1.Model Analysis on Inner-world Dynamics for the Simulated Vibration-isolation Testing Equipment of the Stepping and Scanning Lithography;光刻机模拟隔振试验装置内部世界动力学模型分析

1.Our problem today is that we have allowed the internal to become lost in the external.如今,我们的问题是放任自己的内部世界在外部世界中迷失。
2.When the external of man's nature subjugates the internal, dark storm clouds begin to form.一旦人的外部世界征服了内部世界,黑暗的乌云就会开始形成。
3.Some Taoists believed that spirits pervaded nature (both the natural world and the internal world within the human body).一些道教徒相信灵魂遍布大自然(自然界和人体内的内部世界)。
4.Sound and image often appear in pairs in the aesthetic tunnel from the external world to the heart, which is built by vision and hearing.在视觉和听觉为我们建造的由外部世界通向内部世界的审美隧道里 ,音、象每每双双显现。
5.internal system for reconciliation at the United Nations Secretariat world wide全世界联合国秘书处内部调解制度
6.Bastion host server as gateway between the internal and external worldBastion 主机作为内部和外部世界之间的网关
7.It's not difficult to understand this world when you mastered the internal relations of things.掌握了事物的内部联系你就不难理解这个世界。
8.The 191 members of the WHO will continue debating the issues at their Geneva headquarters until the end of this week.世界卫生组织的191个成员将会在本周末,世界卫生组织位于日内瓦的总部继续讨论。
9.We therefore deploy ground and air forces in Europe and Asia, and naval forces worldwide.因此,我们在欧洲和亚洲部署了地面和空中部队,并在全世界范围内部署了海军部队。
10.Worldwide in 1996, an estimated 355 billion cigarettes were smuggled: some 6.5 % of all cigarettes sold.1996年在世界范围内,走私烟草大约有3550亿,占全部销售烟草的6.5%。
11.Any country will not impose/ force/ press its will on others, or seek hegemony.各国内部事务由各国自己处理,世界的共同事务由各国协商处理。
12.World Conference on Apartheid, Racial Discrimination and Colonialism in Southern Africa南部非洲境内种族隔离、种族歧视和殖民主义问题世界会议
13.She had let go the outer world, but within herself she was unbroken and unimpaired.她舍弃了外部世界,但在她的内心,她并没有屈服,没有泄气。
14.The League of Nations, with headquarters at Geneva, formed in 1919 after the First World War.总部设在日内瓦的国际联盟,成立于1919年第一次世界大战后。
15.The Change of the Correlation between Chinese Mainland Stock Markets and Other World Stock Markets and Its Impact on Portfolio Diversifications;中国内地股市与世界部分股市相关性的变化对投资组合的影响
16.The Internal Control Design on Engineering Management for New World Building Engineering Co.,Ltd.;新世界建筑工程有限公司工程管理内部控制设计
17.The Developing Guidance to China about the Inter-industry trade of Global Automobile Parts;世界汽车零部件产业内贸易发展带给中国的启示
18.The Negative Influence of World Heritage s Tourism Exploitation as Well as Reasonable Solutions;世界遗产旅游资源开发外部性内化的经济学分析

reliberation of the internal world内部世界再解放
3)Outside World外部世界
4)external world外部世界
1.Inherent oneself and the external world relation,are thousand problem that human being always ponders during the past century,core being that the world outlook is not allowed to avoid in problem.内在自我与外部世界的关系,是千百年来人类一直思索的问题,是世界观问题中不可回避的核心内容。
2.This article is going to discuss the problem of certainty from two aspects:1、the certainty of external world;2、the certainty of knowledge.本文将确定性问题理解为两个方面:1、外部世界的确定性问题;2、知识的确定性问题。
5)inner world内心世界
1.Figure as well as the poet s inner world;物象与诗人的内心世界──浅谈李商隐的几首爱情羁愁诗
2.Teachers ought to give students directions to pay attention to their inner world and to try to do well in self analysis,self evaluation,decision making,planning and self regulation,so as to accept the challenges in the social life in the future with a healthy personality.学生时代是自我意识形成的重要时期 ,教师应当引导学生注意他们的内心世界 ,使之能正确地分析、评价、抉择、设计和调控 ,从而能以健康的人格走进社会 ,迎接挑
3.The author further displays the anguish of Shen Congwen s inner world behind his writing by further discussing the history of the folk customs of western Hunan province.并进一步探讨湘西世界民风民情的历史构成,以此分析沈从文创作背后内心世界的隐痛。
6)indoor world室内世界

内部世界内部世界internal world  内部世界(internal world)内部世界为人的心理活动的总称。有些学者常以个体为界线,划分外部世界和内部世界。外部世界泛指社会、家庭和环境等:内部世界包括认知活动、情感活动和意志活动,同时也包括如世界观、价值观、能力、人格等心理特征。 (徐云撰梁宝勇审)