1.Improvement of College Students Intercommunion Capabilities by Building an Experimental Communication Stage;搭建体验式沟通平台提高大学生人际交往能力
2.Based on the current state of energy measurement,combined with the development of energy measurement technology and equipment,the scheme to build detection device is presented through modular combination and development.基于电力企业电能计量工作现状,结合电能计量技术及设备的发展,以现有的相对成熟的技术为基础,提出了通过模块化组合与开发的检测装置的搭建方案;指出了装置应具备的功能和解决的问题,基本能够满足当前开展电子式电能表批量检测工作的需要,能够为电能计量工作的质量提供必要保障。

1.simple stone structure简单砖石盖搭建筑物
2.Rooftop structures, often unauthorised, have been built on the rooftops of tenement buildings in the urban areas.天台搭建物通常是在市区楼宇天台搭建的违例建筑物。
3.unlawful erection of a structure on unleased land非法在未批租土地上兴建搭建
4.Construction of Powerful Province of Tradition Chinese Medicine and Drugs for Establishing Global Net of Talented Man搭建中医中药强省 建设全球人才网络
5.A Preliminary Approach on the Course Construction of "Enterprise Network Structures and Its Application"《企业网络搭建及应用》课程的建设初探
6.In this way they could roof over much larger areas than would be possible with stone.他们用此办法搭建的屋顶面积比用石头搭建的要大得多。
7.a small tent that is easy to carry and quick to set up.一种很小的帐篷,它易携带,易搭建
8.The cabin was made of logs.这个小屋是用圆木搭建的。
9.They set up over3.40 million dominoes.他们搭建了三百四十万个多米诺骨牌。
10.The durable surfaces of large rock slabs make good kitchen sites.在大石头的耐久表面上搭建厨房。
11.Herdsmen are rigging up a Mongolian yurt as a new domicile.牧民们正在新的居住地搭建蒙古包。
12.The explorers rigged up a shed for the winter months.探险家匆促搭建了一座冬用的小屋。
13.The contractor flung up some temporary sheds to hold the new equipment.签约人匆忙搭建工棚存放新设备。
14.Organize a leading group for the family planning work搭建计划生育工作领导小组
15.Use school resources fully,build professional post platform充分利用校内资源,搭建职业岗位平台
16.Theoretical and Practical Study on Setting up Class in Type of Corporation System搭建“公司制”班级的理论与实践研究
17.Construct the Enterprise Application Flat Based on the Open Source Software基于开源软件的企业应用平台的搭建
18.WiMAX Experiment Network Research;关于搭建WIMAX无线接入试验网的研究

1.To realize this equipment,should establish standard fixture library based on Pro/E,take advantage of Pro/Toolkits to design a flexible fixture platform, do some research eson the workflow and overall configuration,derive the essential technique of program design and as well provide engineers a three-dimensional simulation environment.柔性夹具是一种快速组合工艺装备,基于Pro/E软件建立标准夹具元件库,利用Pro/Toolkit插件设计构建柔性夹具平台,研究平台的工作流程和总体结构,给出程序设计的关键技术,提供给工艺人员一个三维模拟搭建环境,具有重要现实意义。
4)building plan搭建方案
1.The paper analyses the basic features of modern physical distribution, introduces the infrastructure and development strategy of modern physical distribution in Shanxi Province, and expounds the building plan of information platform of modern physical distribution.分析了现代物流的基本特征,介绍了山西物流业发展的基础设施环境现状和山西现代物流发展战略及现代物流信息平台的规划,论述了道路现代物流信息平台的搭建方案。
5)cluster building集群搭建
1.The bus and network technology for cluster building were also analyzed.介绍了计算机集群搭建的软硬件环境,如节点的构建、系统的构建、操作系统的选择、SSI的构建等,分析了集群搭建中的总线、网络技术并以一个高性能计算机集群为例说明了搭建过程。
6)Construction of Modules模块搭建

《眉寿堂方案选存》《眉寿堂方案选存》 《眉寿堂方案选存》   医案著作。二卷。清·叶桂撰,郭维浚编。原系抄本,后收入《中国医学大成》中。上卷包括春温、时疠、暑、燥、寒、冬温、疟疾等各类时症;下卷记述妇、儿、痘疹、外科。每类病证之医案均重点介绍辨证立法及处方,辨析疑似之证,掌握各类疾病治法。其中妇科治案记述尤详。现存《中国医学大成》本。