1.The behavior of tutor under the model of Learners Guidance Group is in all aspects.导学群模式下导学教师的引领行为是全方位的,心理关怀和人文关怀贯穿于引领行为的始终,同时要通过多渠道的交流实现其引领行为。
2.The tutor is an important part in Learners Guidance Group.导学教师是导学群中的一个重要角色。
3.In the separation of time and space between tutors and students in open education,it is very difficult to monitor effectively the students learning process.在开放教育教师与学生在时空上准分离的情况下,对学生学习过程的有效监控十分困难,为此,试图从导学教师对学生学习过程监控入手,就监控的标准、内容、途径等问题做一探讨。

1.A Tentative Discussion on the Work of Professional Guidance Teachers in Learners Guidance Group;“导学群”中的专业导学教师工作探索
2.On the Core Role of Tutors in Learners Guidance Group;试论导学教师在导学群中的核心作用
3.The Important Role of Instructors in the Teaching Serve System Supported by"Learners Guidance Group";导学教师在导学群教学服务体系中的作用
4.guided teaching practice由导师指导的教学实习
5.The students listened respectfully to their teacher's instructions.学生们聆听老师的教导。
6.Teacher guided hours (per semester): 26教师指导课时(每学期):26
7.tutor sb in mathematics任导师教某人数学.
8.Certificate in Careers Teachers Training升学就业辅导教师证书
9.a teacher who can motivate her pupils善于诱导学生的教师.
10.From "Teacher" to "Facilitator":Redefining the Role of University Teachers;从“教师”到“建导师”——对大学教师角色的重新定位
11.The Teaching Methods of the Assistants in Long-distance Opening Education;远程开放教育辅导教师教学方法探析
12.Discussion on Mathematics Innovative Education --student-centered and Teacher-led;论数学创新教育——学生主体与教师主导
13.How to Lead the Faculty to Focus More on Teaching in Research Universities;在研究型大学如何引导教师重视教学
14.The Teachers Language Leading Art in the Science Investigation Teaching;科学探究教学中教师的语言引导艺术
15.Function of Teacher's Guidance in Educational Practice Instruction in Teachers College指导教师在高师教育实践教学中的作用
16.Education: Qualified and professional instructors to provide instruction.教学:优秀专业导师提供各级古筝指导。
17.To be instructed by a tutor;study under a tutor.接受辅导,在家庭教师的辅导下学习
18.Expounding the tutor s functions of guiding, adjusting and locating in the long-distance education;辅导教师在远程教学中的导学调适与定位

3)teaching tutorial system教学导师制
1.On tacit knowledge and teaching tutorial system;论默会知识与教学导师制
4)《An Introduction to Modern Teacher Studies》《教师学导论》
5)mentor teacher教学辅导教师
6)professional guidance teachers专业导学教师

脉心导敏 ,脉导敏,英他佐明,麦新导明药物名称:吗多明英文名:Molsidomine别名: 吗导敏;吗多明;吗斯酮胺;脉心导敏 ,脉导敏,英他佐明,麦新导明外文名:Molsidomine 特点: 脉导敏是一种属于亚胺类化合物,其作用与硝酸盐相似。舌下含服1毫克,2~4分钟起作用,可阻止心绞痛发作。口服一次可持续6~7小时,剂量每天3次,每次2毫克。副作用包括头痛、头胀、脸部发热感等,但不多见。 适应症: 防治心绞痛的发作。 用量用法: 口服:1次1~2mg,1日2~3次,发作时舌下含服:1次2mg。喷雾吸入:每次揿吸1~2次(相当于本品0.2~0.4mg),每日次数酌定。 注意事项: 1.一般不良反应可有头痛、面部潮红、眩晕等,停药后可自行消失。 2.低血压、青光眼病人忌用。 规格: 片剂:每片1mg、2mg。 气雾剂:每瓶含42mg(可揿吸200次左右)。 类别:非选择性钙通道阻滞剂||防治心绞痛药