1.The reflection of western philosophical have different manifestations in the different times.西方哲学的反思性在不同的时代有着不同的表现。
2.It emphasizes that, in order to improve the conditions for the combination of theory with practice, the independence of the reflection on the basic philosophical issues must be guaranteed.首先回顾了哲学基本问题固有的反思性价值逐渐降低为阶级斗争注脚下的百年历程,梳理出混淆阶级斗争和理论论争界限的实用主义理论态度,以及思想方法上的形而上学是个中主要因素;强调指出:改革开放的学术环境虽然为澄清这一理论困境提供了外部条件,但要彻底打破理论严重滞后于实践的僵局,则必须扬弃两军对战式的传统的理论价值观,从自主性高度立哲学基本问题的独立于现实批判功能的学术意义,这是建立具有中国特色的马克思主义哲学体系不可回避的问题。

1.Thought and Reflective Thought;思维与反思性思维——杜威反思性教学理论浅析
2.A Self-examination of Introspection Teaching and Its Value;对反思性教学及反思型教学价值的反思
3.On Condition of Change of Teachers from Progmatic Reflection to Reflective Practice;论教师从实践性反思到反思性实践的条件
4.Reflective teaching--Course of Growth of Reflective (Expert Type) Teachers;反思性教学——反思(专家)型教师的成长之路
5.Teachers Reflective Teaching and Students Position of Reflective Mainbody;教师的反思性教学与学生的反思主体地位
6.To Cultivate the Habit of Rethinking in Teaching Mathematics Conception;反思性思维:在数学概念教学中生成
7.On the Reflective Method in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language;关于推行反思性对外汉语教学的思考
8.The Consideration of the Reflective Teaching--How to Effectively Employ "reflective teaching" while Teaching对反思性教学的思考——如何在教学中有效运用“反思性教学”
9.Research on Political Lessons Reflective Teaching and Reflective Capability Cultured Problems of Students in Secondary Normal School思想政治课反思性教学与中等师范生反思能力培养的问题研究
10.The Sociology of Sociology:from Reflexive to Autonomy;社会学的社会学:从反思性到自主性
11.Rethinking of the Doctrine of Social Harmfulness;社会危害性理论——一个反思性检讨
12.A Study of the Implement of Reflective Teaching in High School s Ideological and Political Lesson;论高中思想政治课中反思性教学的运作
13.The Application of Cooperative Learning in English Writing in Senior Middle School;反思性教学在高中思想政治课教学中的运用
14.The Application and Cogitation of Reflective Teaching in Vocational English Teaching;反思性教学在高职英语教学中的应用及思考
15.Exploration and Reflection on Reflective Teaching of College Phyisics;对大学物理实施反思性教学的探索与思考
16.Reffction on Women:An Analysis of the in Frankenstein;反思女性:《弗兰肯斯坦》女性形象分析
17.Gender Consideration of Sexual Harassment Legislation;从性别视角对性骚扰立法模式的反思
18.Rethink of Modernity: Post Modernism and Complexity Theory;反思现代性:后现代主义与复杂性理论

1.The reflexivity of parody in Jane Austen s novel Northanger Abbey has dual features.简·奥斯汀的小说《诺桑觉寺》中戏仿反思性策略具有双重特征:一是通过戏仿,对哥特小说进行了一定的改写并以滑稽模仿的形式运用到自己的小说中,其目的在于对哥特小说进行商榷的同时给予传承和维护;二是小说在接近尾声时插入埃莉诺丈夫的叙事回溯到前文本,使《诺桑觉寺》自身成为潜在的被戏仿对象,这构成小说的自我戏仿。
2.The article analyses and discusses the problems such as the conception and scope of Bourdieu s reflexivity,the difference between the conception of Bourdieu s reflexivity and those of other sociologists reflexivity,three kinds of cognitive biases that should be overcome,and the practised ways of reflexivity and so on.对当代法国著名社会学家皮埃尔·布迪厄反思性的目的、对象和特点 ,其反思性与其他学者的反思性的区别 ,其反思性的实现方式及实现的障碍 ,其反思性所针对的三种偏见等四个问题进行了分析和探讨 ,以期对其反思性有一个准确的理解和把
1.The creativity is human beings living condition,and human creation has the features of transcendence,reflectiveness and the reality.创造性是人的生存状态,人的创造活动具有超越性、反思性和现实性。
1.Nation of justice with practical tendency has three basic characteristics: subjectivism,reflectibility and practicality,and people can reach processive understanding with notion justice via the experience of law development and people s objective rethi.实践指向的正义观具有三个基本特征:主体性、反思性、实践性,人们在法律发展的经验规律和人的目的反思中达到趋向法治的过程化理解。
2.Justice concept in practice has three basic characters: subjectivism,reflectibility,practicality,and people gradually set up the idea of governing by law in the process of law development and people s ob jective rethinking.实践指向的正义观具有三个基本特征,主体性、反思性、实践性,人们在法律发展的经验规律和人的目的反思中达到趋向法治的过程化理解。
5)reflective thinking反思性思维
1.This paper discusses the differences between reflective thinking of philosophy and objective thinking of science and clarifies the essence of Marx s concept of philosophy in "The Dissertation for the Doctorate"-reflective thinking.马克思在《博士论文》中,表面看来是在论述德谟克利特的自然哲学与伊壁鸠鲁的自然哲学的差别,实则在这种论述中表达了马克思本人对哲学的一种理解,这是通过自我意识、反思、原子的运动、感性等范畴表现出来的,本文主要厘清了哲学上的反思性思维与科学上的对象性思维的差异,并从中廓清了马克思在《博士论文》中的哲学观的核心反思性思维。
2.Through reflective thinking, university teachers can improve their teaching behavior, make it full of intelligence and renew their understanding of the nature of their teaching practice.大学教师有必要通过反思性思维改进教学行为,使教学实践充满智慧,并重新建构对教学本质的理解。
3.The reflective thinking and teaching theory was an important part of the system of Dewey s educational thoughts.反思性思维与教学理论是现代美国教育家杜威教育思想体系的一个重要的组成部分。
6)thinking before前反思性

连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity 11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-