To investigate the influence of ball or bar attachments on stress distribution of the mandibular implant-supported overdenture.目的:探讨球形、式附着体对全下颌种植覆盖义齿应力分布的影响。
8.Establishment of a three-dimensional finite element model of mandibular complete overdenture based on post-core abutment and its supporting tissues下颌桩核基牙式全口覆盖义齿及支持组织三维有限元模型的建立
9.Three-dimensional Finite Element Stress Analysis of the Bar-clip Attached and Implant-supported Overdentures in Edentulous Maxilla;上半口杆卡式种植覆盖义齿的三维有限元应力分析
10.Interventions for Replacing Missing Teeth: Attachments for Mandibular Implant-supported Overdentures (Systematic Review);应用不同类型附着体的下颌种植覆盖义齿的系统评价
11.Retrospective investigation of clinical application of ERA implant overdenture on jaw bone defect and dentition defectERA种植覆盖义齿修复颌骨并牙列缺损的临床评估
12.A three-demension finite elements analysis of the combined bar-attachment and telescope-crown attachment in mandibular implant-retained overdenture套筒冠及杆卡附着体对种植覆盖义齿应力分布的影响比较
13.Immediate implant-support and overdenture retained by conical crowns:Three cases report种植体支持套筒冠固位全口覆盖义齿即刻负重3例
14.Clinical Practice of SynCone Overdenture and Bolt Attachment in Occlussion Reconstruction种植体支持套筒冠覆盖义齿联合栓道附着体咬合重建的临床效果
15.Three-dimensional finite element model of mandibular complete overdenture and its biomechanical characteristics构建全口覆盖义齿三维有限元模型及其生物力学特征(英文)
16.Clinical Effect of Complete Overdenture with Magnetic Attachment磁性附着体在全口覆盖义齿修复中的临床效果观察
17.Effects of stern-gold attachment and magnetic attachment on mandible over-denture retention:A comparative study太极扣和磁性附着体覆盖义齿修复下牙列缺失疗效比较
18.Application of Four-handed Dentistry in Magnetic Overdenture四手操作在磁性附着体覆盖义齿修复中的应用体会

1.Clinical application of Nobelpharma bar design overdentures supported by Brnemark implants;Brnemark种植体支持Nobelpharma杆状覆盖义齿的临床应用
2.Objective Using stud type attachments on the natural root in order to get retention for overdentures.目的 利用天然牙的牙根放置自行研制的球帽型附着体,增强覆盖义齿的固位力。
3.Objective: Placing stud type attachments on the natural root and extracoronal attachments on the ceramic crown in order to get retention for overdentures.目的:在牙根上放置本院研制的球帽型附着体,烤瓷冠上放置冠外附着体,利用上述混合固位体增强覆盖义齿的固位力。
3)denture overlay义齿覆盖
4)complete overdenture覆盖全口义齿
5)Implant-supported overdenture种植覆盖义齿
1.Application of ball-cap retained implant-supported overdenture in the atrophied edentulous mandible;球帽附着体种植覆盖义齿在萎缩下颌无牙颌的应用
2.Objective: To investigate clinical effect of ball-cap retained implant-supported overdenture (BCRISO) and Decalcifed Dental Matrices(DDM)in the atrophied edentulous mandible (AEM).目的:了解球帽附着体种植覆盖义齿及脱钙人牙基质材料(DDM)在牙槽骨萎缩的下颌无牙颌的临床应用效果。
6)Conical crowns overdenture套筒冠覆盖义齿
