1.Issues on WebCounseling and Its Current Applications;网络心理咨询的实践及其存在的问题
2.Countermeasures to these problems lie in further research,better management and standardization of webcounseling.网络心理咨询作为一种新兴的心理咨询模式,正逐渐应用开来。

1.On the Advantages and Disadvantages of the Psychology Consultation Based on Campus Network;基于校园网的网络心理咨询利弊探析
2.Issues on WebCounseling and Its Current Applications;网络心理咨询的实践及其存在的问题
3.Several Thoughts about On-line Psychological Consultation for College Students;关于大学生网络心理咨询的几点思考
4.Ethical Problems of Webcounseling and the Countermeasures;试论网络心理咨询中的伦理问题及其应对策略
5.Research into status quo of network psychological consultation of higher learning institutions and its practice mode;高校网络心理咨询的现状及其运作模式研究
6.Investigation and Analysis of Internet Counseling in China University我国高校网络心理咨询的现状调查及分析
7.Network Psychological Consultation:the Advantage and Principle of Developing University s Idelogical and Political Work;网络心理咨询:开展高校思想政治工作的优势与原则
8.Perfecting the psychology-consulting of network, strengthening the actual effect of ideological and political work;搞好网络心理咨询 增强高校思想政治工作的实效性
9.Practice & Reflection of Psychological-Consultation Network of University Students大学生心理咨询网络化的实践与思考
10.The Encounter of Psychology Counseling and Internet Meeting论网络视频心理咨询——记一例强迫症视频咨询实录
11.A Research Report on the Psychological Counseling of the Internet Addiction Disorder;对一位网络成瘾者心理咨询的研究报告
12.Building the Network Platform of Mental Health Education and Consultation for College and University Students;构建大学生心理健康教育与咨询网络化平台
13.A Research on Psychological Consultation through the Network Chat;利用网络聊天开展大学生心理咨询的研究
14.The Design of the Web-based Multiple Interactive Psychological Counseling Platform;基于网络的多元交互式心理咨询平台构建
15.On Strenthing Counseling to the College Students by taking advantage of Information Network;利用信息网络加强对大学生的心理咨询
16.Cause and Strategy of the Net - Psychological Impediment of the Students in Vocational and Technical College;高职生网络心理障碍的成因及咨询对策
17.A Case about the Worried Well of AIDS by Way of Psychology Counseling of Network Video网络视频心理咨询的艾滋病恐惧症案例
18.Centre for International Research and Advisory Networks国际研究和咨询网络中心

network psychological consultation网络心理咨询
1.Research into status quo of network psychological consultation of higher learning institutions and its practice mode;高校网络心理咨询的现状及其运作模式研究
2.It is a brand-new subject to utilize network psychological consultation to develop the ideological and political work.利用网络心理咨询开展思想政治工作是一个全新的课题。
3)The industry of on-line psychological counseling网络心理咨询业
4)Internet psychological counseling网上心理咨询
1.This article compares Internet psychological counseling with traditional psychological counseling,analyses its advantages and disadvantages,makes sure of a new form of it in the future,and necessary to improve its flexibility and friendliness.将网上心理咨询与传统心理咨询相比较 ,分析了它的优势与存在的不足 ,说明网上心理咨询是一种新形式 ,但它的灵活性和人情味有待提高。
5)School psychological consultation website心理咨询网站
6)network consulting网络咨询
1.At present,the network consulting industry of China is in the fast-growing period,however,during the process of the development,there came out some problems.目前我国的网络咨询业正处于高速成长期,而在其发展过程中,却出现了一些问题。

成功心理咨询员的特征成功心理咨询员的特征characters of successful psychological counselor  成功心理咨询员的特征(eharaeters ofsueeessful psyehologieal eounselor)作为一名成功的心理咨询员应具备的特征是:(l)有健全的人格特质。真诚坦率,热情开朗,关心他人,有丰富的想像力和独特的判断力,自信心强,有开拓精神,还要有幽默感。(2)有扎实的心理咨询的专业理论。精通心理咨询和心理治疗各种流派的理论,并能根据我国的国情择取精华形成自己有关心理咨询和心理治疗有创见的观点,善于运用各种心理咨询和心理治疗的技术开展其工作。(3)具有丰富的心理咨询和心理治疗的临床经验。既要有个别咨询的临床经验,又要有团体咨询的临床经验,熟悉心理咨询和心理治疗各阶段的发展状况和自身应采取的心理咨询和心理治疗的技术。(4)遵守职业道德。心理咨询员应严格遵守心理咨询和心理治疗的职业道德,要以来访者的利益为重,保守秘密,尊重来访者的隐私权。 (张条玮撰牟丈博审)