1.Oncosis in human peripheral blood T lymphocytes;人外周血T淋巴细胞胀亡现象的观察
2.Observation of cell oncosis and detection of bFGF in human colorectal adenoccarcinoma tissue;人结直肠腺癌组织中细胞胀亡及碱性成纤维细胞生长因子测定
3.Oncosis-death mode of astrocytes under permanent focal cerebral ischemia;胀亡―持续性局灶脑缺血星形胶质细胞的死亡方式

1.Neuron oncosis around hematoma after intracerebral hemorrhage and the influence of 3-AB on oncosis and apoptosis in rats大鼠脑出血后血肿周围区神经元胀亡及3-AB对其胀亡、凋亡的影响
2.An Experimental Study on Apoptosis and Oncosis of Human Lung Cancer Cell-line A-549 Induced by Arsenic Trioxide;三氧化二砷诱导人肺癌细胞株A-549凋亡和胀亡的实验研究
3.The Study of Apoptosis and Oncosis in Human Peripheral Blood T Lymphocyte and Dexamethasone's Induction人外周血T淋巴细胞凋亡与胀亡研究及地塞米松的诱导作用
4.Relationship of Tumor with Mechanism of Cell Oncosis细胞胀亡的发生机制及其与肿瘤的关系
5.Effects of Silibinin on Oncosis in D-galactosamine Induced Acute Hepatic Injury in Rats;水飞蓟宾对D-氨基半乳糖诱导大鼠急性肝损伤肝细胞胀亡的影响
6.The Effect of Oxidative Stress of Zedoary Turmerie Oil Injection Over Oncosis of Human Ovarian Cancer SKOV_3 Cell莪术油注射液致人卵巢癌SKOV_3细胞胀亡的氧化应激效应
7.Effect of Zedoary Turmerie Oil Injection on Oncosis and Bcl-2 Expression of Human Ovarian Cancer SKOV3 Cell莪术油注射液对人卵巢癌SKOV3细胞胀亡及Bcl-2表达的影响
8.Research on morphological changes on oncosis of human ovarian carcinoma cell line SKOV_3 reduced by zedoary turmerie oil injection莪术油注射液致人卵巢癌SKOV_3细胞胀亡形态变化研究
9.The Realtion Between the Expression of VEGF and the Oncosis of Neuron After ICH of Rat大鼠脑出血血肿周围神经元血管内皮生长因子表达与胀亡的初步观察
10.Extreme Inflation of Individual Consumption and the Decline of the Western Roma Empire;个人消费的极度化膨胀与西罗马帝国的衰亡
11.The Galloping Inflation of the Paper Money in the Yuan Dynasty and the Collapse of the Yuan Regime;论元代纸币的恶性通货膨胀与元政权的灭亡
12.I can only see death and more death, till we are black and swollen with death.我所能看到的只是死亡,以及更多死亡,直到最后我们自己也因为死亡而全身肿胀发黑。
13.In the later period, the civil strives led to the power expansion of some individuals, and ultimately caused the extinction of the Jin state. ?后期的内乱,致使私家势力膨胀,最终导致了晋国的灭亡。
14.The Desperation of People s Daily Life under the Inflation of Currency--A Minute Analysis of Reasons for the Subjugationof Nanjing National Government;通货膨胀下人民生活的绝望——南京国民政府覆亡原因的细化
15.It has accelerated Tang Dynasty perdition, at the same time ,it camedown along with Tang Dynasty perdition.寺院经济的膨胀对唐政权的灭亡起到加速作用,同时,它也随着唐政权的灭亡而衰落。
16.become bloated or swollen or puff up.变得发胀、肿胀或膨胀。
17.Fig.5 The mitochondria with the abnormal appearance such as swell, disorganization and reduction or vanish of the crista.图5凋亡淋巴细胞内结构异常的线粒体,主要表现为肿胀,嵴紊乱,嵴减少,消失。
18.The state of being turgid.膨胀,肿胀,肿大膨胀、肿胀,肿大的状态

1.Detection of type-Ⅱ alveolar cellular oncosis in the transplanted rabbit lung tissue;兔移植肺组织中Ⅱ型肺泡上皮细胞胀亡检测
2.Significance of oncosis in malignant gastrointestinal tumors;胃肠道恶性肿瘤中细胞胀亡的检测及意义
3.Detection of oncosis,SOD and MDA in pulmonary tissue after pulmonary transplantation in rats;鼠移植肺组织中细胞胀亡、SOD及MDA检测
3)oncosis index胀亡指数
1.Objective To discuss the impact of zedoary turmerie oil(ZTO) injection over oncosis index and Bcl-2 expression of human ovarian cancer SKOV3 cell.目的观察莪术油注射液对人卵巢癌SKOV3细胞胀亡指数及Bcl-2表达的影响,探讨莪术油注射液致人卵巢癌SKOV3细胞胀亡的机制。
4)pro-oncosis receptor inducing membrance injury(porimin)介导胀亡膜特异性受体
6)Stomach neoplasms·Adenocarcinoma·Thrombospondin-1·Oncosis胃肿瘤·腺癌·凝血酶敏感蛋白-1·细胞胀亡

《痧胀玉衡》《痧胀玉衡》 《痧胀玉衡》   痧胀专著。三卷。清·郭志邃撰于1675年。作者鉴于痧胀病症发病多、传变快,治不对症,命在须臾,遂搜求前人有关痧胀的医学文献和学术经验,总其大纲,撮其要领,编成此书,系统全面地论述痧胀。上卷列痧胀发蒙论、痧胀要语及痧胀脉法;相当于总论。中卷、下卷结合实际治例、叙述多种痧证,末附备用要方。是为各论。书成后三年,郭氏从临床实践中意识到“痧之变幻,有隐伏于别病中者”(见本书续序),又作后卷一卷,补充了不少有关痧症的诊治内容。但作者根据痧症的临床表现,分症过细,显得名目繁多;在解释病因、证候等方面,或有附会的观点。本书有初刻本等多种刊本。1949年后有排印本。